Chapter 161

Xu Jie carefully looked at the way everyone was eating. Everyone's expressions were very natural, and there was no discomfort that was difficult to swallow. Coupled with everyone's constant praise, he gradually began to wonder in his heart. Could it be that what Su Yun did today? Steak pasta is really good?
Could it be that during this period of time, under his training, the other party's craftsmanship has improved by leaps and bounds, not only the palace cheese is getting better and better, but other dishes have also made great progress?

Could it be that Su Yun is a culinary genius who knows everything?

He couldn't help but cut a piece of beef and put it in his mouth. There was a faint smell of black pepper in the mouth. It was tender, juicy and full of meat. The pasta was neither soft nor hard, and the tomato sauce was sour. Sweet and sour, the diced mushroom inside tastes like meat.

Xu Jie looked at Su Yun in surprise, and couldn't help but look at him with admiration. No wonder his colleagues were full of praise. The steak and pasta are really good. They may not be as good as professional western restaurants, but there are no shortcomings.

"Sister-in-law, I didn't expect that your cooking skills are so good, you are simply a perfect idol." When Song Huanhuan spoke, his eyes were full of little stars.

"Yes, I can go to the hall, I can go to the kitchen, I can walk on the red carpet, and I can fight my looks. I, a girl, are starting to envy Director Xu."


"Actually, it's nothing." Su Yun said modestly: "If you say good cooking skills, Xu Jie is really good. I learned all these things from him."

After everyone heard it, they didn't doubt it. After all, they had seen Xu Jie's ability these days, and they believed that he graduated from culinary school.

"Ms. Xu, didn't you hire a nanny?" Liu Hua asked curiously. Shouldn't ordinary celebrities have a nanny at home?Clean up, make a meal or something.

"No." Xu Jie looked at Su Yun and said with a smile, "What a wonderful world for the two of you."

He was in a good mood, and this dinner was considered a good face for him.

Liu Hua thought about it, and she was right. Although having a babysitter is very convenient, the two-person world is more comfortable and comfortable. You can do whatever you want, and you don't have to worry about being seen or embarrassed.

"Who usually cooks?" Liu Hua asked again.

"I'm busy with her, and she's busy with me. They're both husband and wife, so there's no need to make a clear distinction." Xu Jie said.

"Mr. Xu, do you have the heart to let my sister-in-law into the kitchen?" Song Huanhuan asked, "The oily fume will accelerate the aging of the skin."

Liu Jinbao at the side couldn't listen any longer, so I invite you to have a meal at home, do you really not regard yourself as an outsider?

He stretched out his legs and kicked Song Huanhuan under the table, signaling the other party not to inquire about other people's privacy, just like the sentence just now, those who knew were concerned about Su Yun, those who didn't know thought they were sowing discord.

Song Huanhuan was slightly taken aback, and looked at Liu Jinbao suspiciously. When she met Liu Jinbao's eyes, she immediately reacted.

Oops, the entertainment reporter's old habit of gossiping has happened again!

"Huanhuan, I didn't pick you. I'm not willing to listen to what you said." Xu Jie said seriously: "Yes, Su Yun is very good-looking, but am I so superficial? It's her soul, her inside is more beautiful than her outside, understand?"

"I understand, Director Xu, I made a mistake, and I'll punish myself with a glass!" Song Huanhuan hurriedly took the glass and drank all the juice in it in one go.

Only now did she realize how stupid her question was, it was simply not flattering to both sides.

"Are you not married yet?" Su Yun looked at Song Huanhuan and asked with a smile.

"Yes." Song Huanhuan nodded.

"When you get married, you will understand that cooking for the one you love is actually a very happy thing." Su Yun said with a smile: "Actually, I didn't know how to cook before, and I couldn't even make scrambled eggs with tomatoes. , since getting the license with Xu Jie, I have been learning cooking, not for anything else, just want to cook for him, whenever I see him eating the food I cook, I will have a kind of achievement in my heart sense of satisfaction and satisfaction.”

After speaking, he looked at Xu Jie, his eyes filled with deep love. After receiving the signal, Xu Jie also looked back at Su Yun, with happiness written all over his face.

