The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 162 The Immortal Couple

Chapter 162 The Immortal Family
"You, what nonsense are you talking about?" Su Yun looked back at the man, her handsome face was slightly flushed, and there was a bit of girlish shyness between her brows.

It's all about love when you open your mouth and shut it, it's too nasty.

She seemed to have forgotten what she had just confessed to Xu Jie at the dinner table.

"No nonsense, you cook for me, it's love, and I eat your food, it's also love, what I say is from the bottom of my heart." Xu Jie said seriously, with a serious look that even himself I'm a little bit convinced.

If you want to deceive others, you must first deceive yourself. They are all old actors.

Xu Jie pointed to the clothing room, and said to Su Yun, "I'll go in and change first if there's nothing else to do, and you're ready to get ready too. We'll start shooting later." After speaking, he walked into the clothing room.

"En." Su Yun nodded, and then said to Huang Xiaorong: "You stay on the second floor for a while, you can go to listen to music, or exercise, and you can leave after those people leave."

"Alright Sister Yun." Huang Xiaorong nodded.

"Are you hungry? I have food in my room, so you can make do with it first." Su Yun asked.

"Sister Yun, I'm not hungry, you are busy with your work, don't be polite to me." Huang Xiaorong said.

The dog food is already full.

A few minutes later, Xu Jie changed his clothes and came to the first floor. His colleagues were all ready and the camera was already taken out.

"Has everyone finished eating?" Xu Jie asked.

"Eat well." Everyone said in unison.

Can a dinner made by a big star be good?It is estimated that there will never be a second time in this life.

"Since the food is ready, let's start filming now." Xu Jie came to the kitchen, pulled Su Yun to his side, looked at the staff of the program group and said, "First film the process of my wife making the palace cheese, and then Take a shot of giving me supper."

"Good Director Xu!"

The cameraman began to adjust the position of the camera, and some other people were responsible for recording, and some were responsible for holding the reflector.

"Are you ready?" Xu Jie looked at Su Yun and asked.

The last time I filmed "Delicious History", Su Yun only played Cixi. Although the role is very important, but there are not many scenes, but this time it is different. Su Yun is the chef, the absolute protagonist, and is a part of modern and ancient dramas. The two protagonists, after filming the modern production process tonight, will go to the film and television base to film the ancient production process tomorrow. In the past, Xu Jie traveled by himself. This time, he and Su Yun traveled together, staying together, flying and wearing together.

"Yeah." Su Yun nodded, she had been preparing for this moment for many days.

"Okay, everyone, get ready, 3, 2, 1, start."

Su Yun walked into the kitchen, found out milk, rice wine and sugar, and started making palace cheese.

This year is the 11th year of Su Yun's debut. She has made short music videos, acted in movies, and recorded shows. She has already gotten used to the camera, so she looks very natural in front of the camera, without any tension, only concentration and heart.

Although Su Yun received the script for a very short time, she has been practicing making palace cheese for a long time, and she has already memorized all the steps, which makes her movements very smooth. With a beautiful face, she can be described in four words: pleasing to the eye.

Xu Jie, who was standing behind the camera, was gradually fascinated. If he wanted to ask him why he would eat Su Yun's unpalatable food, this was the answer.

Not to mention unpalatable, even if it is poisonous, I am willing, as long as the poison does not kill me.

After all, how many people want to eat but still can't eat.

He doesn't eat?That is to live in the blessing and not know the blessing.

Three hours later, Su Yun took the two bowls of cheese out of the refrigerator. The surface was trembling, looking white and tender, and the old capital palace cheese was successfully made.

Su Yun put the heart-shaped fruit pulp that was cut out with a mold on the surface of the cheese. The monotonous cheese immediately became richer in color, making it more beautiful, especially the love fruit, which is definitely the finishing touch.

"Okay, very good!" Xu Jie couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief while praising him.

Although he knew that the other party had already mastered the craft of making cheese, he still felt a little nervous when the actual filming was taking place, for fear that the other party would lose the chain, but now that he saw the formed cheese, he could finally feel relieved.

"Sister-in-law, you are too powerful!"

"Yeah, it looks delicious!"

Several women surrounded them. Everyone had eaten old Beijing palace cheese, but no one thought of making it by themselves. Now that they saw a big star making it, they were full of admiration, and it also deepened their idea of ​​learning cooking.

"Okay, next is the clip of delivering the cheese." Xu Jie took people to his bedroom, no, it was the study room, and rearranged the place. It turns out that the desk is against the wall, but it needs to face the camera when shooting, so The desk was moved to the middle to ensure that all angles of front, back, left, and right can be photographed.

Xu Jie demonstrated for Su Yun the walking route, where to go to be photographed by the camera, and where to stand to ensure that the two of them appear together in the camera. Su Yun is also an old actor, so she understood it as soon as she said it.

After figuring everything out, the shooting started.

Xu Jie was sitting at the desk, staring at the laptop screen, typing on the keyboard with both hands quickly, writing today's interview.

After a while, there was a knock on the door outside.


Immediately after the door opened, Su Yun walked in from the outside.

She held a bowl in her hand, which contained the freshly made palace cheese.

Su Yun came to Xu Jie's side lightly, put the cheese on the table, and said softly with a smile on her face: "Honey, = I made your favorite old capital palace cheese."

Xu Jie stopped his hands when he heard it, and his eyes shifted from the screen to Su Yun's face, and said lovingly: "Thank you, wife." Then he picked up the bowl, filled the cheese with a spoon and ate it.

Su Yun walked behind Xu Jie, put her hands on Xu Jie's shoulders and gently squeezed...

The people around stared blankly, their eyes straightened.

Although they knew that this was filming a program, the two people in front of the camera showed a tacit understanding and a natural understanding. In addition, Su Yun warmly entertained everyone before, and her soft-spoken manner made everyone think that Director Xu and Su Yun Yun usually gets along like this, and she can't help feeling in her heart: What a couple of gods and gods.

The camera gradually moved away, slowly exiting the study room, Xu Jie and Su Yun were still in the room, and the door was closed at this moment.


With the sound of closing the door, tonight's shooting task was successfully completed.

Xu Jie pushed open the door at this time, walked out from the study, looked at the crowd and said, "Everyone has worked hard, I will shoot here tonight, and I will go to the film and television base to shoot for another day tomorrow, and the shooting part can be over."

After hearing this, everyone had a relaxed expression on their faces.

In fact, filming the program is not difficult, neither need to go up the mountain, nor need to go down to the sea, but it is too cold outside this month, the thought that it will be over soon, and I don’t have to go outside to suffer from the cold, I feel very happy.

"Director Xu has worked hard."

"Sister-in-law has worked hard."

Everyone was polite, and seeing that it was getting late, everyone dressed and left one after another, so as not to delay Director Xu and Su Yun's rest.

Xu Jie and Su Yun stood outside the door, waving goodbye to their colleagues, and the car quickly disappeared into the night.

"Director Xu, how is my performance tonight?" Su Yun turned around and looked at Xu Jie with a smile and asked.

"Not bad." Xu Jie looked at the smile on the other party's face, and then added, "It would be even better if the steak pasta was made by you."

"I will practice every day from now on, so don't stop eating!"


 Thanks for the 500 starting coins rewarded by the book friend Lemon Tree Eating Candy!
(End of this chapter)

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