Chapter 164
At 21:13 in the evening, the Golden Theater ended.

"Capital Satellite TV, the excitement continues, please watch "Delicious History" next."

Hearing this sentence, the people who were planning to change the channel paused to get the remote control.

"Delicious History? Is it a new show?"

"There are modern images and ancient images, is it a time-travel drama?"

"When will the time-travel drama be broadcast behind the Golden Theater?"

"Looking at the introduction, it looks like a food show."

For viewers who don't know the program "Delicious History", the name and the introduction screen are full of novelty, but for the viewers who know the program "Delicious History", the mood is just like the song sang: Finally you are here……

"It's finally going to be broadcast, get your food ready."

"Oops, the takeaway I ordered hasn't arrived yet, what should I do?"

"I don't know what Beijing food will be shown tonight?"

"Boss, can you turn on the TV, I want to turn on Beijing Satellite TV."


For fans of "Delicious History" and food lovers, today is like a holiday for them. The thought of seeing this show for the next five days makes them even look forward to going to work.

"Is it me today?" Su Yun asked Xu Jie while splitting her arms.

"No." Xu Jie said.

"Which episode is me?"

"You are my wife, of course it will be the finale of the last episode."

Su Yun changed her posture to make it easier for her to watch TV.

However, in Xu Jie's opinion, every pose is the same, equally pleasing to the eye.

He suddenly realized that he was a fickle person. He used to think that black silk was the eternal god, but now he thinks that yoga pants are actually good.

""Delicious History" is exclusively sponsored by Daniel Yogurt..."


With the familiar sound of traffic, the first episode of the second phase of "Delicious History" was officially broadcast.

Xu Jie also took out his mobile phone at this time, took a picture of the TV screen and posted it on Weibo, writing: Enjoy slowly!

In the camera, it is still the back of the man, he walked quickly on the cold winter road, his whole body huddled together in the cold, his eyes swept over the signboards of the roadside shops, his hesitant look was like Like the emperor turning over a signboard, after picking things up and down, he impatiently entered a shop in front of him. There were two words on the door of the shop: soybean juice.

The room was full of people, and there were many people queuing. The man waited for a while, and finally it was his turn. After ordering a bowl of steaming soybean juice, he ordered two rubber rings and a small plate of pickles, and then served Tray found a place to sit down, rubbed his hands and eagerly took a sip of the bowl, but it was so hot that his tongue stuck out, but it gave people a warm feeling, as if the cold winter morning was not so cold anymore.

As the man picked up the bowl again and drank slowly against the bowl, the narration sounded slowly, and the picture also changed. The white porcelain bowl containing soybean juice turned brown, and the fast-food table also turned into a wooden table. He also put on ancient costumes, and the man also traveled to ancient times.

The man puts down the bowl, and the camera enters the back kitchen from the hall. Next is the origin of the bean juice. In a few minutes, the history of the bean juice is explained clearly. Next is the process of Xu Jie making the bean juice in the back kitchen as a master. Finally, the soy sauce was made, and the smell wafted from the back kitchen to the hall, like a fairy, and then from the hall to the door, and finally to the street...

At this time, a rich lady and a maid appeared in the picture, and they smelled the smell of soybean juice.

Seeing this, many young viewers recognized the actor who played Miss Rich at a glance.

"It's Liu Ying!"

Although some viewers know that there will be stars joining in the second issue of "Delicious History", no one expects that it will be Liu Ying. You must know that Liu Ying is a first-line star in today's entertainment circle, and her famous work is a costume drama. Considered to be one of the ten most beautiful beauties in ancient costumes in the entertainment industry, her appearance immediately amazed many viewers, especially Liu Ying's fans, who even picked up the mobile phone to take a picture of the TV and sent it to Moments.

"I found my family Ying Bao in "Delicious History", one is my favorite food show, and the other is my favorite female star. I am so happy now."

With the appearance of Liu Ying, her fans began to use various methods to promote the idol.

Weibo, WeChat, Tieba, and fan groups are all short of shouting on the street with a loudspeaker.

"Ying Bao participated in "Delicious History"."

"The secrecy work is done so well that even I, the deputy head of the fan club, don't know about it."

"Maybe Ying Bao wants to surprise us."

After receiving the news, Liu Ying's fans rushed to turn on the TV and dialed to Beijing TV Station.

The store brought the bean juice in front of Liu Ying, and Liu Ying took a sip following the example of the others. A disgusted expression appeared on her face, and then she couldn't help turning her head and retching.

The diners around laughed when they saw it. One of the diners then showed Liu Ying the correct way to drink bean juice. Liu Ying followed suit a few times and finally got the taste.

At this time, another customer entered the store, and the owner put the soy sauce on the table in front of the person with a tray. Jay.


Time passed quickly, 25 minutes passed in a blink of an eye, and as the man walked out of the soy sauce shop with a briefcase, and walked into the crowd in the winter sunshine, the show also ended at this moment.

It's over again?

After watching the show, every viewer feels that there is still more to say.

Although the second episode had a few minutes longer than the first episode, it was not enough to watch. It felt like going out to eat. After eating one, I wanted to have another, but the store said that the restaurant was closed. Eat and eat again tomorrow.

good to eat.

But limited time, not fun.

People who watched this show for the first time can only endure the loss in their hearts and look forward to the second episode tomorrow. As for the old fans of "Delicious History", log in to Weibo for the first time and find Xu Jie at the beginning of the show The microblog that was posted made wild complaints at the bottom of the comment area.

"Old Xu, why are you still so short?"

"Am I short of your two or three minutes? What I'm short of is two or three 3 minutes."

"Crowdfunding to buy lamb kidneys, beef kidneys, pork kidneys, and various guns and egg medicines for Lao Xu."

"Abandoning the question of the length of time, the quality of the second episode is better than the first episode, the content is more substantial, the production is more sophisticated, and there are guest appearances by stars, star programs plus stars, it can be called a king bomb combination, I am already looking forward to it It's episode 2."

"I drank soybean juice once and vomited, but just now I watched the show filmed by Lao Xu, and I started to get hungry again. Is it because I have a wrong posture when I drink it?"

"I don't like drinking either, but my dad likes drinking very much. I feel uncomfortable if I don't drink for a day. I decided to challenge again tomorrow."

"Where is there a soy sauce seller in Shanghai? Ask for the address."

"Xiangjiang ask."

"New York asks the same question."

For a while, soybean juice became a very boring topic.


 Thanks for the 100 starting coins rewarded by book friend Wuyin Lonely Guest!
(End of this chapter)

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