Everyone stared blankly at this scene, and they gave each other a good look, and the dog food was fed directly.

The men looked at Xu Jie enviously. With such a wife and a big star, she must have saved the earth in her previous life.

And the women looked at Su Yun with admiration. She is so good and works so hard. Facts have proved that no matter how noble a goddess is, she will become a little girl in front of her lover. At the same time, she deeply understands a truth. Heart, first you have to grasp a man's stomach, you have been taught, and you will start learning cooking from tomorrow.

Goddesses are learning, so what reason do these little fairies not learn?

After dinner, three women, Song Huanhuan, Liu Hua, and Xiao Wei took the initiative to pick up the table and wash the dishes, while Xu Jie was going to change clothes on the second floor. Su Yun immediately followed after hearing this.

"Don't worry, I'll just change clothes and do nothing else." Xu Jie thought that the other party was worried that he would rummage in the clothing room. After living together for so long, he didn't even have this kind of trust. Is he that kind of person?

"Hush!" Su Yun put her finger in front of her lips.

"What's the matter?" Xu Jie looked at the other party curiously and asked, when he came to the second floor, he suddenly saw a person, Su Yun's assistant Huang Xiaorong.

Xu Jie was taken aback, and looked at Su Yun suspiciously. He told Su Yun last night that he would take his colleagues home to shoot a show tonight. Does it mean that such a trivial matter also needs to bring an assistant?

"What are you doing upstairs? Why didn't you go down and have dinner with us just now?" Xu Jie suspected that Huang Xiaorong was an eyeliner sent by Liu Jinghua, to check whether he and Su Yun were really sleeping in the same room. Didn't Liu Jinghua do this kind of thing before? ?
"The steak pasta just now was made by Xiao Rong." Su Yun said.

"What? Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, looked at Su Yun in surprise, and asked, "Didn't you say you did it? "

"Who said that? I only said that I prepared it, not that I did it." Su Yun said confidently.

"Huh?" Xu Jie was startled, playing word games.

"Actually, I have been researching what to do at night at home, and then I thought that steak pasta is relatively simple, so I decided to make this treat for your colleagues, but I have done it a few times, and I can't always master the heat of frying steak, and the pasta is not without it It was too soft when it was cooked, and seeing that it was running out of time, I brought Xiao Rong here." Su Yun explained.

"Oh!" Xu Jie understood. No wonder the other party was so confident when talking about the surprise before. It turned out that they invited foreign aid, which frightened him. Awarded to you, you really can act."

"To each other, no matter how good I act, how about you?" Su Yun folded her hands on her chest, looking at the man with a half-smile.

"What did I play?" Xu Jie asked puzzled, could it be that he was showing affection just now?Isn't that a mutual show?
"Let me ask you, was the meal I cooked for you good?" Su Yun asked.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, and You Dian understood what the other party meant.

"I know it's not tasty even if you don't tell me, right?" Su Yun asked.

Xu Jie coughed twice and said, "It's average."

"Normal? Do you think I don't taste the food? I just don't know what's wrong, but you said that I did a good job, so let me continue to make mistakes!" Su Yun stared at Xu Jie intently, as if saying: I do If it doesn't taste good, that's your fault too.

"What? You know?" Xu Jie frowned suddenly, and asked, "You know it's not delicious, but you still ask me how it tastes?"

"I..." Su Yun opened her mouth, glanced at Xu Jie for a while, and finally looked at Xu Jie and said, "Don't talk, I'm asking you now, don't change the subject and say, why do you eat up even though you know it's not good?" ?”

"Cough, it's shameful to waste it." Xu Jie shook his head secretly as he said, he was so miserably deceived.

"No more?" Su Yun asked.

Xu Jie glanced at Huang Xiaorong at the side, and then said affectionately, Su Yun, "Because of love."


"Because the food you cook is mixed with a lot of love, how can I pour out your love? Even dark food, as long as it is mixed with your love, it will become a delicacy. "

Su Yun froze for a moment, and was completely stunned. Such a direct confession was really caught off guard.

Huang Xiaorong stood aside in embarrassment, what a hearty dog ​​food!

 Thanks for the 100 starting coins rewarded by book friend Wuyin Lonely Guest!
(End of this chapter)

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