Chapter 163 Mortal Scientist

The filming part of "Delicious History" ended soon, which also marks that the program has officially entered the post-production stage.

On this day, Xu Jie was discussing special effects with the post-production staff at the satellite TV program center, and director Lu Hong found him.

"How is the show going?" Lu Hong asked concerned.

Although Beijing Satellite TV has carried out a revision, most of the programs are old programs, but they have undergone appropriate surgery, which is equivalent to plastic surgery and a new look. As for whether the audience appreciates it, no one knows for the time being. In comparison, his I look forward to the performance of these new programs introduced, and hope that the new programs can bring new surprises to Beijing Satellite TV.

"Everything is going well. According to the current progress, it will be completed within a week, and the broadcast will not be delayed." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

Compared with the first episode, the second episode took longer both in pre-shooting and post-production, but the content is also more exciting. After all, it will be broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV, and audiences across the country can watch it Seeing that, Xu Jie naturally didn't dare to be careless.

"Then I'm relieved." Lu Hong nodded and said: "As a new program on the satellite TV channel, many viewers don't know about it. Please make a 20-second promotional video and give it to me as soon as possible. I'm going to put it on a popular time slot It will be aired to warm up for the start of the program.”

Xu Jie's eyes lit up, this is definitely a good thing for the show, in addition to the old audience of the first episode, it can also be known to audiences across the country.

"Okay, Director Lu, I'll go back and do it right away." Xu Jie explained to the post-production staff, and then hurried back to the art program center, gathered everyone in the program group to discuss the program trailer. thing.

How to express the brilliance of five episodes of 125 minutes in 20 seconds is not an easy task. Several people have been busy all day before finishing the short film and handing it over to Lu, the director of the satellite TV program center. macro.

The next day, the "Delicious History" promotional video began to be broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV twice a day, once in the morning and in the evening.

Although the promo video is not long, but as it is played every day, more and more people see it and discuss it.

"Looking forward to the stars and looking forward to the moon, I finally look forward to the second episode of "Delicious History"."

"Playing the trailer during the period between the capital news and the news broadcast, Lao Xu really has a face."

"It's aired on Beijing Satellite TV? So we can watch it in Shanghai too? That's great."

"A mysterious celebrity guest in each episode? Who will it be? Does anyone know?"



Time passed day by day, and it entered February in a blink of an eye, and it was also the day when the broadcast started, which happened to be the new year.

Xu Jie came to the unit as usual, and was surrounded by colleagues as soon as he entered the art center.

"Xu Jie, your program will be aired on Beijing Satellite TV tonight. How do you feel now?" Qin Yan turned into a reporter, clenched her hands into fists as microphones, and interviewed Xu Jie.

Xu Jie looked at the fist near his mouth with a wry smile, thought for a while and said, "I hope you don't pull your hips."

His feelings are very simple.

"Huh? Could it be that you don't have confidence in your own program? This is not like you." Qin Yan asked curiously.

"Isn't this going to be broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV? This time, I'm not sure about audiences not only in the capital area, but also all over the country." Xu Jie said truthfully.

The purpose of the program is to promote the food culture in the capital. The audience in the capital likes to watch it, but it does not mean that the audience in other places also likes to watch it. Moreover, it is on Beijing Satellite TV. The ratings are not only based on the capital area, but also on the whole country. Can he not feel pressured?

When I washed my hair this morning and wiped it with a towel, I found a piece of hair stuck on the towel. It seems that the amount of goji berries in the thermos needs to be increased.

"Don't worry." Qin Yan comforted with a smile: "I read the comments from netizens. Everyone is looking forward to your show. By the way, what do you think the ratings will be? Everyone was guessing just now, and I guess it is 6.0. "

Because the audience rating of the last episode of the first issue was 1, she felt that the first episode of the second issue should be above 6.12.

"I guess 4.82." Someone said, this is the average rating of the first issue, but this rating is obviously a bit conservative, after all, the first episode of the first issue was broadcast late at night, and it was without publicity , Seriously lowered the average ratings.

"I guess it's more than 3!" Someone said.


"You're not guessing, you're farting!"

"That's right, I said it was above 1."

Others were angry.

For other people in the cultural program center, it is unimaginable that the ratings are above 3. For so many years, only the daily entertainment broadcast hosted by Qin Yan has a rating of 3 or above. The ratings of other programs are very stable. 2 or less.

However, the program ratings of the Art Channel are not applicable to Xu Jie's programs. You must know that he is the man who broke the ratings of the Art Channel programs. It is an insult to say that the ratings are 3.

Xu Jie thought for a while, and then said a rating that he thought was relatively conservative.

"I think, 6.13!"

Well, 1 higher than the 6.12 in the last episode of the first period.

With the word-of-mouth of the first episode and the advertising promotion of the satellite TV channel, he believes that the ratings of the second episode should be higher than the first episode, and he is still confident in this point.

What he has no idea is not the ratings in the capital area, but the national ratings. You must know that Director Lu still counts on his program to promote the food culture in the capital, so his eyes should not only be in the capital area, but also in the whole country. .

The other colleagues were speechless after hearing it.

The ratings of 6.13 are still worried about stretching the hips?
Are you a Physician?

This rating has already been able to rank among the top 5 in the ratings of all channels of Beijing TV Station.

Hey, is it 110, someone here pretends to force you!
Qin Yan felt that her consolation was superfluous. Their program was broadcast on the satellite TV channel, so what was she worrying about?It's better to do a good job of your own program honestly.

At this time, Jiang Hai, the director of the Art Center, walked in from the outside. After seeing Xu Jie, he asked with a smile: "Xu Jie, do you have confidence in the second episode?"

"Yes, confidence in 6.13." Qin Yan replied for Xu Jie.

"6.13? What do you mean?" Jiang Hai didn't respond.

"It's the ratings." Qin Yan said with a smile, "He just said it himself."

"Oh!" Jiang Hai suddenly realized, and then said to Xu Jie: "You have confidence, so I am relieved. I met Director Lu when I came here just now, and I have already agreed with him. The first round of your program will be broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV. Come out, the second round will be broadcast on our art channel, and it will still be at the original time."

If the ratings of the first broadcast are above 6.13, then the ratings of the second broadcast will definitely not be low. This is the charm of a program with high ratings.

Xu Jie returned to his work station, turned on the computer and began to search for information.

Although the second episode of the program has been completed, there is still a third episode waiting for him, and in addition to the Spring Festival and Lantern Festival in February, there is not much time left for him and the program team. He doesn't want to Work during the Spring Festival holiday.

After get off work in the evening, when Xu Jie came home, Su Yun made steak pasta. He had eaten it for a week. It was dinner and breakfast. He asked for it.

"Is it delicious?" Su Yun asked with a smile.

"En." Xu Jie nodded while eating.

It didn't taste good at first, but after his hands-on teaching, the taste gradually returned to the right track.

Facts have proved that Su Yun still has a little bit of talent in cooking, but she lacks a teacher who can teach. If she can learn court cheese, she can learn steak pasta.

After dinner, Xu Jie came to the living room with a notebook, while writing the copy, while waiting for the show to start, he also wanted to watch Su Yun practice her body.

It's been so busy!

 Thanks for the 500 starting coins rewarded by the book friend Lemon Tree Eating Candy!
(End of this chapter)

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