Chapter 150

Xu Jie was dumbfounded when he saw the kitchen knife in his hand.

Did I buy a Dragon Slaying Knife?
He just wanted to stand the kitchen knife on the table, just like the master chef in the restaurant used to chop the kitchen knife on the cutting board made of wooden pier, but he never dreamed that he would split the table.

The people around were all stunned when they saw this scene, they had only seen this kind of scene in martial arts movies, just like the former martial arts masters hated the fighting and killing in the rivers and lakes, hiding in an inconspicuous small restaurant. The cook, after encountering some rogues in the market, used his internal skills to split the table with a domineering warning, and made the rogues run away with their heads in their hands.

But the problem is that this is reality, not in martial arts movies, but it is also true, so it looks even more terrifying.

Liu Ying stood there in shock and did not dare to move, her calves were trembling non-stop. She has been in the industry for six or seven years, and it was the first time she saw such a hot-tempered director who would chop things up with a knife whenever he disagreed. It just scares people to pee.

This director has practiced!

"Actually, I'm not very hungry. It's okay to eat after filming." Liu Ying said in a trembling voice, the arrogance just now disappeared without a trace, and she looked like a frightened little rabbit.

She was worried that if she insisted on leaving, the other party would destroy her nanny's car if she went down with a knife. In addition, all the people present were the other party's people, and her death would be for nothing.

Chao Chen, who just got off the car, swallowed unconsciously. He also wanted to ask the director when it was his turn. Now it seems that he should wait a while, and he has nothing urgent.

Among the people present, only Zhang Maoting knew what was going on.

The last crew filmed a martial arts film here. It just finished filming a few days ago. Judging from the degree of fragmentation of the table, it should be a prop table for fighting. The crew left in a hurry and didn't pay much attention. Otherwise, even if everything here is fake, he wouldn't be chopped into pieces with a single blow.

"Go change clothes." Xu Jie said coldly.

"Yes, yes." Liu Ying nodded again and again, walked out of the shop quickly, and returned to the nanny's car to change back into the ancient clothes.

Xu Jie carried the plastic bag containing tripe to the back kitchen, and Tian Haobo and others immediately stepped forward to pick up the wreckage of the table in the lobby and threw it outside.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry, I chopped down a table of yours." Xu Jie found Zhang Maoting and said.

"It's okay, I have a lot of tables here, and I'll move another one for you." Zhang Maoting asked the group performers to move another table from the restaurant across the street to fill the vacancy.

Xu Jie came in front of Chen Chao again, looked at him and said, "You change into your clothes in the car first, and then read the latest script. I will finish filming in a while."

In fact, the script was sent to the assistants of these stars yesterday, but in order to make the plot more exciting, the script has been undergoing changes, which is why the stars will give them another script after they come. It will be too big, but some details have been processed. The lines are still those lines, and two or three sentences can be added at most.

Super Chen had a strong desire to win, and immediately said: "Good Director Xu, actually Sister Yun is my senior, and Sister Yun and I are both from the same agency."

Xu Jie was slightly startled, looked at the other party and asked, "I heard from Su Yun that tonight is your agency's annual meeting?"

"Yes." Super Chen said.

"Don't worry, I will shoot your scenes first, and I promise not to delay your participation in the annual meeting." Xu Jie said, shooting the star's scenes first, and then the production process.

"Director Xu, take your time, I'm not in a hurry, it doesn't matter how long it takes." Chao Chen said politely.

Xu Jie saw that Liu Ying had finished changing into her costume, so she went back to the shop and started shooting again.

"Get ready, 3, 2, 1, start!"

Xu Jie put the bean juice in front of the rich daughter, Liu Ying sniffed it, and frowned again, but seeing that the people around were drinking it happily, so she suppressed vomiting, took a sip, and swallowed it.

"It smells so weird!"

"Miss, I see that there is a round fried thing and pickles on the plates of each table. It seems that they are eaten together."

"Yeah? Dude, get a copy of what's on their table."

"Okay, let's have another roll and some shredded pickles."


Xu Jie looked at Liu Ying who was eating Jiaoquan. Not only could he drink soy milk, but he could even remember his lines. It turned out that it wasn't because he was unprepared, nor because he was incompetent, but because he was playing big names here and bullying him, an unknown person. .

In less than an hour, Liu Ying's role was completed.

After Xu Jie called to stop, he looked at Liu Ying with a sullen face and said, "You can go to eat now."

"Oh." Liu Ying responded, and returned to the nanny's car with her head down to change her clothes. She didn't dare to look at the director at all, and she just wanted to leave this place quickly.

After shooting the bean juice, the belly exploded

The story of the explosive belly and the story of the bean juice are not in the same era, so the shooting location was changed to another scenic spot for shooting.

Compared with Liu Ying's playing big names, Chen Chao can be said to be very dedicated. Not only can he memorize all his lines, but he also accepts Xu Jie's arrangement very humbly. Hours of filming was completed in only 3 hours. Before leaving, I kept bowing and thanking the director and all the staff.

After the star's part is finished, the next step is Xu Jie's process of making the tripe. From the processing of the tripe to the completion of the production, because it needs to be soaked repeatedly, the filming was not completed until 7 o'clock in the evening.
The program team left from the film and television base, and Xu Jie took out his mobile phone to call Su Yun on the way.

"Hey, I just finished filming here, is it over on your side?" Xu Jie asked. He thought that after the annual meeting was over, he could go home and rest. It would be a bad feeling to be outside for a day in the cold.

"No, everyone has just finished walking the red carpet and the annual meeting has just begun. Come here, I'll wait for you on the first floor of the International Hotel!" Su Yun said.

ah?Just started?
Xu Jie sighed secretly, maybe this is fate, and he can't even hide.

"Okay, I'll go right away." Xu Jie put down the phone.

He went back to the TV station first, put the equipment away, and then drove to the International Hotel.

first floor.

As soon as he entered the gate, he saw Su Yun walking over in high heels. She was wearing a long black shiny dress and a white lambswool coat.

"Should I go home and change clothes?" Xu Jie looked at the beautifully dressed Su Yun, and then looked down at himself in the down jacket and jeans. The clothes obviously didn't match Su Yun.

"I've prepared the clothes for you, follow me." Su Yun stepped forward, reaching out to hold Xu Jie's hand.

"Cool!" Xu Jie took two steps to the side. Although the room temperature inside the hotel was in the [-]s, he just walked in from the outside, and his body was still radiating cold, and his clothes were frozen cold.

Su Yun didn't care, put her arms around Xu Jie's shoulders, and walked out of the elevator in the corner of the hall.

Xu Jie and Su Yun came to a guest room with a complete set of clothes, from shirts and suits to bow ties and belts. Xu Jie simply washed his face after being blown by the cold wind for a day, and then changed into clothes.

"Well, handsome!" Su Yun praised Xu Jie while combing Xu Jie's hair.

"Don't talk about things that are recognized by the world." Xu Jie said, after all, he is the leader of the soft food industry, and he is sure to be handsome.

Su Yun smiled, and suddenly stared into Xu Jie's eyes and asked, "Are you ready?"

"All of us are here, what do you think?" Xu Jie said.

Su Yun took a deep look, and then said: "Then let's go."

The two walked out of the guest room and came to the hall of the annual meeting. When the door opened, they all looked over in unison.

 Thanks to the book friend Lao Niu who walked in the jungle for the reward of 1500 starting coins, and thank you for the 100 starting coins that were injured by the spring breeze blowing the wine flag outside the city!
(End of this chapter)

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