Chapter 141

The Capital Satellite TV Resource Promotion Meeting ended in a warm atmosphere.

Xu Jie was about to leave when he was called aside by Tao Hong, director of the program center of Satellite TV.

"Xu Jie, about the sponsor, Taili has confirmed that it is Daniu Yoghurt." Tao Hong said while bringing Xu Jie to several people, "This is Mr. Ding of Daniu Yoghurt, Mr. Ding, This is Xu Jie, the director of "A Delicious History."

"Ha, Teacher Xu and I have met, we are acquaintances." Ding Quan'an said with a smile.

"Hello, Mr. Ding." Xu Jie greeted the other party politely.

Tao Hong looked at Xu Jie at this moment and said, "That's right. I have already asked Mr. Ding for his opinion. In order to better promote the program and attract more viewers, Mr. Ding decided to invite celebrities to participate in the filming."

Xu Jie nodded, he had expected such a result.

Since the brand intends to sponsor, of course it hopes that the ratings of the program will be as high as possible.

How to increase the ratings of the program?Inviting stars to participate is undoubtedly the most direct way.

In this way, more people will watch the program, and the popularity of the product will increase. By the way, it can also earn money from star fans. This is called star effect, fan economy.

"Which celebrity will be invited?" Xu Jie asked.

"Our Daniu Yogurt has four brand spokespersons, Chen Chao, Yang Yihan, Liu Ying, and Huang Qian. Teacher Xu will decide the fifth one." Mr. Ding said with a smile: "The salary is the same as that of the other four celebrities. Same, 150 million a day."

This is a kind of favor, and it is also a favor. Its purpose is very simple, that is, to hope that the director can shoot the show well.

With "one of my own", will the director still neglect it?Certainly not.

Xu Jie was not happy after hearing this, but sighed secretly.

The production budget for the first episode of my own program is less than 80 yuan, and I am still worried when I want it, but what about the stars?A day's salary is 150 million. It's really popular. This one in front of you is the real local tyrant.

"Xu Jie, when are you going to start work?" Tao Hong pointed to the date on his watch, "Today is already the 13th, and you don't have much time left."

"When the funds arrive, I will start working!" Xu Jie said, if he hadn't had no money, he would have started working long ago.

"Tomorrow, I will transfer the funds to the account of your program group." Tao Hong said.

"Then I'll start work tomorrow."


At night, when Xu Jie came home, he didn't see Su Yun, but he saw a large bowl of steaming vegetable soup on the dining table, which contained various vegetables such as onions, peppers, and tomatoes.

Xu Jie looked in the direction of the second floor, could it be the food reserved for him?
He remembered telling Su Yun before leaving this morning that there was a resource promotion meeting in the station this afternoon, and he didn't know when it would end, so he didn't need to cook for him tonight.

It seems that there is no work, idle!

However, compared with the usual big table, today's dinner is a bit shabby.

Xu Jie didn't care too much, picked up the bowl and started drinking.

He was hungry, and he was already frozen through the walk from the gate of the community to the villa, and now he urgently needed something hot to drink to warm his body.

The taste of the soup is as strange as ever, with the sourness of tomatoes, the sweetness of onions, the bitterness of cabbage, the spiciness of peppers, and the rush of celery. Possibly Meng Po’s soup tastes like this, but Su Yun’s cooking is delicious. More, and you will get used to it over time.

Xu Jie returned to his room after drinking a bowl, and came out to drink another bowl after changing clothes. At this moment, he saw Su Yun standing in the dining room holding the bowl, with a bit of doubt on his face.

"Don't worry, it's all eaten up." Xu Jie patted his stomach to prove that he had indeed eaten and didn't throw it away.

"What did you drink?" Su Yunxiu frowned slightly.

"Of course, I don't believe you." Xu Jie hiccupped at the other party.

"But, this is my slimming soup!" Su Yun said.

"Ah?" Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it, and then said with a smile, "Don't make trouble, it's obviously vegetable soup."


Xu Jie looked at Su Yun, who didn't speak, but the doubt on his face was replaced by a smile.

Uh, it can't be true, can it?

No wonder it is shabby, no wonder there is no staple food, it turned out to be slimming soup.

"You're already so skinny, why are you drinking slimming soup and messing around!" Xu Jie said angrily, really wanting to spit out his throat.

The next half month will be a very busy half month. He also wants to make up for himself in advance, so that his body will have a little more flesh, and he will also be able to resist the cold when he is filming outside, right?

In the end, what a crime!
"Maybe it's because I've been too free lately. I measured it when I went to do skin care today, and it's a full two catties higher than when I was on New Year's Day." Su Yun pinched her stomach and waist with regret, as if she wanted to pull the flesh on it. go down.

"Is the scale broken? I don't think there is any change." Xu Jie said while looking at the other party. He still has a say in Su Yun's figure, after all, he watches the other party practice every night.

"It's just because I don't think there's any change, so it's even more terrifying." Su Yun said seriously: "If you gain two catties, you will appear ten catties fatter on TV."

"An activity again?" Xu Jie asked happily. He hoped that the other party would be busy. Only when a celebrity is busy means he is popular. The more leisurely, the cooler.

"No." Su Yun shook her head.

"What are you afraid of without you?" Xu Jie rolled his eyes at the other party.

"I have to be prepared all the time." Su Yun said, "And I have a movie in the next year, have you forgotten?"

Xu Jie remembered the script he had read for the other party, and it seemed that the filming would start after the next year.

Xu Jie suddenly thought of something, he thought about it for a while, and thought it was feasible, so he looked at Su Yun excitedly and asked, "Hey, the second episode of my show will start filming tomorrow, do you want to come and star in an episode?"

Su Yun walked into the restaurant, took a bowl and filled the pot with slimming soup, and said, "Didn't I tell you? Next time you invite me, you will be charged."

Xu Jie hummed when he heard it, and said arrogantly: "150 million a day, do you want to do it?"

Su Yun returned to the dining room with the slimming soup, looked at Xu Jie who was sitting on the chair with his legs crossed, and asked curiously, "Did you win the lottery?"

Xu Jie smiled, then shook his head, "You think too much, if I won the lottery, I wouldn't spend the money on hiring actors if I was killed."

After finishing speaking, he put down his legs, looked at the woman seriously and said, "That's it, isn't my show has 5 episodes? 1 episode invites 1 guest star, the sponsor arranges 4 spokespersons, and there is still 1 quota It was given to me, the salary is 150 million a day, and the only celebrity I know is you, besides, the fat water does not flow to outsiders, there is such a good thing to make money, how can I forget you?"

After hearing this, Su Yun smiled and said, "Okay, you've already started to deal with capital? But is your sponsor short-sighted? Is he crazy to sponsor so much money for a program on a terrestrial channel?"

It was just a joke to say that the fee is just a joke. It is also a good thing for her to be a guest on a man's show. It can not only increase her exposure, but also exercise her acting skills. Anyway, beating a child on a rainy day means that she is idle when she is idle.

"Huh? Didn't I tell you?" Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, and then said, "From the second episode onwards, my program will be broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV, and it will still be at 21:18 in the evening."


Su Yun looked at the man in surprise, with disbelief written all over her face.


 Thanks to the book friends who don’t have the same name as the reward of 1500 starting coins, thanks to Lao Niu who walked in the jungle for rewarding 500 starting coins, and thanked Changjiang Wuweiwei for rewarding 100 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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