Chapter 138

"Hey, why, do you think I don't exist?" Jiang Hai frowned, looked dissatisfied at Lao Lu with a smile and sincere eyes, and said angrily: "You took away my show, and you want to take away my show." people?"

"Haha, no, Lao Jiang, you misunderstood." Lu Hong said with a smile: "Xiao Xu's program will be broadcast on our satellite TV channel, of course I will help and support her."

"What do you mean, I haven't given him enough help and support?" Jiang Hai asked.

"Old Jiang, don't think too much, I said this to make the show better." Lu Hong explained.

"Don't I want the show to be better?" Jiang Hai asked back.

"Give me back the wine!" Lu Hong stood up from his chair.

"I'll sell you another face." Jiang Hai hurriedly hugged the wine.

In fact, he is very clear that this revision of the satellite TV channel is the top priority of the station's work this year, and it is the director of the station who personally supervises it. For face, even if he disagrees, it's useless.


If you don't accept it, go to the director!

can he go

Certainly not!

At that time, instead of being able to keep the show, they will be labeled as "not talking about unity", "not talking about discipline" and "not talking about the overall situation".

He looked at Xu Jie on the side, and thought that this kid is really lucky. After so many years of broadcasting on the Literature and Art Channel, it was the first time that the entire program was moved to the satellite TV channel.

Moreover, the other party's program is broadcast just before the Spring Festival. This is the last chance for Beijing Satellite TV before the revision. There is no chance of entering the satellite TV channel, at least not in a short time.

Jiang Hai couldn't help but think of the scene when the young man took the copy and asked him for money to shoot the show.

At that time, New Year's Day was coming soon, and he was so busy with the New Year's Gala and Spring Festival Gala, he suggested that the other party wait for the Spring Festival to come back before filming, but the other party insisted on filming under the pressure of insufficient personnel and insufficient funds. Now that I think about it, this is God's will!

Lu Hong saw that Jiang Hai had stopped talking, so he looked at Xu Jie and said, "Xiao Xu, don't stress too much. I watched your program and it has new ideas and content. It's very good. As long as the second episode can It’s enough to maintain the production level of the first issue.”

"Director Lu, I have a question." Xu Jie said.

"What's the problem, ask quickly." Lu Hong said quickly. In fact, he has been waiting for the other party's questions, preferably big ones, problems that the art center can't solve. In this way, the advantages of the satellite TV program center can be highlighted. In the process of solving problems, people are subdued.

Who doesn't like talent?
"It's like this. If the program lands on Beijing Satellite TV, what about the production budget?" Xu Jie asked: "I'm currently preparing for the shooting of the second phase of "Delicious History", but due to the problem of production funds, it has not started. I'm worried that if it continues to drag on, it will affect the broadcast time of the second episode."

After Xu Jie finished speaking, he showed a very anxious look.

"By the way." Jiang Hai sat up abruptly after hearing this, "I almost forgot, Mr. Ding from Daniu Yogurt is still in my office, and he is here to discuss the program sponsorship fees."

After hearing this, Lu Hong said, "Don't worry, the sponsorship will be discussed for you. As for the program's production budget, Xiao Xu, you can go back and make a program production budget and give it to me next Monday."

"Yes, Director Lu." Xu Jie smiled.

"Your program will initially be scheduled at 21:18 in the evening, which is after the Golden Theater, and the duration will be about 25 minutes. In addition, I hope you can add some content to the program that can reflect the modern style of the city." Lu Hong watched Xu Jie said.

"I see." Xu Jie nodded.

Isn't it just adding a little modern drama?The duration is 5 minutes longer than the original, which can be used to enrich the content in this aspect.

"If there is nothing else, I'll go back first." Xu Jie said, he just wanted to make the budget form quickly.

"Well, by the way, there will be a resource promotion conference next Wednesday, remember to attend it with Director Jiang." Lu Hong instructed.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback. He knew that this promotion meeting was held by Beijing Satellite TV every year, with the purpose of promoting satellite TV programs and increasing their influence.

