Chapter 152

Chen Chao and Yu Feng's active toast stunned everyone present, even Liu Jinghua. As the general manager of the agency, she was familiar with the activities of first-line artists like Chen Chao and Yu Feng. But I have never heard that the two will cooperate with Xu Jie.

"Chao, do you know him?" Liu Jinghua pointed to Xu Jie and asked Chen Chao curiously.

How can a reporter of Minsheng News cooperate with celebrities?Not next to each other at all.

"Mr. Liu, Director Xu is in charge of this afternoon's filming." Super Chen said truthfully.

Liu Jinghua was taken aback, "What filming in the afternoon? Delicious History? You mean he is the director of "Delicious History"?"

"Yes." Super Chen nodded.

"Sister Hua, what Chao said is correct." Yu Feng said at this time: "A few days ago I went to the resource promotion meeting of Beijing Satellite TV, and saw Director Xu at the meeting."

Liu Jinghua was shocked when he heard it, and when he looked at Xu Jie, his eyes were full of disbelief.

When did this man become the director of "A Tasty History"?
She knew that Chen Chao and Yu Feng would definitely not lie to her, but she couldn't bear to ask Xu Jie, so she looked at Su Yun and asked, "Xiao Yun, what is going on, what is he doing now? "

"He is here, you can ask him in person." Su Yun said with a smile.

Liu Jinghua stared anxiously, and said to herself: You can tell me quickly, I would have asked if I could.

The middle-aged movie star Zhao Jun who was sitting at the same table asked at this time: "Xiao Xu, we heard from Su Yun that you are a reporter from the Beijing TV station. I don't know if you are now..."

"I'm still a reporter of Beijing TV Station, but I have my own program." Xu Jie said lightly.

""Delicious History"?" Zhao Jun asked.


"No!" Liu Jinghua said after hearing this: ""Delicious History" used to be broadcast on the literary channel of Beijing TV Station, and it will be broadcast on the prime time of Beijing Satellite TV next month. How can you, a reporter from Life Channel, be in charge of this program? "

She didn't know about the program "Delicious History" before. She only learned about it from Super Chen's manager. She also heard that Daniu Yogurt sponsored a gourmet show and hoped that the spokesperson, Super Chen, would participate in the filming of the show. The program will be broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV, so I agreed.

"I've been transferred to the art program center a long time ago." Xu Jie said, "Do you recognize Jiang Hai? The director of the art program center, he wanted to do a food cultural program, so he dug me into the art program center, and then there was "" Delicious History", but because of the high ratings of the program, Director Lu Honglu of Beijing Satellite TV took a fancy to it, so the second episode was changed from the entertainment channel to the satellite TV channel."

Liu Jinghua looked at the man in a daze, remembering that in mid-December last year, the other party was still interviewing around the issue of heating in the old residential area in the life program center. It took only one month to complete two big jumps. It's unbelievable and unheard of to even appear on Beijing Satellite TV.

"Xiaoyun, why have you never told me about it?" Liu Jinghua asked.

"What's there to say?" Su Yun said calmly, "It's just a program director of Beijing Satellite TV."


Liu Jinghua was speechless.

That's Beijing Satellite TV, a director who can have his own program on the satellite TV channel has a bright future.

The most important point is that the other party is still a member of the entertainment program center. In theory, the other party may participate in all entertainment variety shows of Beijing TV Station in the future.

This is a big deal.

You must know that Beijing Satellite TV holds a lot of popular variety shows, and many celebrities and entertainers go out of their way to participate in these shows, because these shows not only allow new actors to get traffic, but also give old actors a chance to become popular.

Liu Jinghua picked up the cup and took a sip of water to calm himself down.

She can ignore that the other party is a rich second generation, but she has to pay attention to the other party's identity as the program director of Beijing Satellite TV. You must know that Beijing Satellite TV's variety shows have always been an important display window for Beijing performing arts stars. If this window is lost, the star's exposure will be reduced. will drop significantly.

"Xiaoyun, it's your fault. Why have you never mentioned such a great thing to me?" Liu Jinghua complained with a smile, not really angry.

"I originally planned to tell you after the annual meeting. Who would have thought that Super Chen and Brother Yu would take the lead?" Su Yun said after hearing this.

In fact, Liu Jinghua is very clear that Su Yun cannot be blamed for this matter. It is she herself who has shifted the focus of her work to other artistes in the company because the other party has not been active these days. Liang's married female artist is much more relaxed.

At this time, the people around him no longer underestimated Su Yun's husband, and even felt like being slapped in the face.

Just now I felt that the other party could not get on the stage, but now?

Not only is it on, but it's also on Beijing Satellite TV. Does that platform have cards?Who dares to say that Beijing Satellite TV has no platform?
Moreover, for celebrities like them, journalists from newspapers, magazines, and websites can be offended, but reporters from TV stations cannot be offended, especially entertainment reporters. , enough to drink a pot.

"Xu Jie, I've watched your show, it's very good, traditional yet innovative..." Liu Jinghua said to Xu Jie eloquently.

Xu Jie looked at each other silently, he was mad at the last moment, but now he has become kind and serene again, he is clearly doing business as a speculator, but insists on pretending to be an old artist, his skin is thicker than a city wall, and turning his face is faster than turning over a book .

Hehe, at first glance, he looks like an old actor, with drama all over his body.

"In this way, let's raise our glasses together, and wish Xu Jie's program "Delicious History" the highest ratings." Liu Jinghua finally stood up and raised his glass.

Hearing the general manager's words, the people at the same table raised their glasses one after another.

"Impossible." Xu Jie said after hearing this: "I think you don't pay attention to the news broadcast and the capital news."

Liu Jinghua was startled, how dare she not take these two programs seriously?Isn't this forcing her to make mistakes?

"I mean, I wish your show won the ratings among the shows at the same time." Liu Jinghua quickly explained.

Xu Jie looked at the other party. As the old saying goes, don't hit the smiling face with your hand, so he said, "Thank you, and I will borrow Mr. Liu's good words."

The others breathed a sigh of relief, and the scene was peaceful.

Xu Jie sat down after drinking. He didn't know if he had caught a cold, and his stomach felt a little uncomfortable, so he whispered to Su Yun, "I'm going to the bathroom." Then he got up and left the seat.

Although Xu Jie is in good health, he can't withstand the cold outside for three or nine days.

Since the morning, he has been wearing ancient costumes for filming. In order to be able to move around, especially to keep his movements smooth under the camera, he deliberately took off the sweater inside, and only wore an ancient cotton jacket outside his thermal clothes. It's just props, there is no warmth at all, and it's already pretty good if you don't catch a cold.

Xu Jie felt much more comfortable after finishing his toilet. He had just walked out of the men's bathroom and was about to go back to the banquet hall when he saw a person coming out of the women's bathroom next door.

It's Tang Fei!

 Thanks to book friend Lin Yaochenjia for rewarding 4500 starting coins, thanking book friends for rewarding 600 starting coins during the Chinese New Year, thanking book friend Blood Stained Silver Helmet for rewarding 500 starting coins, and thanking book friend Tao Ge for rewarding 500 starting coins , Thank you for the 100 starting coins rewarded by the book friend's eclipsed heart!
(End of this chapter)

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