The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 158 You asked for it yourself!

Chapter 158 You asked for it yourself!

Tian Haobo took Yang Yihan into the restaurant, gently opened the door curtain with his fingers, pointed to the back kitchen and whispered, "Teacher Xu is inside."

Yang Yihan felt that the gap was too small to see anyone, so he stretched out his hand to open the curtain, and saw three people inside, one was wearing an ancient costume and his back was facing him, he didn’t know what he was doing, he should be an actor, the other two were cameramen, One stood on the side of the actor, and the other stood opposite the actor, shooting the actor from different angles.

"I'm looking for a director, not a teacher!" Yang Yihan said angrily. At the same time, he looked in the back kitchen. Except for the cameraman and actors, he didn't see the director.

"Hush!" Tian Haobo put his index finger in front of his mouth, signaling the other party to keep his voice down, but it was too late.

"Who's talking?" Xu Jie frowned and turned around, with displeasure written all over his face.

He was holding the duck that had just been bled in his left hand, and a kitchen knife in his right hand. Probably because it hadn't been cleaned, the duck was still bleeding to the ground, covering his hands.

Yang Yihan was startled when he saw this scene. The kitchen knife, the dead duck, the cold eyes, and the bloody hands, all combined together, the bloody scene shocked the soul.

"Who told you to come in?" Xu Jie asked, he was shooting a second shot, and wanted to kill another one just because of the sudden interruption.

"Xu, Mr. Xu, Yang Yihan has an opinion on the script." Tian Haobo said in a low voice, and then pointed to Yang Yihan beside him.

Xu Jie looked over coldly. Before shooting the duck, he told Song Huanhuan to see him off. If Yang Yihan came, let the other party change clothes and read the script first, and then shoot Yang Yihan's scenes after he finished filming here.

"What's your opinion?" Xu Jie threw the duck in his hand aside, blood spattered all over the floor.

Yang Yihan trembled all over, resisting the churning in his stomach, and said in a trembling voice: "I, I'm looking for the director."

"I am!" Xu Jie said.

At this time, he didn't know what was blown into his eyes. He rubbed the back of his hand casually, and finally touched the duck blood on his face.

"Ah? Me, I just want to ask when we can shoot." Yang Yihan looked away, not daring to meet the director's gaze, let alone look at the other's face. Although he knew it was duck blood, he still I can't pass the test in my heart.

"Wait for the notice!" Xu Jie said.

"Oh." Yang Yihan responded, and then said: "Director, you shoot first, I'll get back in the car and wait for the notification." After speaking, he hurried out of the restaurant.

Back in the car, Yang Yihan breathed a sigh of relief, but he still has lingering fears.

At this moment, he remembered what Liu Ying said when he called, hacking the table with a knife?Isn't this chopping ducks?
In fact, chopping down the table is okay, leaving a few holes on the table at most, but chopping up ducks is different, the scene is too bloody.

People are like this now, the stewed duck head is very delicious, but they can't see the scene of killing the duck.

Yang Yihan opened the script and looked at the added plots. In fact, the content is very simple, only a few scenes have been added. It is not difficult to act, and it will not take long.

He looked at it, his brows gradually wrinkled.


Today's filming is a scene of eating roast duck. It's normal to kill ducks. How can I be intimidated?
No matter how powerful the director is, he still dares to kill people with a knife?

Yang Yihan began to regret his previous behavior of retreating. If this matter got out, how could he have the face to face Liu Ying in the future?How can you talk to Liu Ying about the script late at night?

"Xiaoxin!" He called his assistant, and said, "When filming later, you can use your mobile phone to take pictures of my performance, especially when I conflict with the director, do you understand?"

He wants to send his negative performance to Liu Ying, vent his anger for the other party, and let the other party understand his intentions.

"Okay." Xiaoxin's assistant nodded.

Twenty minutes later, there was a knock on the door outside the car.

"Yang Yihan, the director told you to go filming." Song Huanhuan shouted.

