The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 142 I Can Prosper!

Chapter 142 I Can Prosper!

The prime time is the period of time when the number of TV viewers is the largest, usually between 19:00 and 22:00, and it is also called the evening time within the TV station, and it is a must for all major provincial satellite TVs.

The programs broadcast during this time period, in addition to well-produced TV drama theaters, are high-profile popular variety shows, or some programs with exciting content. In other words, they are all TV stations that can be scheduled during this time period Excellent program with high expectations.

When Su Yunji's Xu Jie filmed the first episode of "Delicious History", it was not only broadcast on terrestrial channels such as the Art Channel of Beijing TV Station, but also scheduled to be broadcast at midnight after 22:30. Why is it suddenly being broadcast? Has it been transferred to the prime time of Beijing Satellite TV?
"You sold yourself?" Su Yun asked suspiciously, her eyes kept sizing up the man.

"Almost." Xu Jie pointed at his own brain, "I'm selling the talent inside."

After hearing this, Su Yun felt strange, why did she want to vomit before she started drinking the slimming soup?
Of course, she is talented in becoming the other party, but this kind of words have to be heard from other people's mouths, and it can only make people feel sick when they are said from their own mouths.

"Your program is really going to be aired on Beijing Satellite TV?" Su Yun still couldn't believe it, it seems that today is not April Fool's Day.

"Don't talk nonsense, just ask if you will act in this show, and will you earn the money?" Xu Jie said impatiently. He was completely kind. Even he himself was greedy for such a rare opportunity. Go out, dive yourself.

"Earn, of course, who would think too much money?" Su Yun looked at Xu Jie after finishing speaking, and suddenly asked, "Hey, do you want to give you some kickbacks?"

Xu Jie frowned immediately when he heard it, and said with a righteous face: "Who do you think I am? A gentleman loves money and gets it in a proper way. I owe you the 150 million?"

"I didn't say I would give you 150 million." Su Yun said.

"Hey, I don't want any amount of money, and this money is not as easy to earn as you think. This time, I not only let you play a role in the story, but also need you to make this delicacy yourself." Xu Jie seriously Said.

Originally, he was going to teach other female stars, but since the sponsor gave him such an opportunity to choose a female star, this learning task naturally fell on Su Yun's shoulders.

"Isn't that not easy?" Su Yun said confidently, "It's not like you don't know my cooking skills. I'm the best at making delicious food."


Xu Jie thought silently in his heart: I already know your cooking skills, so this money is not easy to earn.

For someone who knows how to fry shredded potatoes, he wouldn't even say that.

"Don't just sit here!" Su Yun stood up at this time, and said with a positive attitude: "Aren't you going to start filming the second episode of the show tomorrow? Let's start now, yes, I will do it What food?"

"The imperial cheese of the old capital." Xu Jie said.

The 5 Beijing delicacies selected this time, the palace cheese of the old capital is one of them.

"I've eaten it!" Su Yun raised her hands and said excitedly, "I've liked to eat since I was a child, and I'm learning it now."

After speaking, he took out his mobile phone and started searching online.


Xu Jie looked at the other party speechlessly. If you can learn it online, why do you need a teacher?
Even if the other party wants to find out by herself, but with this woman's cooking skills, she may not be able to learn it in a few more episodes, and it is possible to be useless.

As Su Yun walked towards the kitchen, she stared at her mobile phone and read: "Pour the rice wine and rice juice into a bowl covered with a cage cloth, squeeze it tightly with your hands and squeeze out the rice wine juice, take a small measuring cup, and use 2: Pour the pure milk and rice wine juice into another bowl at a ratio of 1...after it cools down, put it in the refrigerator. It's so simple!"

As he spoke, he began to prepare the raw materials and utensils used to make the palace cheese.

Xu Jie sat quietly at the side. He was going to give the other party a chance, not because he believed in the other party's cooking skills, but because he felt that the other party was a little overconfident now, and he had to hit him, otherwise he would not be able to recognize himself.

