The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 147 The Pretentious Female Celebrity

Chapter 147 The Pretentious Female Celebrity

The next day, Sunday.

Xu Jie came to the TV station as usual. For him now, there is no rest day at all, because today is already the 17th, and "Delicious History" will be broadcast next month, so there is not much time left for him.

"Honey, don't forget the annual meeting at 6 o'clock tonight." Su Yun said to Xu Jie who got out of the car.

"I won't go." Xu Jie said after hearing that, today is the annual meeting of the prosperous brokerage company, and Su Yun, as the company's veteran and shareholder, will attend. Let's go together, but how can he have time now?
"How can I do that? Although it is the company's internal annual meeting, the media will be invited to the meeting, and there will be a red carpet session. You are my husband. If you don't accompany me, who will accompany me? Those who don't know think that What's wrong with our relationship?"

"Let's have a look." Xu Jie thought for a while, and said with great reluctance: "From today onwards, I'm going to shoot the scenes of those four celebrity spokespersons. It's the first time I'm working with a celebrity, and I don't know what it will look like. There's still time." I'll go, don't blame me if it's too late for you."

"What does it mean to cooperate with a celebrity for the first time? I'm not a celebrity." Su Yun said dissatisfied: "If anyone is disobedient, you tell me, and I will teach her for you."

Xu Jie laughed "hehe" twice after hearing this, and thought to himself: You are now a mud bodhisattva and you will not be able to protect yourself when crossing the river, so stop bragging here.

"What are you laughing at? Don't you believe me?" Su Yun asked.

"I believe it." Xu Jie said, and added another sentence in his heart: believe you ghost!

To be honest, even if Su Yun had that strength, Xu Jie didn't want to cause trouble for the other party. After all, it's not like before, and one thing more is worse than one thing less.

Xu Jie closed the car door and walked into the unit, loaded the equipment needed for today into the car, and when the program team was due, he immediately drove away from the TV station and went to Lima Film and Television Base.

It was past 9 o'clock when the group arrived at the destination, and this time it was still personally received by Zhang Maoting, the general manager of the film and television base.

"Mr. Xu, let's meet again. The props and other things have been prepared for you, and you can start shooting at any time." Zhang Maoting said with a smile, more enthusiastic than when they met for the first time.

The last time it was entirely because Jiang Hai, the director of the entertainment program center, called to take care of him, but this time it was not entirely.

He watched "Delicious History". Although the production was a bit rough, the content and situation were very novel, and it achieved great success. It was even transferred from the art channel to the satellite TV channel. Just because of this, he couldn't Don't pay attention to the person in front of you, he has this ability at a young age, and he will definitely have a bright future in the future. Now he is making a show, maybe he will cooperate with a film and television company to make a TV series in the future.

"Thank you Mr. Zhang." Xu Jie thanked.

Although Director Jiang is sometimes unreliable, the person he introduced is still very reliable. Not only can he provide a suitable venue, but he can also solve props and costumes, which saves him a lot of trouble.

Xu Jie turned his head and shouted to Tian Haobo in the car: "Xiaotian, inform everyone, come down to move the equipment."

"No need." Zhang Maoting hurriedly said at this time: "It's so cold, let's just drive the car in, and I will lead the way."

"Mr. Zhang, is this okay?" Xu Jie asked.

He knows that these film and television bases generally have regulations that prohibit foreign vehicles from entering the film and television base, and all equipment needs to be transported by the base's special car. This can avoid damage to the buildings in the base on the one hand, and prevent driving During the process, I broke into the shots of other crews. I remember that the last time I took the car of the base to transport the props.

"It's okay, it's the coldest time in the capital, and the Chinese New Year is approaching, the base has entered a slack period for filming, there are only two small crews inside, and besides, it's troublesome to unload the equipment, and the time has already come It's time." Zhang Maoting waved at Xu Jie, then got into his car and led the way.

Rules are made by people, and they are made for people, so naturally they can be changed for people.

Coming to the shooting location, this is an "ancient city". When you enter the city gate, there are antique buildings on both sides of the road, as if you have traveled back to ancient times from modern times.

Xu Jie organized people to clean up the scene, and then waited for the stars while familiarizing themselves with the environment of the venue.