"Got it." The assistant replied.

After a while, Yang Yihan got out of the car and came to the shooting scene in ancient costume.

Xu Jie found Yang Yihan and told the first scene.

"do you understand?"

"Understood." Yang Yihan nodded.

"Actors are in place, all departments are ready." Xu Jie shouted loudly: "Preparation, 3, 2, 1, start!"

The character played by Yang Yihan was walking on the street, and suddenly stopped while walking, twisting and twisting all over, completely inconsistent with the image of the son he played.

"Stop!" Xu Jie frowned, looked at Yang Yihan and asked, "What are you doing?"

Yang Yihan stretched out his hand to scratch this and that, and said in his mouth: "Director, how long has this dress been out of play? It's so itchy to wear."

"Actors have to overcome it." Xu Jie said.

"Director, I can't overcome it. I still have clothes, why don't you change me?" Yang Yihan asked.

Xu Jie looked at Tian Haobo, Tian Haobo immediately went to get another set and handed it to Yang Yihan, Yang Yihan returned to the commercial vehicle with the clothes, and got out of the car after a few minutes.

"Is it still itchy?" Xu Jie asked.

"It doesn't itch anymore, this dress is better." Yang Yihan stood in the position just now, adjusted his emotions, and said, "Director, let's start."

Xu Jie shouted to the others: "Every department is ready, 3, 2, 1, start!"

Yang Yihan was walking on the street, smelling the fragrance, and stopped. At this moment, the belt tied around his waist suddenly opened, revealing the sweater inside.

"Stop!" Xu Jie frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

"Director, the belt of the clothes is too slippery." Yang Yihan said innocently, with a flash of pride in his eyes, he secretly aimed at his assistant Xiaoxin, who was pointing at him with a mobile phone.

Xu Jie took a deep breath and said to Tian Haobo: "Xiao Tian, ​​help him fasten the belt."

Tian Haobo stepped forward to help Yang Yihan fasten his belt, making sure that it would not fall off and walked out of the camera.

"Are you ready?" Xu Jie asked Yang Yihan.

"All right."

"Teacher Xu, there is something wrong with this Yang Yihan." Song Huanhuan came over and said in a low voice, "I found faults when I first came here, and now I make small mistakes repeatedly."

Xu Jie thought for a while, then turned around and quietly said to Liu Jinbao and Lu Zhanpeng beside him, "Don't shoot this time, just pretend."

Liu Jinbao and Lu Zhanpeng nodded, "Understood!" They had already seen something wrong with Yang Yihan.

Xu Jie shouted loudly: Ready, 3, 2, 1, start! "

Yang Yihan walked a few steps, suddenly tilted his body, and staggered to the ground.

"Oh, I sprained my ankle." After speaking, he covered his ankle with his hands in pain.

"Why are you so careless?" Xu Jie walked over quickly, pretending to be concerned and asked, "Do you need to find a doctor?"

Yang Yihan said: "No, it's not serious, it should be fine after a while."

"Okay." Xu Jie turned to look at Tian Haobo, and said, "Xiaotian, bring a chair for Yang Yihan to sit on."

"Director, don't bother, I can just sit in the car." Yang Yihan said quickly.

How could Xu Jie make the other party run away like this?He took the chair handed over by Tian Haobo, put it behind Yang Yihan, and said, "You just sit here and watch us shoot, so that you can better integrate into the whole storyline."

Little boy, I can't freeze you to death!
Yang Yihan thought for a while, and then said: "Okay." After speaking, he sat down and asked his assistant to put on a down jacket for himself.

In fact, all the scenes were filmed around Xu Jie and Yang Yihan. Without Yang Yihan, we could only shoot Xu Jie.

"Shoot me!" Xu Jie said to the cameraman, and glanced at Yang Yihan out of the corner of his eye. As the old saying goes, if you do it again and again, you don't repeat it again and again, you asked for it!
(End of this chapter)

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