The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 156 1 Small Belly 99

Chapter 156

Tang Fei stared blankly at Sister Yun in front of her, her mind was blank.

If she understood correctly, the other party seemed to be supporting her husband to get back with his ex-girlfriend!

what's the situation?
Even if Sister Yun felt sorry for the breakup between her and Xu Jie, she wouldn't sacrifice her marriage to help others, right?
How does this look like what a wife should say?

Tang Fei recovered from her astonishment, she secretly looked at Sister Yun in front of her, no, this must be Sister Yun's test for her, she used words to test her.

"Sister Yun, life needs experience. No matter what happens in the future, at least I have no regrets now, so please rest assured that I will never destroy your marriage with Xu Jie. The education I have received since I was a child does not allow me to do this. Yes, and I won't in the future." Tang Fei said solemnly.

The more magnanimous the other party is, the more holy mother she is, the more frightened she is, it's better to scold her directly.

Su Yun narrowed her eyes and looked at Tang Fei. Seeing that the other party was very serious, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

now it's right!

Breaking up is breaking up, so don't go back to entangle.

Although she and Xu Jie are all fake except the marriage certificate is real, but through this period of contact, she found that Xu Jie is a man who values ​​love and righteousness, but she also knows that the other party is particularly unwilling after being dumped She tried her best to prove it to Tang Fei. She was worried that this obsession would affect men, especially when Tang Fei's development was not going well, or when she turned around one day in the future, once her heart softened, she might be hurt again.

In contrast, a woman like Tang Fei who doesn't take her feelings too seriously is really not suitable for Xu Jie.

As for why she did this, she couldn't tell, maybe it was sympathy, maybe it was pity, maybe it was justice, the light of the right way
"Let's go, or they will wait in a hurry." Su Yun said lightly, and then walked out of the room.

By the end of the chat, she had already got the answer.

Tang Fei looked at Su Yun's back suspiciously. The topic started suddenly and ended suddenly. She still doesn't understand what Sister Yun wants to do.

never mind!

No matter what, the chat was over, and I finally didn't have to answer those terrible questions, and the whole person felt a lot more relaxed, as if the boulder weighing on my heart had been removed.

The two walked out of the room. Without accident, Xu Jie and Liu Jinghua were still standing in the corridor. Su Yun walked to Xu Jie's side, and walked to the banquet hall with the man next to him. Liu Jinghua looked at the two people who had left, and then quickly Come to Tang Fei's side.

"Are you okay?" Liu Jinghua kept looking at Tang Fei, from bottom to top, from legs to face.

"It's okay." Tang Fei said after hearing it.

Liu Jinghua looked at Su Yun's back until the other party walked into the gate of the banquet hall, and then asked, "What did Su Yun tell you?"

Tang Fei thought for a while and said, "Sister Yun told me that the entertainment industry is in chaos, so let me be careful not to be deceived."

Liu Jinghua was taken aback, and asked, "That's all?"

Tang Fei nodded, "Yes."

Liu Jinghua's tense expression finally relaxed, and took the opportunity to say: "You sister Yun is right, there are mixed people in the entertainment industry, there are all kinds of people, you are a newcomer and a woman, you have to be extra careful and careful, otherwise it will be easy Being cheated of money and sex."

Well, as long as you trust her as an agent!

"Thank you, Sister Hua, I will protect myself," Tang Fei said.

"Okay, let's go back, we will take a group photo later, remember to stand behind me." Liu Jinghua said.

Tang Fei was stunned. The position for taking pictures is particular. The closer to the C position, the more attention it means to be valued by the boss and the company.

Sister Hua is the boss of the company, and she will undoubtedly stand in the C position when taking pictures. Being able to stand behind the boss, one can imagine how much attention she receives.

"Yes, Sister Hua!" Tang Fei said respectfully, feeling extremely happy in her heart.

"What did you say, are you still carrying me behind your back?" Xu Jie asked Su Yun who was beside him as he walked. This woman seemed to be peaceful and calm, but she was actually a little girl.

"This is a secret between women, I can't tell you." Su Yun said mysteriously.

"Half of a man is a woman. Don't look at me as tall, majestic, handsome and unrestrained. In fact, there is a little princess living in my heart." After Xu Jie finished speaking, he blinked at the woman, but unfortunately his eyes were not big, and his eyelashes were also thick. It's not as long as the cartoon characters, and the effect is very average.

Su Yun was amused, "Don't worry, it's just a casual chat, I didn't do anything to your ex-girlfriend, besides, didn't you break up? Why are you so nervous, do you still have her in your heart?"

"Hmph!" Xu Jie sneered, "Funny, I'm shameless? I'm just worried about you making trouble."

"You don't believe me? I'm your wife now, could it be that I'll still hurt you?" Su Yun sighed softly, showing a sad look, "You don't believe me, I'm so sad. "

Xu Jie looked at the woman, and was possessed by the dramatist again, Oscar owed her a little golden man.

"Okay, there are so many people." Xu Jie looked at the banquet hall. Today, in addition to the insiders of the brokerage company, he also invited some well-connected reporters as a thank you.

"Then say something nice." Su Yun said.

"You are so beautiful." Xu Jie came casually.

"This is the truth, do you need to tell me? Let's talk about the kind of husband and wife who are very affectionate and sincere. Speaking of which, we have been married for so long, and you haven't spoken to me yet." Su Yun looked at it with a smile With Xu Jie.

The corner of Xu Jie's mouth twitched, isn't this woman too deep into the drama?Do you really think of yourself as a wife?
"I love you!" Xu Jie said to Su Yun seriously, "Do you believe it?"

"Believe me, I am so beautiful after all." Su Yun then asked: "How much love?"

"Weak water three thousand, I will only prostitute you." Xu Jie said.

Su Yun didn't say anything, but calmly used the hand holding Xu Jie's arm to gently pinch the inner flesh of Xu Jie's arm, and then rotated it clockwise.
"Cough, take it easy, it hurts!" Xu Jie clamped his arms tightly, the feeling was like when he was stuck with needles in elementary school.

"Let's see if you still dare to talk nonsense in the future." Su Yun let go, went back to table No. 1 and sat down.

Seeing that the braised pork and rice were served and placed in front of his seat, Xu Jie immediately picked up his chopsticks and started eating.

After a while, Liu Jinghua came back from the outside, saw that it was getting late, and many celebrities were busy, so they decided to take a group photo.

At this time, all the artists and managers of the company came to the stage. Liu Jinghua stood in the middle of the first row, Su Yun stood on Liu Jinghua's left, and Tang Fei stood behind Liu Jinghua.

Facing the camera, whether standing in the front row or standing in the back row, everyone has a smile on their faces.

Xu Jie sat under the stage, looking at the stage silently. Those people looked at the people around them, looking for their own positions, as if they were out of the palace. Only the person involved knows how many torrents and undercurrents there are.

(End of this chapter)

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