The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 139 Good Horses Don't Eat Grass

Chapter 139: A Good Horse Never Turns Back

On Monday, after Xu Jie came to the unit, he went straight to the satellite TV program center, and handed over the copywriting and program production budget that he had written over the weekend to Director Lu.

"Thanks for your hard work." After reading the copy, Lu Hong smiled and said to the young man in front of him, "Your copy is wonderful, and I'm already looking forward to the second episode."

Xu Jie didn't relax when he heard it, and stared straight at the budget sheet that the other party just picked up. He remembered that when he was doing the first issue of "Delicious History", there was only one budget sheet, but this time, he made a total of three .

If there are too many tables, the budget will naturally increase, especially after learning about the group performance market, the cost of one episode has risen to 1, and I don't know if it can be approved, anyway, he is ready to reduce the price.

Lu Hong looked at the budget and asked, "I heard from Director Jiang that your production fee for the first phase is an average of 6 per episode?"

"Ah?" Xu Jie was taken aback.

6 per episode?
Isn't it 2000?
The total cost of the first phase is only 1.

But since Director Jiang said it, he can't refute it. After all, he is still a member of the art program center, and each episode is exported at 6.

The most important thing is that the increase in the production fee from 6 to 15 will seem more reasonable, not as outrageous as the increase from 2000 to 15.

"En." Xu Jie answered vaguely.

Lu Hong didn't doubt it. After all, the ratings are there, and no matter how high the production cost is, people will believe it.

"The content of the first program is fine, but some production details are indeed a bit rough, such as the time-traveling scene, which looks a little blunt, and the props are also more manageable." Lu Hong raised his head and looked at Xu. Jie said: "Since it is going to be broadcast on our satellite TV channel, we must strive for excellence in program production and dedicate the best programs to TV audiences across the country."

"Director Lu, I think the same way, so the funding is higher than the first phase." Xu Jie said cheekily. His mother taught him since he was a child. If you are thick-skinned, you can eat enough, but if you are thin-skinned, you can't afford it. It is right to listen to his mother.

"Well." After reading the three budget sheets, Lu Hong said: "I have read the budget sheets, and they are very detailed. There is no problem. I will give you program production funds according to this budget..."


Xu Jie was taken aback for a moment, and agreed so easily?
No demands, no bargaining?

Sure enough, it was a satellite TV channel, rich and powerful.

I heard from Fat Brother that the production fee for the first episode of a variety show on the satellite TV channel is as high as several million. In comparison, his production fee is just a drop in the bucket.

"In the future, your post-production can also be obtained from our satellite TV program center, which is better than the art program center in terms of hardware and software." Lu Hong continued.

Xu Jie looked solemn, and because of this unprecedented support, he must make the show better.

"Director Lu, when will the stars invited to participate in the filming be ready?" Xu Jie asked. He plans to start work as soon as possible, and it will be completed by the end of the month, and it will be broadcast smoothly next month.

Lu Hong thought for a while, then looked at Xu Jie and asked, "Do you think it is necessary to invite stars for this show?"

Xu Jie was taken aback for a moment, didn't the other party want to invite celebrities?
"For me, it doesn't matter if you don't invite celebrities, because the main content of the show is content. If there are celebrities, it can be filmed, and if there are no celebrities, it can be filmed." Xu Jie said.

When filming the first episode, only Su Yun had a cameo appearance in one episode, and there were no stars in the other episodes, so the ratings were still high?
"If celebrities participate in the filming, will it affect the effect of the show?" Lu Hong asked again.

"No, it's just a cameo role in the story. In terms of influence, it will only bring small surprises to fans." Xu Jie replied, Su Yun is the best example.

Lu Hong thought about it for a while, and then said: "Actually, I have already communicated with the heads of several companies that may become program sponsors. They tend to invite celebrities to participate in the filming, and they are willing to bear the expenses of the celebrities. We have to wait for the end of the resource promotion meeting and decide on the sponsors later.”


Sponsors pay to invite celebrities, and which celebrity to invite is naturally up to the sponsors, otherwise, wouldn't the money be wasted?
Xu Jie left Director Lu's office and was called to the office by Director Jiang as soon as he returned to the Arts Program Center.

"Is the budget approved?" Jiang Hai asked.

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded.

