Chapter 149 Enough

Xu Jie looked at Liu Ying suspiciously, with a series of question marks popping up in his head.

What "12345?"

What "678910?"

How about recording a program?
This is a food show, not an early childhood education show!
"Stop!" Xu Jie asked Liu Ying, "The lines, where are the lines?"

The assistant on the side immediately stepped forward to put on the down jacket for Liu Ying, and another assistant also handed over the thermos cup.

Liu Ying took a sip of water, then said lightly, "I forgot."

Xu Jie was taken aback, and asked, "Didn't you carry it in the car just now?"

"The time is too short, I haven't finished memorizing it yet." Liu Ying said confidently.

"Why didn't you say that just now?"

"You didn't ask me either."

Xu Jie frowned, and he was determined to return the sponsorship fee. When filming the first episode, he had no money, no one, no stars, and he didn't get angry like this year!

"Director, let's continue filming." One of Liu Ying's assistants said.

"Shooting? I haven't memorized the lines, so tell me how to shoot?" Xu Jie asked back.

"Normal filming, the lines can be dubbed later." The assistant said.

"No, dubbing will make the audience play." Xu Jie shook his head, dubbing is different from narration, narration can let the audience immerse themselves in food and stories, but character dubbing will affect the audience's perception, thus affecting the overall effect of the program.

"Director, why don't you give us a little more time to recite the lines." The assistant said.

The corner of Xu Jie's mouth twitched, a little time?A little time in your home is longer than an hour!
He thought for a while, and then said to Tian Haobo who was beside him, "Haobo, go get a tablet and make a teleprompter."

"it is good."

Tian Haobo quickly returned to the car, took out the tablet computer, wrote Liu Ying's lines on it, and it took a few minutes to complete it.

"Mr. Xu, the teleprompter is ready." Tian Haobo got off the car and came to Xu Jie's side, and showed it on the spot.

"It should have been like this a long time ago." Liu Ying said after seeing it.

Xu Jie gritted his teeth and said to the other party: "Start again, go back and prepare."

The assistant took away the down jacket that Liu Ying was wearing, another assistant took the thermos cup from Liu Ying's hand, and another assistant stepped forward to touch up Liu Ying's makeup, and then the three assistants stood aside, always ready.

"Get ready, 3, 2, 1, start!"

"What is soybean juice?"

"Miss, I don't know either."

"Let's try it, it sounds delicious."

"Miss, the master told us to go back quickly."

"It's okay, just stay for a while, and leave after tasting."

Xu Jie's frown gradually relaxed. Although Liu Ying's speech speed was a little slower because of the teleprompter, she finally finished the reading smoothly.

There were not many outdoor scenes, and the filming was finished soon, and the shooting location was also transferred from outdoor to indoor.

Next is the scene of drinking soybean juice, which is also a very important scene. Whether you can express the discomfort when drinking soybean juice at the beginning, and the process of drinking more and more delicious, depends entirely on the performance of the actors, so the acting skills of the actors are very important. A very big test.

This time there was also Xu Jie's scene, so Xu Jie didn't stand behind the camera, and walked into the back kitchen after telling Liu Jinbao.

"Get ready, start 3, 2, 1!"

The boss and cook played by Xu Jie came out of the back kitchen, brought a tray to the lobby, put two bowls of bean juice in front of the rich daughter and the maid, and then brought the other bean juice to other customers in the store.

After smelling the smell, the rich daughter frowned slightly, then took a sip with a spoon, and suddenly spit it all out with a "poof", then rushed outside the room, bent over and retched.

"Stop, stop!"

This time it was Liu Ying who called to stop.

Xu Jie, who was secretly observing in the back kitchen, came out. It was expected that the bad drink was part of the script, but going outside was not part of the script, but it was a true reflection, so Xu Jie didn’t call out just now. stop.

"What's wrong?" Xu Jie stepped forward and asked.

"Director, this bean juice is broken." Liu Ying yelled loudly.

"It's broken?" Xu Jie walked over to take a sip from the bowl, and then said, "It's not broken. I just made it this morning. How could it be broken?"

"Your tongue is broken, right? You didn't drink the bad smell?" Liu Ying said angrily, "Director, did you see that I was late, so you poured me a bowl of swill to take revenge on me?"

