The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 148 Female star or female ancestor?

Chapter 148 Female star or female ancestor?

Hearing Xu Jie's ultimatum to Liu Ying, all the people around were stunned. If you dare to talk to the star Liu Ying like this, aren't you afraid that he won't come?

Xu Jie returned the mobile phone to Tian Haobo, and seeing everyone looking at him in surprise, he asked puzzledly, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"No, it's nothing." Everyone shook their heads one after another. No one thought that a person who usually seemed to be quite friendly would be so scary when he got angry.

"Xu, Director Xu, aren't you afraid that Liu Ying won't come?" Tian Haobo asked in a low voice.

"What's the matter if I don't come? Without her, I won't be filming the show anymore?" Xu Jie said after hearing this: "I told her to arrive at 10 o'clock, but there was still no one at almost 12 o'clock. Punctuality is a kind of politeness and professional ethics. A basic requirement of her, she can disrespect me, but she must not disrespect our program, let alone our Beijing TV station, she has been late for so long, if the program cannot be broadcast as scheduled in the future, who will take the responsibility?"

Everyone looked at each other, but no one spoke.

Of course, they also agree with Xu Jie’s words, but they have interviewed and recorded programs for celebrities before, and they are used to celebrities arriving late and leaving early, and even think that it is normal for celebrities to be late. Angry, probably because I just came to the Civic Center and haven't gotten used to it yet.

Zhang Maoting secretly gave Xu Jie a thumbs up, he has not seen such a tough director for actors for a long time, he has courage!
He told the dozen or so extras he had found and asked everyone to wait a little longer.

Ten minutes later, Zhang Maoting's phone rang. After listening for a while, he put down the phone, looked at Xu Jie and said, "Liu Ying is here, and the staff will bring her here right away."

After Xu Jie heard it, the expression on his face eased.

Some people belong to cucumbers, so it’s not a good idea to shoot!

Not long after, a commercial vehicle slowly drove into the ancient city and finally stopped on the set. At this moment, the passenger door opened and a woman got out of the car.

"Who is Director Xu?" the woman asked loudly.

Xu Jie frowned and looked at the other party. He had seen Liu Ying's photo, but this person was not.

Tian Haobo hurried over, pointed in Xu Jie's direction, and asked the woman, "That's the director of our show "Delicious History". You must be Liu Ying's assistant, right?"

The woman looked at Xu Jie, and then said to Tian Haobo: "Give me the clothes and the script, it's too cold outside, our Liu Ying needs to change clothes in the car to read the script."

Tian Haobo looked at Xu Jie inquiringly. Seeing that Liu Ying had indeed come within half an hour, Xu Jie nodded to Tian Haobo for the purpose of filming.

After Tian Haobo received the order, he immediately handed Liu Ying's costume and script to the assistant, and said: "Her role is Miss Rich, and she needs to put on some light makeup."

In this story, Xu Jie plays the boss and chef, and Liu Ying plays a rich daughter. When I pass by this place on my way home, I see people drinking steaming soy milk, so I want to taste it.
"Got it, just wait." The assistant turned and returned to the car after speaking.

Xu Jie sat in the restaurant and waited. Because the door was open and the sun couldn't shine, it was very cold inside the room, even colder than outside.

Xu Jie waited and waited. After twenty minutes passed, Liu Ying was still not seen getting off the car. Not to mention changing clothes, even a nap would be enough time.

Is this a star, or an ancestor?
"You used to do shows with celebrities, do they do the same?" Xu Jie couldn't help asking Xiao Wei who was on the side. The other party had participated in the filming of some entertainment variety shows before, and was responsible for writing scripts. Today, she needs to guest star as Liu Ying's maid.

"Hey, some celebrities are like this, and some celebrities are not." Xiao Wei said.

Xu Jie was speechless when he heard it. Now he finally understands why inviting celebrities to act is paid on a daily basis, because half a day is not enough to waste. He agreed to gather at 10 o'clock and start filming at 10:30. It's already 12 o'clock, he is the director Haven't seen the heroine yet, isn't it ridiculous?
"Is this Liu Ying very popular?" Xu Jie asked again, he only searched the other's photos on the Internet, and there were a few clips of TV dramas, and he felt that his acting skills were average.

"Although there are not many works, she is very popular." Xiao Wei said, "She debuted as a young model. Because of her good image, she later started to make movies and TV series. Although she is not a professional, she has traffic."

Xu Jie thought to himself: It turned out to be a traffic star.

He looked at the car door that was still closed, couldn't help standing up, walked out of the threshold of the restaurant, and shouted in the direction of the commercial vehicle: "Have you finished changing your clothes? Do you still want me to visit the thatched cottage?"

There are more than 20 members of the program team plus extras, just waiting for one?Does she have the nerve?

I really found a female ancestor!

After the voice fell, the car door opened, and a woman in a pale pink costume with a silk scarf on her head got out of the car.

The other party is not tall, about 1.6 meters, but she has a good figure, with a short upper body and a long lower body, which also makes her look very tall overall. Her eyes are very big, and her face is very small. The combination is a bit like that in comics The characters look better than the photos.

No wonder the shelf is so big, it really has capital!

"Director, the clothes are changed, but you have to give me some time to put on makeup and memorize the lines, right?" Liu Ying said proudly, "Okay, now we can shoot."

Xu Jie didn't say anything, but fortunately people came and the costumes were changed. After waiting for two and a half hours, I was finally able to shoot.

"Let me tell you a story." Xu Jie led Liu Ying into the restaurant, familiarized himself with the seats, and said, "You are a rich daughter, and you have never seen soybean juice. You pass by here and want to try it."

The story is very simple, but Liu Ying needs to express the gentleness of the rich daughter's character. The most important thing is the process of tasting soybean juice. From not being able to drink it to liking it, this is a test of acting skills. no.

After the show, Xu Jie asked the program team members to act as diners in the restaurant, and then asked a dozen extras brought by Mr. Zhang to act as passers-by, and he stood behind the camera to direct.

"Get ready, 3, 2, 1, start!"

Liu Ying and Xiao Xiao, who played the role of a maid, walked together. The weather was very cold, and the two passers-by walked quickly and said to go to the front to drink soybean juice.

"What is soybean juice?" The rich daughter played by Liu Ying asked curiously to the maid beside her.

"Miss, I don't know either." The servant girl said truthfully.

"Let's try it, it sounds delicious." The rich daughter said.

"Miss, the master told us to go back quickly." The servant girl said anxiously.

The rich daughter smiled and looked at the bean juice shop in front
Xu Jie stared at Liu Ying in the camera, regardless of his acting skills, this person is beautiful, and he looks like a wealthy daughter, hey, why didn't he talk?lines?

The rich daughter paused for a moment, then smiled and said, "12345, 678910."


 Thanks to book friends 20180223231430444 for the 100 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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