The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 153 I'm Living Well

Chapter 153 I'm Living Well

Xu Jie still remembered that the last time he met Tang Fei was at the airport, and it was on that day that the other party chose to break up with him. Counting it now, it has been two months in a blink of an eye, and time flies so fast.

I haven't seen him for two months, but the other party looks more mature and stable. He used to like to wear loose and casual clothes, but now he has changed into a slim off-the-shoulder dress, which is youthful, beautiful and sexy.

In fact, the reason why he didn't want to come to this annual meeting was because he knew that he might meet Tang Fei at the annual meeting. After all, the other party was also a signed artist of the prosperous brokerage company, but who would have thought of what to be afraid of? I don't know each other, but you can't pretend you don't know each other when you meet alone, right?
"Come to the bathroom?" Xu Jie greeted Tang Fei with an embarrassed expression and a hint of panic in his eyes.

He also didn't expect that the first meeting between the two after breaking up would be outside the toilet. This place is not a good place to say hello.

"Yes." Tang Fei nodded slightly.

"Coincidentally, I also came to the toilet."

After Xu Jie finished speaking, he wished he could give himself a big slap and stand outside the toilet, so why not keep the topic away from the toilet?

"Why didn't I see you inside just now?" Xu Jie asked, and then realized that there was something wrong with this sentence, so he added, "I'm talking about the banquet hall."

He found that he was calmer than he imagined, and he even spoke very clearly. Probably in this relationship, he was the one who was let down, so he was more open-minded.

"I'm at table 4." Tang Fei said softly.

The other party didn't see her, but she saw him, especially when the man and Su Yun appeared together in the banquet hall, she felt as if she had knocked over a five-flavored bottle, which was very unpleasant.

She knew that the love stories about the man and Su Yun on the Internet were all fake, but she didn't know why the two got married, and on the second day after she broke up with the man, she thought that maybe the man just found him on the spur of the moment. She registered for marriage personally, but when she saw the registered object, she gave up the idea.

Married to the big star Su Yun, can it be called casual?It is clear that he saved the earth in his previous life to have such good luck in this life.

"Go back?" Xu Jie pointed in the direction of the banquet hall
"Yes." Tang Fei followed Xu Jie, keeping her head down because she felt guilty.

"How are you doing recently? Being able to sit at table No. 4 should be the company's key training target." Xu Jie said as he walked, the table numbers at the annual meeting are all particular, and the higher the table number, the more popular it is now. The company will also focus on training in the next year, especially the younger generation.

"It's okay." Tang Fei said after hearing this: "Recently, I have been busy with the new album, and I will participate in the Spring Festival Gala of Huxiang TV in a few days. I will go to various places in March to promote the new album. In April, there will be a music Variety show, June"

Xu Jie stopped suddenly. He looked at the woman next to him. He hadn't seen her for two months. The other party had learned Versailles. The new year just started, and the activities were already scheduled for June. This is called "OK?"

In contrast, Su Yun can only cook for him at home.

This is the difference between a female star married and not married?
"What's wrong?" Tang Fei looked back at Xu Jie suspiciously, and she noticed some changes in his face.

"It's nothing." After Xu Jie finished speaking, he continued to walk forward. It seemed that he had to pay more attention to Su Yun's work in the future. Otherwise, if he was compared to Tang Fei, wouldn't it prove that the other party was right to break up with him?His marriage with Su Yun also became meaningless.

"How about you, how are you doing?" Tang Fei finally plucked up the courage to ask after the exaggeration just now, with a bit of concern in her eyes. The longer she stays in the entertainment industry, the more she misses the original innocence Feelings without any impurities.

"Okay." Xu Jie said with a smile, there is no need to be modest at this time, "In terms of career, I have my own program on the TV station, and in the family, I married the national goddess Su Yun, which can be regarded as a double harvest in career and family."

Xu Jie said that he is very good. At this time, he must not show any bad things in front of his ex. This will give people a feeling of "I can't leave you".

The correct way should be to not only behave well in front of your ex, but also behave well, to let the other party know that anyone in this world can live without anyone.

If there is a deep hatred, it would be more perfect to add a sentence "Thank you for not marrying" at the end. Even if you can't repay the grievance of being dumped, at least it can make the other party angry for a few days.

At this time, if someone jumps out to persuade them, they don’t say anything, but directly slap in the face. If you have not experienced others’ suffering, don’t try to persuade others to be kind.

Being stabbed by someone but still smiling and saying "it's okay, we're friends", that's not kindness, nor generosity, it's lack of heart.

It's a disease, it can be cured.

You don’t feel pain if the knife is not stabbed in your body, right?How about I try to stab you?
"Oh, then I'm relieved." Tang Fei said with a complicated expression after hearing this, but there was a bit of loss in her words.

"Well, you don't have to worry about me." Xu Jie said with a free and easy face: "Actually, I have figured it out these days, we may really not be suitable, you see, since you broke up with me, your star The road is getting smoother and smoother, my career is booming, and my fortune is getting better and better, good luck, right? I didn’t believe in fate before, but now I do.”

Tang Fei bit her lip tightly, the man's words pierced her heart like a knife, the other party was not like this before.

But she still squeezed a smile on her face and said, "Well, I wish you a bright future and a happy life."

"You are not considered a blessing, because I have already realized it." Xu Jie said.



At this moment, a voice came from the corridor, Xu Jie turned his head to look, it was Su Yun, who seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and kept looking at him and Tang Fei.

Tang Fei was startled when she saw Su Yun, and she quickly lowered her head, with a trace of panic in her eyes, as if she was caught in bed.

Xu Jie looked at Su Yun very calmly, and waved in the other's direction.

Su Yun was slightly taken aback. In her imagination, the man should have walked towards her in a panic, but now he let her walk over. What's the matter?
As she walked, she explained: "I've been waiting for a long time but I haven't waited for you to come back. I'll come to see if you're okay."

Xu Jie smiled when she heard it. She had already seen through Su Yun's little thoughts, but she didn't point it out.

"It's okay, I met an acquaintance, let me introduce you, this is my current wife Su Yun, this is my ex-girlfriend Tang Fei, you should already know each other well?"

Tang Fei looked at Xu Jie in surprise, dare to introduce his ex-girlfriend and wife so directly, is this man crazy?
 Thanks to the book friend Lao Niu who walked in the jungle for the reward of 1500 starting coins, to the Golden Family 12138 for the reward of 500 starting coins, to the book friend Ming Yehan I for the reward of 100 starting coins, and to the book friend Nu Haiping for the reward of 100 Thank you for the 100 starting coins from the book friend Wuyin Lonely, thank you to the book friend Ji Dao for the 100 starting coins, and thank you to the book friend buluodehuaka for the 100 starting coins

(End of this chapter)

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