Today I made an appointment with two stars, one is Liu Ying and the other is Chen Chao. In order to finish the filming as soon as possible, Xu Jie arranged for Liu Ying to shoot in the morning and Chen Chao in the afternoon. Tomorrow, two more people will be filmed. The day after tomorrow Then shoot Su Yun, this way, the part of the play can be completed before the 20th, and the remaining 10 days can be used for post-production, and more work should be done on editing and special effects to make the show more blockbuster a feeling of.

It was 10 o'clock, which was the time agreed by Xu Jie and Assistant Liu Ying, and there was no one in the direction of the city gate.

"Haobo, are you sure you didn't send the wrong address?" Xu Jie looked at Tian Haobo and asked, he had already finished his makeup, and the heroine was about to appear on stage.

"No." Tian Haobo said: "I not only told Assistant Liu Ying the location of Lima Film and Television Base, but also sent him a location."

"Call and ask." Xu Jie ordered.

"Yes, Teacher Xu."

Tian Haobo took out his mobile phone, dialed a number, and it took a long time to get through.

"Hello, I'm from the program team of "Delicious History". I sent you a WeChat message just now. Are you here yet? Oh, I see." Tian Haobo said a few words briefly, then hung up the phone, Turning to look at Xu Jie, he said, "Mr. Xu, the assistant said that there is a traffic jam on the road, and he will be there in a while."

Xu Jie nodded, but found that Zhang Maoting, who was waiting to watch the fun, was laughing, so he asked curiously, "Mr. Zhang, what are you laughing at?"

"Director Xu, it seems that you still don't know these celebrities." Zhang Maoting walked to Xu Jie's side and said in a low voice, "They are talking about it for a while, at least an hour."

"Oh, traffic jam, there's nothing I can do about it." Xu Jie sighed.

"The traffic jam is just an excuse. I'm not in the city. Besides, it's already 10 o'clock. There was no traffic jam when you came. What kind of traffic did she get stuck in?"

Xu Jie was taken aback, that's right, now is not the time for traffic jams.

"Director Xu, if you listen to me, shoot other people's scenes first, and don't waste your time waiting for others." Zhang Maoting advised.

Xu Jie has no experience in dealing with celebrities, but Zhang Maoting, as the general manager of the film and television base, must be well-informed in this area, and what he said should not be wrong.

"Okay." Xu Jie said to the others: "Everyone, get ready and shoot my part first."


Xu Jie moved the mung beans in the car into the back kitchen of the restaurant. After Liu Jinbao and Lu Zhanpeng set up the equipment, the filming began.

The mung beans need to be screened, the impurities are picked out, washed with water, and then soaked in warm water as if in a basin. Because time is limited, when this photo was taken, Xu Jie took out mung beans that had been soaked for 24 hours in advance. In addition, there is also the slurry water that has settled after grinding. Soybean juice is the most time-consuming one of the several delicacies. In order to hurry up, many things can only be prepared in advance.

After more than an hour like this, Xu Jie's part was filmed, and the bean juice was ready, but Liu Ying hadn't come yet.

Xu Jie frowned deeply, with dissatisfaction written all over his face.

He arranged the schedule very tightly. If Liu Ying doesn't come again, then Chao Chen will come in the afternoon. How will we shoot then?Should Liu Ying wait, or should Chen Chao wait?

"Call Liu Ying again and ask where they are!" Xu Jie said with a sullen face.

If you can’t make it, let’s say in advance that he can shoot another day, but the promise on the phone is good, but the person doesn’t show up. What’s the matter?
This time the rental fee of the venue is not discounted.

"Teacher Xu, Liu Ying's assistant said, we need to wait a while." Tian Haobo looked at Xu Jie and said.

Hearing such words, no matter how good-tempered Xu Jie was, he couldn't bear it anymore.

I just waited for a while, and now I have to wait for a while, almost two hours.

The acting skills are not very good, but the airs are quite big.

He took the mobile phone from Tian Haobo's hand, and said to the person on the other side: "I am the director of "Delicious History", if you don't show up in front of me within half an hour, don't come today!"

 Thanks to Mr. Shendu, a book friend, for the 300 starting coins

(End of this chapter)

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