The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 154 Just Want to Talk About Hearts

Chapter 154 Just Want to Talk About Hearts

"Sister Yun!" Tang Fei greeted Su Yun proactively, like a pupil who made a mistake seeing a teacher.

To her, Su Yun is not only an artist in the same management company, but also a senior who has taken care of her, a benefactor who has supported her, an idol she has admired and a goal she has worked hard for.

But now there is one more item, the ex-boyfriend's wife.

Usually everyone is busy with their own affairs, and Su Yun didn't go to the company much after the concert, so she hasn't seen each other in the past two months. Even though she knew that they could meet at the annual meeting tonight, she thought that as long as she kept a low profile, she would You don't have to face Su Yun, even if you do, the other party doesn't know that she is Xu Jie's ex-girlfriend.

However, she never expected that she would meet Xu Jie when she went to the bathroom, and Su Yun would find out when she was talking to Xu Jie. What was even more frustrating was that Xu Jie confessed that she was his ex-girlfriend.

Ah, go crazy!

"Of course I do. Feifei was brought out by me." Su Yun looked at Tang Fei with a smile and said, "Don't be nervous, Xu Jie has already confessed to me about the relationship between you two."

"What?" Tang Fei raised her head in surprise, looked at Su Yun, and then at Xu Jie. Has the relationship between the two gotten so good?
Even if it is a couple, telling your wife about your ex-girlfriend is a deadly act.

Tang Fei lowered her head slowly. Although she didn't think there was anything wrong with pursuing her dream, she was ashamed of abandoning her boyfriend after becoming famous. Even though it wasn't her original intention, she did it.

"What did you guys talk about just now?" Su Yun asked curiously.

"No, I didn't talk about anything, really." Tang Fei quickly explained, for fear that Sister Yun might misunderstand, but her flustered appearance gave people a feeling of guilt.

"Let's talk about how your life is going recently." Xu Jie said calmly: "Later, I found out that after we broke up, each of us lived a good life. Maybe this is fate."

"Yes, you are all fine, but I am not." Su Yun said after hearing this.

Xu Jie suddenly became unhappy, "What you said is as if I am a loser, whoever is unlucky with me, and I will change my luck as soon as I leave, isn't it?"

"Hee hee, that's what you said." Su Yun said with a smile.

"Okay, let's go back." After Xu Jie finished speaking, he walked towards the banquet hall.

"You go back first, I want to chat with Feifei for a while." Su Yun said to Xu Jie.

"Huh?" Xu Jie stopped and looked at Su Yun suspiciously, "What are you talking about with her?"

Tang Fei was extremely nervous at this moment.

Who is Su Yun?

The queen of music.

company shareholders.

What if you wait to make things difficult for her?

dare not!

run away?

You can escape from the monk, but you cannot escape from the temple, not to mention that everyone is in the same temple.

"We are from a brokerage company, and we are both singers. There are too many things to talk about." Su Yun stretched out her hand and pushed Xu Jie towards the banquet hall, and said as she pushed, "This is a matter between us women. You are a man, don't ask questions."

Xu Jie stared at Su Yun intently, and warned the other party with his eyes: If there is any hatred or grievance, I will repay it myself. Don't meddle in other people's business, what kind of moths are you playing!

"Xiaoyun? Feifei?"

Outside the banquet hall not far away, Liu Jinghua saw the scene here, and immediately walked over quickly, looked at the three people in front of him vigilantly and asked, "What are you doing?"

She was in the banquet hall to receive a toast from her artists, but found that Xu Jie hadn't come back, Su Yun was gone, and even Tang Fei had disappeared. Thinking of the relationship between these three people, she felt bad for a moment. He had a premonition, so he immediately went outside the hall, and sure enough, he saw these three people in the corridor.

"Nothing?" Seeing Liu Jinghua, Xu Jie immediately frowned, and asked dissatisfiedly, "What are you doing here?"

In his opinion, the culprit of all this is Liu Jinghua.


Liu Jinghua's gaze quickly swept around the faces of the three people, one was angry, one was cunning, and the other was flustered, the atmosphere was really weird.

"I'm going to the bathroom!" Liu Jinghua had a flash of inspiration, stepped forward and pulled Tang Fei and said, "Feifei, come with me."

"Ah?" Tang Fei was slightly taken aback, but quickly realized that Sister Hua was helping her out, so she said, "Ok Sister Hua, I will accompany you."