However, with the foundation of cooking during this period of time, although the meals Su Yun made were not very good, the movements looked decent.

This is a good thing for Xu Jie, because the show needs to film all the food making process, and he wants to set up a character for Su Yun as a good wife. If the movements are blunt and messy, it is easy to be picky The audience can see that when the character design is reversed, not only will it not become a highlight, but it will also affect the entire story and even the effect of the entire episode.

In contrast, how the food tastes is not so important, as long as it looks good, the audience will not be able to eat it anyway.

Otherwise, do you think that in food shows, the meals made by stars who stand as chefs are really so delicious?
The cooking is acting, and the eating is also acting, all for the effect of the show.

Of course, it's not that the food cooked by celebrities is not delicious, it's just that it's not as delicious as everyone imagined.

As for looking delicious, there are filters in this world.

Su Yun stirred and baked, and finally put the bowl in the refrigerator to chill.

two hours later.

Su Yun couldn't wait to open the refrigerator, and took out the big guy whose time was up. Just as she was about to show it to Xu Jie, she stopped.

Normal court cheese is congealed together, like jelly, which can be described in one word as "frost jade", but the one in her bowl is still a mixture of milk and rice wine.

"It shouldn't be!" Su Yun frowned, then poured out the mixture in the bowl, "I'll try again."

"Don't try." Xu Jie put down the phone, "Let me teach you."

It's already past nine o'clock in the evening. Try again and it will be twelve o'clock. What if it fails again?
He didn't want to sit here with each other all night.

"I'll do it again, you can watch from the side, and ask if you don't understand." Xu Jie walked into the kitchen, rolled up his sleeves, and started to operate.

This is how to make delicious food. It looks simple and difficult to use.

Regardless of the small bowl of palace cheese, the mixing of rice wine and milk, and the grasp of the heat when roasting, these are all knowledge.

It is said that the most authentic dairy shop selling imperial cheese in the capital now employs the heirs of the imperial dining room to guide them, dig out and sort out more than a dozen secret recipes of the imperial palace, and only then reproduce the original taste of imperial cheese. You can learn how to do it. These shops have closed down a long time ago, and the imperial chef would have to hang himself today.

twelve o'clock in the evening.

Xu Jie took the bowl out of the refrigerator, and as he walked step by step, the top layer of cheese trembled.


Xu Jie took a sip with a spoon.

The entrance is ice cold, the water is tender, very delicate, and the milk flavor is strong, but compared with the ones sold outside, there is still a big gap. Of course, it cannot be seen from the appearance.

"Delicious!" Su Yun stretched out her finger after eating and gave a thumbs up.

"Have you seen the meeting?" Xu Jie asked.

"Yes, I will." Su Yun nodded resolutely.

"do it."

"it is good."

Su Yun walked into the kitchen again.

Xu Jie didn't dare to leave, so he stood behind the other party and watched. After watching for a while, his brows suddenly raised.

"Wrong, you can't pour rice wine into the milk just after it's boiled, it has to cool down to about 40 degrees." Xu Jie reminded.

"Really?" Su Yun responded, and started to redo.

"Too much wine!" Xu Jie said.

"Oh, then I'll add more milk." Su Yun thought she was smart.

"Hey, that's cold milk, can I pour it in without heating it?"

"Huh? I forgot!"

Xu Jie was depressed and anxious, and he said bitterly: "When I was doing it just now, I didn't see you ask. You can't do this little thing well, so what else can you do?"

Ladies, if you want to be on TV, can you be more serious?
Su Yun looked up at Xu Jie, "I can prosper."

"Wangfu?" Xu Jie frowned again.

"Yes, think about it, has your career gotten better and better since you married me?" Su Yun said eloquently.

Xu Jie was startled, but was speechless.

You are really a little Vanves expert!


 Thanks to book friends 20210720232846031 for the 1000 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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