"Nonsense, what I just tasted was your bowl." Xu Jie said angrily, "Have you ever drank soy milk?"

"I've drank it. It's sweet and has a bean flavor. It doesn't have such a bad smell at all." Liu Ying looked at Xu Jie suspiciously, seriously suspecting that she was being teased by the other party.

Xu Jie thought for a while after hearing this, and asked, "Did you drink soy milk?"

Liu Ying nodded and said, "Yes, soy milk and soy milk, aren't they all the same thing?"


Xu Jie was speechless.

The assistant at the side couldn't stand it any longer, and hurried to Liu Ying's side, and whispered something in her ear, Liu Ying's frowning brows gradually relaxed, but her face was still very dissatisfied, "The bean juice is too bad to drink. , I can’t drink it, let’s change it to soy milk.”

"The show is about soybean juice, not soybean milk." Xu Jie said.

"Anyway, the colors are the same, and the audience can't tell." Liu Ying said indifferently.

Helpless, Xu Jie looked at Tian Haobo and asked, "Is there any soy milk?"

Tian Haobo shook his head, "No."

Xu Jie looked at Zhang Maoting again, and asked, "Mr. Zhang, is there a soy milk shop nearby?"

Zhang Maoting looked at the time, and then said: "There is in the morning, but it should not be so late."

Xu Jie said to Liu Ying: "You heard it too, there is no soy milk, bear with it, soy milk just tastes like this, and what I want to shoot is your true reflection of drinking soy milk."

"Don't drink it, it's too bad to drink." Liu Ying said firmly.

"Drink it while it's hot, the taste won't be so strong, and the coke rings and pickles can suppress the taste." Xu Jie said.

"Don't eat, the burnt ring oil is too much, and the pickles are unhealthy." Liu Ying turned her head and looked at the assistant next to her. The assistant immediately stepped forward, putting on clothes and handing over a thermos.

Xu Jie gritted his teeth, he really had enough.

With a salary of 1 million a day, you can't even drink a bowl of soybean juice?

At this time, Zhang Maoting's cell phone rang, and he hummed twice after connecting it, and then came to Xu Jie's side and said, "Super Chen is here."

Xu Jie looked at the time, it was already 13:20, and the time agreed with Chen Chao was 13:30, which was still on time.

"Miss Liu, take a rest by the side and ask your assistant to pour you a glass of soy juice, and you'll get used to it after a drink." Xu Jie said to Liu Ying, then turned around and went to the car to take out a box, and packed the material for the belly bursting film that was going to be filmed in the afternoon. and tools out.

If Liu Ying doesn't cooperate after a while, then he can only shoot Chen Chao's part first, he can't waste the time of another punctual actor because of one Liu Ying.

Xu Jie took out the kitchen knife from last time. It was useless for a month, and the blade seemed not so sharp. He took out a whetstone from the box, put it on the table and began to sharpen the knife. He will deal with the tripe later. If a worker wants to be good at his work, he must first sharpen his tools. The knife is not fast, and it is inconvenient to handle tripe.

A few minutes later, a commercial vehicle slowly stopped on the side of the road, it should be Chao Chen's car.

At this time, Liu Ying walked into the bean juice shop. She had already taken off her old clothes and put on her own down jacket. She walked up to Xu Jie and said lightly, "Director, it's already afternoon. You should be afraid of other people's scenes first. I'll go out to see you." Have a meal."

"Who told you to change your clothes?" Xu Jie frowned.

"Of course I have to change clothes when I go out to eat. I've been filming all morning, can't I even eat?" Liu Ying looked at the extras around her and said loudly: "Have you ever seen such a director who doesn't even let him eat?" ?"

No one said anything, they just thought in their hearts: When you didn't come, we had already finished our box lunch.

"When did you come, don't you have any idea?" Xu Jie asked back.

Liu Ying turned cold in an instant, "I'm hungry, I'm out of shape, you can figure it out." After speaking, she turned around and was about to leave.

When Xu Jie heard this, he became very angry.

"Stop!" he shouted loudly, and at the same time he slashed the kitchen knife in his hand on the table, only to hear a "click", the table was split in half, and the things on the table fell to the ground, and the kitchen knife It is still in Xu Jie's hands.


 Thanks to the book friend Zero Degree Auba Niu for the 100 starting coins, and thanks to the book friend Wuyin Lonely for the 100 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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