Liu Jinghua hurriedly pulled Tang Fei into the bathroom, stood quietly behind the door and listened for a while, seeing that no one was following, she immediately asked Tang Fei, "How are you, are you okay?"

"Sister Hua, I'm fine." Tang Fei shook her head lightly.

"What did they tell you?" Liu Jinghua asked with concern. Tang Fei is now a female singer that the company focuses on training, especially after Su Yun gets married. Everyone hopes that Tang Fei can take over Su Yun's class and become the company's new singer. cash cow.

"It's nothing." Tang Fei thought for a while and said.

Liu Jinghua frowned, looked at Tang Fei seriously and said, "Feifei, you must know that everything I do is for your own good, so no matter what you have, you must tell me the truth, so that I can Make the most correct and favorable judgment."

"Sister Hua, they really didn't say anything." Tang Fei said truthfully: "I just came out of the bathroom when I saw Xu Jie. I was about to go back to the banquet hall when I saw Sister Yun. Sister Yun was about to chat with me. Chat, and you're here."

Liu Jinghua was stunned, what a coincidence?
But the atmosphere just now was obviously very strange.

"They didn't run on you?" Liu Jinghua asked
"No." Tang Fei said.

"They didn't make things difficult for you?" Liu Jinghua asked again worriedly.

Tang Fei smiled wryly and said, "Sister Hua, they really didn't make things difficult for me."

Liu Jinghua walked back and forth in the bathroom, stopped after a while, looked at Tang Fei with a serious face and said, "Come with me later, and leave here first after taking photos of the artists, understand."

As an agent, her job is to protect the artist and prevent the artist from being harmed.

"Yes, Sister Hua, I'll listen to you." Tang Fei said after hearing this.

She used to think that Su Yun didn't know the relationship between her and Xu Jie, even if they met each other, she could pretend not to know about it, but who would have thought that Su Yun knew it long ago, which would be embarrassing. Tell her it's not a good thing.

A man's current wife and ex-girlfriend are together, what can they talk about?
Learning to communicate?
The two stayed in the bathroom for about ten minutes. Liu Jinghua felt that the time was almost up, so he adjusted his clothes in front of the mirror, and then went out.

But when Zeng saw Xu Jie and Su Yun as soon as he went out, the two were still standing in the corridor, not knowing what they were talking about.

"Miss Hua,"

When Su Yun saw Liu Jinghua, she immediately asked concerned: "You go to the bathroom for so long, do you feel sick to your stomach?"

"No, no, why haven't you gone in yet?" Liu Jinghua asked suspiciously, feeling careless in her heart, she should have sneaked a glance into the corridor before she came out.

"Waiting for my wife." Xu Jie looked at Su Yun.

"Wait for Feifei." Su Yun looked at Tang Fei.

Tang Fei was at a loss, what was it that made Sister Yun wait for her?
It seems that there is no way to hide.

Liu Jinghua walked over, looked at Su Yun pleadingly and said, "Xiao Yun, do me a favor and don't embarrass Feifei."

"Sister Hua, where do you come from? Feifei is now the company's last promising female singer. As a shareholder of the company, how can I make things difficult for her?" Su Yun said with a smile: "I just want to talk to her."

The corners of Liu Jinghua's mouth twitched. These days, he is not afraid of chatting, but he is afraid of talking heart-to-heart. Whenever he talks, he takes it to his heart, and if he loses his heart, accidents are easy to happen.

"Can I hear it?" Liu Jinghua asked.

"Sister Hua, there are some things I just want to talk to Feifei. If you want to hear it, I'll tell you another day." Su Yun said.

Seeing that Su Yun didn't let go, Liu Jinghua couldn't help but sighed, "Okay, let's talk, I'll wait here."

Su Yun walked up to Tang Fei, "Let's go upstairs and talk."

Tang Fei nodded and followed tremblingly.

Liu Jinghua looked at the backs of Su Yun and Tang Fei, his face was full of worry.

"Hmph, commit sin, don't live!"

A voice came from behind, Liu Jinghua looked back, it was Xu Jie.

Liu Jinghua said in her heart: If I knew that you are so good at picking up girls, I would never let you break up with Tang Fei.

It turned out to be a pit, but now it is a pair!
 Thank you for the 100 starting coins rewarded by Y Lai from the Book Friends Society!
(End of this chapter)

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