The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 140 Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers

Chapter 140 Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers
The West Hall of the Convention and Exhibition Center is arranged in a theater style, and a temporary stage is built in front of it. Flowers of various colors make the place colorful and full of vigor and vitality.

At this time, many people have come to the hall, including the leaders of the TV station, advertising sponsors, celebrities, and media reporters. It is bustling and bustling.

Xu Jie came to the area where the various program centers of Beijing TV Station were located. Others quickly found seats, but he did not see the chair with his name on it.

There is no cultural program center, no life program center, and even a sports program center, but there is still nothing.

"Could it be that Director Lu forgot?" Jiang Hai searched for Lu Hong everywhere, but he didn't see anyone. Finally, he could only beckon for an on-site staff member, and this staff member was also an employee of the TV station.

"Director Jiang, what's the matter?" the staff member asked.

"We need a few chairs here." Jiang Hai pointed to Xu Jie who was standing next to him.

"No way, we have repeatedly checked the list of participants, and we will never make a mistake." The staff said seriously, and then looked at the admission badge hanging on Xu Jie's body. When he saw the name on it, he immediately He asked politely: "Excuse me, are you Xu Jie, the director of "Delicious History", Mr. Xu?"

"It's me." Xu Jie said.

"It's like this, your seat is in the first row, with the directors of other programs on the satellite TV channel." The staff pointed to the front row of the venue.


Everyone was taken aback when they heard it.

first row?
Shouldn't that be where the leaders and important guests of the station sit?Even the leaders of these various program centers don't have that kind of treatment.

But then I thought about it, today is the Capital Satellite TV resource promotion meeting, and the main promotion is the excellent programs of the satellite TV channel, so the director and person in charge of the program should sit at the front, because they are the protagonists of this promotion meeting.

"Xiao Xu, you can go." Jiang Hai said.

Xu Jie nodded.

"Teacher Xu, please follow me." The staff walked in front and led the way.

Zhou Zhenghua leaned over, looked at Jiang Hai and said, "Lao Jiang, you're such a good guy."

Jiang Hai smiled triumphantly, and said, "Of course, you don't want to see who brought it out. Haven't you heard that a strong general has no weak soldiers?"

Li Donglai on the other side had a sullen face, thinking: I have only been on your art channel for a few days, and now I have become a soldier brought out by you?

Xu Jie came down to the first row under the guidance of the staff, and sure enough, he saw the name tag with the name of the show and his name on the back of one of the chairs.

"Delicious History" by Xu Jie.

"Teacher Xu, please sit down." The staff pointed to the chair.

"Thank you." Xu Jie sat down. At the same time, he could clearly feel that many eyes were looking at him.

After all, the person sitting in the first row will definitely receive the attention of others. As soon as Xu Jie's butt was seated, a cameraman walked over with a camera on his shoulder and pointed the lens at him.

Xu Jie is a reporter. It is commonplace to face the camera. He has also participated in film festivals and walked the red carpet. In contrast, today's promotion meeting is also a small scene.

He sat calmly on his seat, smiled and waved at the camera. When he came, he heard from Qin Yan that the stage would report on the promotion meeting every year, and he didn't know if there would be a camera of him.

The cameraman left, and he began to look around. It was okay if he didn’t look at it, but he was taken aback when he saw it. On his left was the producer of the program "I'm Waiting for You in the Forbidden City". When this program was launched last year, it caused a wave of cultural relics craze.

On his right is the director of "Life Prescription". Although it is a late-night emotional program, it often triggers thinking about life. It is a very in-depth program and won an award last year.

A little further in the middle is the person in charge of popular programs, such as "Crossover Singer" and "Comedy Conference". These two are the ace variety shows of Beijing Satellite TV, and they want to compete with the variety shows of other satellite TV channels across the country. For viewers, the advertising revenue in one season can reach hundreds of millions, and today even invited celebrities to help out, which is quite rich and powerful.

Xu Jie withdrew his gaze. Others either have influence, connotations, or celebrities. What does he have?Why are you sitting with these people?

Xu Jie began to seriously think about this issue.

Yes, my own program is down to earth!

People depend on food, and their programs are closer to life, and most importantly, they can satisfy cravings!
You are waiting for me in the Forbidden City, but I can't go; you give me a prescription for life, and I decide my life; you can be a singer across borders, can I be a singer across borders?
Well, let's sit down and eat something delicious.

After thinking it over clearly, Xu Jie straightened his back, and his body began to exude the energy of a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers.

Not long after, a staff member came to the front and said with a microphone: "Guests and friends, the recommendation meeting will start soon, please sit in your seats."

Hearing this voice, the venue immediately fell silent, and the people standing in the aisle also returned to their seats one after another.

After a few minutes.

The venue suddenly darkened, and then an exciting music sounded, and the golden lights began to flicker non-stop.

At this time, two hosts, two men, three women, and five hostesses from the Beijing TV Station stepped onto the stage. The spirit of the men, the beauty of the women, and the combination of handsome men and beautiful women instantly attracted the attention of everyone present.

As the music ended, the five hosts stood in a row on the stage with microphones in their hands, and said with full emotion: "Respected leaders, guests, and all friends at the scene, good afternoon everyone, welcome to the 2022 Beijing Satellite TV The site of the resource promotion meeting..."

Xu Jie listened carefully, not daring to relax in the slightest. As a person sitting in the first row, the camera would pass in front of him from time to time. If he was distracted at this time, it would not only discredit the representative’s program, It even discredited the entire TV station.

According to the program of the promotion meeting, the director of the station will give a speech first, and then Lu Hong, the director of the satellite TV program center, will speak on behalf of the satellite TV channel. The highlight of the promotion meeting will be the introduction of the revised programs of the satellite TV channel.

"In 2022, Beijing Satellite TV has brought together a large number of excellent programs. "Crossover Singer" and "Crossover Comedian" are the best in crossover programs, and will continue to create the "crossover" brand series... ..."

Following the host's introduction, the two large screens next to the stage also began to play the promotional video of the program, and the cameras in the audience also pointed their lenses at the producers and stars of the two programs.

"In the field of culture, "I'm Waiting for You in the Forbidden City" and "Meeting the Great Wall" will be upgraded in content to continue to show you the regional culture of the capital, and the second episode of "Delicious History" will also be broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV. Show the food culture of the city in the form of stories.”

The big screen on the stage began to play the highlights of the first issue of "Delicious History", and finally attached the classic promotional poster. Xu Jie turned his back to the camera, holding a large frying spoon in his left hand and a briefcase in his right...

At the same time, the camera in the audience was once again aimed at Xu Jie, his face was full of confidence, this was his highlight moment.


 Thank you book friend Xiao Guan for the 100 starting coins from Congo, and thank you book friend Zhang Jiaxiaokang for the 100 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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