Chapter 157 Notorious?

In the early morning, Xu Jie and the program team came to the film and television base to start the second day's costume drama shooting.

Today there are still celebrities in the scene, Huang Qian in the morning and Yang Yihan in the afternoon. Xu Jie doesn't want all these celebrities to be as dedicated as Chen Chao, but at least not to be passive and sabotage like Liu Ying.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, a commercial vehicle was led by the staff of the base to the shooting location. Xu Jie knew that it was Huang Qian who came. The filming time agreed by the program group and Huang Qian was 9 o'clock. A punctual person.

good sign.

The car door opened, and a woman wearing a cotton cap and a white down jacket got out of the car, followed by three people, no need to ask, this person was Huang Qian.

"Hello, Director Xu. I'm Huang Qian. I'm not late, right?" The beauty walked up to Xu Jie and saluted proactively.

Xu Jie saw the other party's quiet and polite manner, and he felt a good feeling in his heart, and said with a smile: "I'm not late."

He thought to himself: Compared with Liu Ying, this is considered to be early.

Xu Jie called Tian Haobo, handed the latest script to Huang Qian, and said, "Go back to the car and change your clothes, and then look at the latest script. There are a few changes in the back, which have been marked. You are familiar with it." After a while, the official shooting will take place in half an hour."

"Alright Director Xu." Huang Qian took the script, ordered the assistant to pick up the costumes, and then returned to her business car.

Xu Jie looked at Huang Qian's back, and it seemed that celebrities like Liu Ying playing big names were just an exception, so he felt relieved.

Huang Qian returned to the car, looked through the window at the director who was standing outdoors in a thin ancient costume, and couldn't help feeling a little puzzled in her heart.

Yesterday she called Liu Ying and asked about the character of this Director Xu. In the end, Liu Ying had a lot of output, and said that the director was vicious, and said that the director was difficult, and that the man was a violent man. He hacked the table with a kitchen knife on the set It was after hearing these words that she came here on time.

However, after the brief contact just now, she felt that Director Xu was not as scary as Liu Ying said. He had neither a hideous face nor superhuman powers. He looked like an ordinary person. Why was he so violent?But in such a cold day, wearing so little, from this point of view, he is definitely a ruthless person.

Of course, it's not that she doesn't believe in Liu Ying. It's better to be more polite. After all, she is the program director of the Beijing TV station. As an artist in the Beijing circle, she might cooperate with her in the future.

Huang Qian changed into her costume and carefully looked at the script in her hand.

In fact, there is no such thing as professionalism or non-professionalism. We all order dishes when we see people. If she is afraid of you and respects you, she will be dedicated. If she is not afraid of you and takes you seriously, she will not be professional.

When actors play big names, they are facing small directors. If they are facing big directors, who would dare to play big names?The dog blood sprinkler who was scolded every minute.

The shooting process was very smooth, and the scenes were not difficult and not too many. The originally estimated three-hour shooting was completed in only two hours.

Huang Qian returned to the car, changed her costume, came to Xu Jie, smiled and said: "Director Xu, if there is nothing else, I will leave first."

Today, the money is easy to earn, and I received a day's salary in half a day. The key is that the director is easy to talk, and there are not so many things. Unlike some directors, it takes a whole day before the filming is finished, for fear of losing money.

As for what Liu Ying said, she had long forgotten about it. There is an old saying: hearing is believing, seeing is believing.

"Well, goodbye." Xu Jie was in a good mood.

"Goodbye Director Xu, I hope there will be opportunities to cooperate in the future." Huang Qian said.

"There will be a chance." Xu Jie said with a smile.

After Huang Qian left, Xu Jie took people to the next filming location. At this time, Tian Haobo drove back and distributed box lunches with chicken legs to the staff and extras.

Xu Jie quickly finished his meal, and took out a cage from the car, which contained four live ducks.

It is now 12:30, and there is still half an hour before the time agreed with Yang Yihan. He plans to use this time to finish filming the scene of killing ducks, then go to film Yang Yihan's scene, and finally film the roast duck scene The whole process.

Now the stuffed ducks used in roast duck restaurants are all slaughtered, and the slaughterhouses are highly mechanized, and there are few links that require manual processing, but it was different hundreds of years ago. The ancient people made roast ducks, and the slaughtering process was complete. Relying on both hands, so today's scene is definitely a test for Xu Jie, who plays the cook.

Of course, Xu Jie is not an idle person. He killed pigs at home during the winter vacation in college, and killed fish when he was helping the cook in a restaurant, so he has always been very sure about his killer temperament. Uncle asked for advice on how to kill ducks, and killed a few of them, so he has mastered the trick. As for the effect, we will see today.

At 1:14 pm, Yang Yihan arrived late.

He received a call from Liu Ying last night, and learned from the other party that the director of "Delicious History" is very arrogant, like a bully, not only demanding too much, but also swearing at people at every turn, and the other party finally cried aggrieved , as a colleague of the same entertainment company and a friend in private, he decided to give this director a little color and see what he can do with him.

Yang Yihan got out of the car and seemed to be shooting, so he walked up to a staff member and asked, "Hey, are you the program team of "Delicious History"?"

"Yes, you are Yang Yihan?" Song Huanhuan looked excited, like a little girl.

She is a fan of Yang Yihan, so now she is very happy to see Yang Yihan in real life, thinking that after the filming of the show, she must use her mobile phone to take a photo with him.

"It's me." Yang Yihan asked arrogantly, "Where's your director?"

"The director is filming, it will be ready soon, you go to change the costumes first, this is the latest script, two plots have been added in the middle, and a few lines have been added." Song Huanhuan said, and then handed over the script in his hand.

Yang Yihan didn't even read it, just ignored Song Huanhuan's existence, and said dissatisfiedly: "The plot can be added as soon as it is said, isn't it too unprofessional? Do you have a finished script? Don't add it when it's time to shoot. , my time is precious."

Song Huanhuan was slightly taken aback, isn't it normal to add and change scenes when filming?Even after filming, if you have a good idea, it is common to call back to make up the film.

Her affection for her idol disappeared in an instant, hum, who wants to take a photo with you.

"You should familiarize yourself with the script first. As for how to shoot, I will listen to the director's arrangement." Song Huanhuan said.

"Since I'm not sure, then what else should I watch?" Yang Yihan said angrily, "Bring the director and tell me exactly how I want to act."

"Hush!" Tian Haobo walked over quickly, and said in a low voice, "Be quiet, there is patting over there."

Yang Yihan was unhappy when he heard it, "I am the protagonist, is my play important or someone else's? Director, director?"

Tian Haobo looked at Song Huanhuan suspiciously, and asked what happened to the other party. Song Huanhuan didn't say anything, but spread out the script in his hands, with a helpless look on his face.

"Is it because you are dissatisfied with the script?" Tian Haobo said to Yang Yihan: "The director is filming, but he can't be called. Come with me, and I will take you there."

"Okay, I'm not even sure about the script, I want to see what your director can shoot." Yang Yihan followed after speaking.

His task today is to find faults. The director, staff and the entire program group, he wants to let the people here know that it is an honor for everyone to invite stars like them to perform on the program.

(End of this chapter)

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