The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 146 You have today too!

Chapter 146 You have today too!
The selection of stuffed duck is very particular. In addition to white skin, uniform pores, and moderate size, you must also touch its meat quality. Choose the kind with a little thinner fat. Generally speaking, it is the "three good", good growth, good skin, and meat quality. it is good.

In fact, this is the same as a woman picking a partner, and the final fate is also very similar, they are all ugly, live long, handsome, and die quickly.

After slaughtering and losing feathers, you can’t cut through the abdomen like ordinary ducks. Instead, you have to dig holes from the position of the duck’s wings to take out the internal organs, wash them repeatedly with clean water, blow air into them, and blow up the duck skin. The most critical point , Use a plug to block the duck's butt. Uncle Guo said that the purpose of doing this is to keep the duck fat in the body, and it will be fragrant from the inside to the outside after roasting.

All this seems to be very simple, but it is not easy to operate in practice. Xu Jie thinks that he can learn things very quickly. After all, he has the background of a chef. It took five or six ducks to get the hang of it, but Uncle Guo said it was very fast, and he didn't know if he was comforting him, but Manager Song kept sighing: "It's worthy of being a duck killer. I learned it a few times." Can operate proficiently.

At this point, the next step is the roasting session. Uncle Guo loaded the killed ducks into the car, and then drove back to his shop. There is a room in the courtyard behind the shop that has been converted into a roast duck oven, all of which are made of refractory bricks. It is said that this kind of stove was used by the time-honored roast ducks in Beijing decades ago.

Xu Jie thought about it, the ducks were picked out, and the stove was in place, can we start roasting now?
However, Uncle Guo talked about the wood used for roast duck.

"The wood used for roast duck must be fruit wood, preferably jujube wood, so that the roasted duck is not only maroon red, but also has a faint fragrance of jujube fruit, followed by peach wood, pear wood, and apple wood. Roast duck is very particular, that is, it pays attention to every link, authentic roast duck is expensive, and part of it is also expensive because of the fruit wood, like the jujube wood I use, if I don’t know someone, I can’t buy it in the market.”

Holding a recording pen in his hand, Xu Jie recorded all Uncle Guo's words. These words can appear in the narration of the story, and the words of a decades-old roast duck master are quite important.

The study runs from morning to noon, and from noon to evening. The roast duck restaurant opens at 16:00 on weekdays. Because of teaching Xu Jie, it didn’t finish roasting until after 18:20 today. Fortunately, many regular customers are willing to wait, otherwise The [-] roast ducks can only be eaten by Xu Jie himself.

It was already 20:00 when Xu Jie came home, and when the roast duck was sold out, Uncle Guo told him some secrets of making roast duck. The technology was brought into the soil to promote food culture. No matter what, Xu Jie learned a lot, including roast duck, and brought back two boxes.

"You are off work, come quickly!"

As soon as Xu Jie entered the house, Su Yun dragged him to the dining room, and saw 5 bowls of royal cheese placed on the dining table, although they were all milky white, but compared together, you can still see some subtle differences .

Obviously, Su Yun practiced at home again during the day, and at least 5 times.

"Try it, which bowl is the most delicious!" Su Yun put the spoon into Xu Jie's hand, and she almost had to feed it herself.

"Wait a minute, I'm going to change clothes." Xu Jie pointed to his room. Today he played with ducks all day, catching, killing and roasting, and he smelled like ducks.

"Taste the cheese I made first!" Su Yun pressed Xu Jie on the chair. In order to prevent Xu Jie from leaving, she snatched the spoon from Xu Jie's hand, dug it quickly and put it into Xu Jie's mouth.

Finally decided to feed it myself.

"No, I'll do it myself." Xu Jie tilted his head back.

Without further ado, Su Yun stuffed the spoon into the man's mouth.

Xu Jie tasted it, and compared with the one from last night, the sour taste was not so obvious.

"Very good." Xu Jie said.

A happy smile appeared on Su Yun's face, and she fed the cheese from the second bowl to Xu Jie.

Xu Jie nodded and said, "There is progress."

The entrance is smooth, milky and sweet, which is already very good.

Su Yun was very happy, and started to feed the third bowl, then the fourth bowl, and the fifth bowl.

Xu Jie ate roast duck all afternoon, so he just ate some yogurt to relieve his greasiness, otherwise every hiccup would smell like roast duck.

"Well, yes, it smells like that."

Since Su Yun started learning cooking, Xu Jie has said it is good many times, but this time it is definitely from the heart, no matter in terms of appearance or taste, the palace yogurt made by Su Yun this time can definitely be called is success.

"Has it met the shooting standards?" Su Yun asked.

She has seen "Delicious History" filmed by the other party, and knows that there will be many high-definition shots when shooting food, so the food produced must be very good in order to stand the test of the camera.

"Sweet and smooth, more delicious than mine, more than enough to take a picture and rub!" Xu Jie praised.

"Really? Then you'll eat them all." Su Yun stared into the man's eyes.

Xu Jie knew this woman well, and knew that if he didn't eat all the cheese, the other party would never bypass him, so he ate it with a spoon. Fortunately, the cheese bowls were not big, and five bowls were eaten in a while.

Seeing this, Su Yun's face was full of joy, and she really believed what the man said just now.

Xu Jie put down his spoon and opened the two boxes of roast ducks beside him, "To reward you, I deliberately brought back two boxes of roast ducks for you. I made them."

Su Yun was in a good mood, looking at the roasted duck, she was surprised and asked, "You can roast duck too?"

"What I learned today, you are the first person to taste it except Uncle Guo who taught me." Xu Jie said.

"Really? Then I want to try it." Su Yun went to the kitchen to bring a pair of chopsticks, put a piece into her mouth, "Well, the meat is tender, fat but not easy, with a mellow aroma, and it tastes better than the ones sold outside. If I hadn't lost weight recently, I would have eaten both boxes."

"Really, aren't you trying to perfuse me?" Xu Jie looked at the other party suspiciously.

"Of course it's true, it's definitely not a business promotion." Su Yun said seriously
"If you think it's really delicious, eat up these two boxes." Xu Jie said, "Just like I ate all the cheese you made just now."

The expression on Su Yun's face froze, and then she looked embarrassed, and said, "You know I'm losing weight."

"It doesn't matter. Roast duck has a lot of white meat, high protein content, low fat content, and low calorie content, easy to digest. Although it looks oily, duck oil is actually unsaturated fatty acid, which is very healthy." Xu Jie learned from Uncle Guo today. What I learned was applied to Su Yun, and what I learned was applied.

"But no matter how healthy the food is, it should be eaten in moderation," Su Yun said.

Xu Jie glanced at the five empty bowls on the table, "I'll give you a chance to reorganize your language."

"I..." Su Yun opened her mouth, and finally sat down at the dining table obediently to eat, and said while eating, "It's delicious, it's delicious..."

Xu Jie looked at each other, smiled and said nothing.

The way of heaven is reincarnation, who is forgiven by heaven

You have today too!
(End of this chapter)

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