In addition to the major advertising sponsors, the leaders of Beijing TV Station and the heads of various high-quality satellite TV programs were present. It can be said that it is a grand event for Beijing TV to show the hard power of the program to the outside world.

He never thought that he would be able to appear in this promotion meeting as the person in charge of the program. This feeling was like a dream.

When Xu Jie came home, Su Yun was not there, and went to acting class again.

He came to the room, turned on the computer, and began to make the program budget.

Among all the channels of Beijing TV Station, the satellite TV channel is the richest, because it is open to the whole country, so the advertising sponsorship fee is naturally much higher than other channels.

Just now, Director Lu asked him to make a program production budget. Judging from the situation, Director Lu should be in charge of all future program production costs.

Thinking of this, Xu Jie also gained confidence and dared to write more.

Program production budget.

Program Title: A Tasty History.

language Chinese.

Length: 25 minutes (1 episode).

Production cycle: 30 days.

Pre-production costs...

Production team fees...

Cost of extras (excluding stars)...

Post-production costs...

other fee……

Xu Jie wrote while thinking, and added everything he could think of. Whether he could approve it was one thing, but whether he could write it or not was another matter.

Asking for funds from Taili is just like doing business. You can bargain. If Director Lu thinks it is too high, he can also reduce the price. Anyway, all the expenses are more than enough, but if you give a cost price at the beginning, once Director Lu wants to bargain , he didn't even have room to maneuver.

There is no way, I am afraid of living in poverty.

The last time I stayed up all night to save money for filming, the snot in my nose flowed from the cold in the end, which has already left a psychological shadow.

Xu Jie calculated three times with a calculator, and finally wrote down the total cost.

The total cost of the above budget: 15 yuan (RMB).

Well, not even 1 yuan was spared.

In the evening, when Su Yun came home, Xu Jie immediately consulted the actors.

"I'm going to shoot the second episode of my show, and I'm working on a show budget. I'd like to ask you, an expert, how much is extra money for a day?" Xu Jie asked as he followed him up to the second floor.

"Congratulations!" Su Yun said with a smile, then thought seriously for a while and replied: "50 to 100 group performances, no more than 120 at most, and an extra 8 yuan per hour after 10 hours."

Probably thinking about something, Su Yun didn't notice that Xu Jie went up to the second floor.

After hearing this, Xu Jie was taken aback. Do you need to pay more after 8 hours?Then I wrote less.

"Where are the stars?" Xu Jie asked again.

"Star?" Su Yun looked at Xu Jie in surprise, "Do you still want to invite stars for your show? How much money?"

She still remembered that the man told him that the budget for each episode of the first issue was only 2000, let alone invite celebrities, and even the celebrities would not be able to meet.

"I don't want to invite either, but the sponsor likes it, so I can't help it." Xu Jie spread his hands.

"Are you sponsored? That's okay." Su Yun heard her hand say: "A daily calculation, first-tier stars are paid several million a day, second-tier stars are around 100 million, and third-tier stars are hundreds of thousands..."

"Fuck, so expensive?" Xu Jie was taken aback, knowing that it was easy for celebrities to make money, but he didn't expect it to be so easy.

"For this price, some actors need a good script to be hired." Su Yun said.

"Then how much do you pay per day?" Xu Jie asked curiously.

Su Yun stopped outside the clothing room, looked at Xu Jie with a smile and asked, "Why, do you still want to invite me? It was agreed in advance that I will charge you next time."

"It's not me who pays, what am I afraid of?" Xu Jie said indifferently.

"Me, not necessarily. If I have a good script or a good opportunity, I can act with zero pay. If it's a big production, the starting price is 50 a day." Su Yun walked into the clothing room after speaking.

Xu Jie thought about the remuneration of these stars, and then thought about his crazy increase in production fees, and the guilt in his heart disappeared without a trace.

Go back and pay more!


 Thanks for the 100 starting coins rewarded by book friend Nuhai Footprint!
(End of this chapter)

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