Chapter 151
When Xu Jie walked in, the banquet hall was brightly lit and bustling. Countless handsome men and beautiful women gathered here. Many of them were celebrities who often appeared in entertainment news. The scene was no less than that of a film festival.

Xu Jie came to the front led by Su Yun, and he could clearly feel that people were staring at him at every table he passed, as if he was a star.

"Aren't you wondering why my husband didn't come?" Su Yun walked to the head of table 1, took Xu Jie's arm, and said with a smile: "Now, he is here."

Xu Jie looked around, nodded politely, and then sat down. He only knew Liu Jinghua, and a few of them were familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was for a while.

At the same time, the people at the same table were also silently sizing up Su Yun's husband. Everyone wanted to know what kind of man could make Su Yun, the first sister of the company, give up her bright future and agree with him.

Long and handsome?

Or have three heads and six arms?

It seems that neither is.

Not only the people at the same table, but even the people around have this idea.

Don't look at Su Yun's development in the music industry all the time, but she is a shareholder of the company. Although she does not participate in management, but only participates in dividends, she has a high status. Most of the younger generation of singers in the company have received her support. It is also because of this that everyone pays special attention to the husband of the first sister.

This little reporter looks very ordinary!

"You came so late, should you be punished with three drinks?" Liu Jinghua looked at Xu Jie and asked, with a trace of provocation in his eyes.

She admitted that when she first found out that the other party was a rich second generation, she was really surprised, but she soon calmed down. Now there are too many rich second generations, and the rich second generations are also divided into ranks, like the other party This kind of breeding base at home should be the worst.

Now that the entertainment industry is so hot, the celebrities are all rich, and they can be called wealthy in themselves. What are the rich second generations?

Xu Jie glanced at Liu Jinghua, and said lightly: "I came here for my wife, not for you. Why are you so excited? You think that if you get me drunk, you will have an opportunity ? Dream you."

The corner of Liu Jinghua's mouth twitched, as usual, he did not give face.

The people around were secretly shocked. You must know that Liu Jinghua is the founder and general manager of Fanhua Brokerage Company. Even if this man is Su Yun's husband, he can't talk to the boss like this.

"Hmph, who do you think you are, only Su Yun will like you if he is evil." Liu Jinghua said with a cold snort.

"Hehe." Xu Jie laughed, "I grew up so big, although I am not popular with everyone, but I am well-known. If you don't get along with me, please find out the reason yourself."

After speaking, he picked up his chopsticks and ate.

There are a lot of dishes on the table, and the presentation is also very good-looking, but the portions are a bit small, and they are all light, so you can't fill your stomach or satisfy your cravings.

"Isn't it the annual meeting? Just eat these? It's too shabby." Xu Jie muttered in a low voice.

Liu Jinghua was so angry that his teeth were itching, the other party's words were still so sharp, but today is her company's annual meeting, talking to her like this in front of so many artists, it's not to give her face, it's clearly a slap in the face.

"Xu Jie!" Liu Jinghua gritted his teeth and said in a low voice: "I am the host today, you'd better not mess with me, otherwise I can do anything."

"Then make me a braised pork and a bowl of rice. I've been busy outside all day, so I'm really hungry." Xu Jie said seriously.

"You..." Liu Jinghua trembled all over in anger, and suddenly reached out to call the hotel waiter, and ordered: "Bring a piece of braised pork for this foodie, and a bowl of rice."

"Alright Mr. Liu." The waiter nodded.

The people at the same table were speechless, are you here for the annual meeting, or for a meal?
Besides, the annual meeting of the brokerage company, to put it bluntly, is to bring everyone together, get to know each other, integrate resources, and develop better in the next year. It doesn't matter what to eat or whether you can eat enough.

This guy can't get on stage

people thought.

At this time, a man came from the second table, holding a glass of red wine in his hand.

"Director Xu, you are here. Thank you for your guidance this afternoon. I would like to offer you a toast."

Xu Jie turned his head. It turned out to be Super Chen. He still had a good impression of him, so he stood up, picked up his glass and said, "I like dedicated artists like you. I hope there will be opportunities to cooperate in the future."

The glasses clink together.

Seeing this scene, all the people around were sculpted in sand.

Who is Chao Chen?

Today's first-line male artist, one of the most promising male actors, is also one of the company's cash cows. He is the object of the company's promotion in the past two years. He has a very high status in the company, otherwise he would not be arranged at the second table .

But, how could he take the initiative to toast Su Yun's husband?
Could it be because of Su Yun's face?
Then why not directly toast Su Yun?

At this moment, even the people at table No. 1 were in a daze.


Chen Chao said thank you to Su Yun's husband for the guidance?
What did Su Yun's husband say?
Hope to have the opportunity to cooperate in the future?
Are the two working together?
Isn't Su Yun's husband a reporter?

A small reporter and a first-line male artist, what kind of cooperation can there be between the two?
Together to stir up news?

Just when everyone was puzzled, another male artist at table 2 stood up and walked towards table 1.

It's Yu Feng, who once won Shidi. Although there are not many works in recent years, he has frequently appeared in various variety shows, and because of this, he has attracted a lot of fans.

"Director Xu, I didn't expect you to be Su Yun's husband. No wonder you looked familiar on the day of the promotion meeting. I hope to have the opportunity to cooperate with you in the future." Yu Feng said with a smile.

Xu Jie saw that it was Shidi Yufeng who was invited as a guest of the variety show on the day of the resource promotion meeting of Beijing TV Station.

"Definitely!" Xu Jie responded with a smile in front of the show.

Now he finally understood why those celebrities were very polite when they saw Director Lu and Director Jiang, because they leaned against a big tree to enjoy the shade.

Behind Director Lu and Director Jiang is Beijing TV Station, and Beijing TV Station is one of the most influential TV platforms in the country, and has inextricable relationships with many film and television production companies.

If you can get on the big ship of Beijing TV Station, will you still worry about the lack of exposure?Will you still worry about not participating in the program or filming a TV series?
At that time, it will be difficult not to think about fire.

From Chen Chao and Yu Feng's point of view, although Su Yun's husband is just a program director, the platform behind it is what they need, and they can't afford to offend.

Besides, what if the other party directs a blockbuster show in the future?There may be opportunities for cooperation.

Taking a step back, even if you can't cooperate with the other party, the fact that the other party's program can be broadcast on the Beijing TV channel shows that the leaders in the station recognize this person's ability. If there are any new projects or variety shows in the future, the other party only needs to mention their name, and here's their chance.

Therefore, there is absolutely no harm to them in handing over such a person.


 Thank you for the 100 starting coins rewarded by Y Lai from the Book Friends Society, and thank you for the 100 starting coins rewarded by the eclipsed heart!
(End of this chapter)

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