"How much is 1 episode?"


Jiang Hai said with a surprised face: "Okay, boy, I dare to ask for it."

"Isn't this trying to make the show better?" Xu Jie said with a smile: "By the way, Director Lu told me just now that you told him that the production fee for the first episode was 1 per episode?"

"Well, that's right." Seeing Xu Jie's puzzled eyes, Jiang Hai explained: "I said this for your own good. I said 1 for one episode. Director Lu will give you at least 6 for the show to be better. Lao Lu is such a person, as long as the program is good, he will never care about the production fee."

"Yeah!" Xu Jie had already seen it just now, and the funding was approved as soon as it was approved, without even blinking his eyes.

"Okay, you go out." Jiang Hai said, he was relieved until he saw Xu Jie leave.

In fact, the reason why he said that to Director Lu was also a little selfish besides helping his subordinates.

At the beginning when Xu Jie asked him for funding, he only gave 1 yuan for the production of one episode. If Lu Hong knew this figure, he would definitely laugh at him for his lack of vision and unwillingness to pay for such a good show, so he resorted to a trick to push things along , not only helped his subordinates, but also won face.


1 month 13 number.

The day of the Capital Satellite TV Resource Promotion Conference.

At 15:30 in the afternoon, Xu Jie followed Jiang Hai to the International Convention and Exhibition Center of the Capital Hotel, accompanied by Qin Yan and Tao Jing, the deputy director of the Art Program Center.

The promotion meeting will be held at 16:16, and participants need to enter the venue half an hour in advance.

As soon as Xu Jie entered the gate of the exhibition center, he saw several familiar faces in the hall, all of whom were the leaders of various programs of Beijing TV Station.

"Lao Li, Lao Zhou, you're here so early." Jiang Hai took the initiative to walk over to say hello.

Li Donglai immediately turned his back when he saw Jiang Hai, pretending not to see it.

"Lao Jiang, I heard that the program "Delicious History" of your art center is going to be a star?" Zhou Zhenghua, the director of the sports program center, asked.

"Yes, alas, our art channel has lost another trump card program." Jiang Hai sighed deeply.

"Don't get cheap here and act like a good boy. Although the show is aired on the satellite TV channel, the results are still from your art center. Go and have fun behind your back." Zhou Zhenghua's words were full of envy and jealousy.

The more hit shows, the greater the chance of promotion, which is a manifestation of leadership.

"Who wants to steal the fun? I'll just be happy, haha." Jiang Hai said arrogantly: "But I have to thank Lao Li a lot. If Lao Li didn't agree, Xiao Xu... would be the director of "Delicious History" It is also planning, and it will not be transferred from the life program center to our art center."

Li Donglai, who was not far away, turned green when he heard it.

He just didn't want to mention this matter again, so he pretended not to see Jiang Hai and Xu Jie.

Doesn't he regret it?
He regrets it too.

But what can I do now?Everyone was transferred away.

Because of this incident, he now has to take a detour when he sees Wang Jingmin.

"Old Li, what's the situation?" Zhou Zhenghua asked in surprise: "If you think you have too many talents, you can share some with me, so that my sports channel will also be popular."

Li Donglai was so angry that he almost vomited blood. Isn't this calling him blind?
"Stop chatting, go in quickly." Li Donglai said in a deep voice, and walked towards the west hall with a dark face.

Jiang Hai deliberately walked slowly, and lightly bumped Xu Jie with his shoulder, "How is it, did you feel good?"

"What?" Xu Jie looked away from Li Donglai's back.

Jiang Hai patted Xu Jie on the shoulder, and said in a low voice, "As long as you follow me, I won't let you get angry."

Xu Jie looked at Director Jiang, then at Li Donglai's direction, and immediately understood what the other party meant.

"Director, I understand the truth that good horses never turn their heads back." Xu Jie said seriously.

"Yeah." Jiang Hai nodded, and then asked again: "What do you think of the satellite TV program center?"

"Generally, our art center is more interesting." Xu Jie said.

"Of course, there is no place as interesting as the literary and art circle." Jiang Hai said proudly, finally showing a satisfied smile on his face.


 Thanks to the book friend Lao Niu who walked in the jungle for the reward of 500 starting coins, and thanks to the book friend who swallowed thousands of miles for the reward of 100 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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