The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 165 Shouldering the burden of charging into battle

Chapter 165 Shouldering the burden of charging into battle

On Tuesday, Xu Jie came to the unit early in the morning. After showing up at the art center, he went to the satellite TV program center to wait for the ratings of yesterday's program.

"Director Xu, our whole family watched your show last night, it was really good." A program director said when he saw Xu Jie.

Since Xu Jie always went to the satellite TV program center recently, many of the staff here knew him, the husband of the big star Su Yun, a rising star of Beijing TV station.

"I watched it too. A gourmet show actually looks like a movie. I admire it." A show host said.

"I passed by two bean juice shops this morning, my good fellow, people are already queuing outside the door."

"Yes, my daughter-in-law never drinks soy juice, but I insisted on taking her to drink it this morning. To be honest, I thought it tasted bad before, but drinking it according to the way you photographed it really tastes good. .”

"Looking at everyone's enthusiasm for soybean juice, I think the ratings will definitely not be low."

"Delicious History" is a new program of Beijing Satellite TV, so everyone is paying attention.

Xu Jie waited in the satellite TV program center for more than half an hour, and finally saw Director Lu, who also saw him when he entered the door, nodded with a smile, and then came to the bulletin board, everyone knew that the ratings had come out, so They all gathered around, whether the program revision is successful or not, the ratings are the best answer.

"Everyone knows that starting from this month, Beijing Satellite TV will gradually complete the revision. This is a process of innovation and a process of exploration, so no matter what the ratings of new and old programs are, I hope everyone will neither be proud nor discouraged. , continue to concentrate on making the show well..." Lu Hong looked at the crowd seriously and encouraged.

After Xu Jie heard it, a bad premonition welled up in his heart.

Old programs have a fixed audience, and the ratings will not be too bad, only the ratings of new programs will be full of uncertainty.

Don't be discouraged?

Could it be him?
Is the show pulling hips?
Others also turned their attention to Xu Jie and Liu Zhidong, the director of another new show, because yesterday they were the only two who were the first to broadcast the new show, and the other shows were old and new, so compared to those old shows, , the new program is easier to pull the hips.

Lu Hong posted the ratings table on the bulletin board. There are three in total. One is the ratings ranking of Beijing Satellite TV programs, one is the ratings ranking of programs on each channel of Beijing TV Station, and the other is the ratings ranking of variety shows.

Xu Jie set his sights on the first table, the ratings of the Beijing Satellite TV channel on February 2:

1: Rebroadcast Huaxia Channel News Network, Beijing Satellite TV, ratings: 9.41
2: Beijing News, Beijing Satellite TV, ratings: 7.13
3: Theater: I Really Love You, Beijing Satellite TV, Rating: 7.01
4: Delicious History, Beijing Satellite TV, ratings: 6.78

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback when he saw the ratings, and then his eyes were filled with surprise.


The ratings reached 6.78?

This rating is much higher than the ratings of the last episode of the first issue.

Hearing Lu Hong's words just now, he thought that his show was pulling his hips, but now seeing the ratings, he immediately understood that Director Lu's sentence "don't be proud" was for him.

As for "Don't lose heart", he looked down and found that the ratings of another new program was only 2.2, ranking 10th. Since Beijing Satellite TV only has more than a dozen programs every day, ranking 10th is considered very low. It's not even ranked as high as the weather service, and the rest are all early morning programs.

In fact, the internal ratings ranking of satellite TV channels can't show anything. The next TV station's ratings ranking of each channel of Beijing TV can explain the problem.

The top four remain unchanged!
5: When the rule of law is in progress, the Science and Education Channel of Beijing TV Station has a rating of 5.82
6: Xingfu Street, a channel that can be delivered by Beijing TV Station, with an audience rating of 4.49
After that, the ratings were even less pitiful.

In other words, the ratings of the top four programs have already distanced themselves from other programs. If the rebroadcast of China TV’s news network is the only one, then the second, third, and fourth places after that are the second ones, with ratings at 2 Up and down, the rest is another gear, but it is basically impossible to catch up with the first two gears.

For a new program, the ratings are already quite good, but the ratings at 6 o'clock are also within Xu Jie's original expectation, but just now I was so scared by Director Lu's words, suddenly I was a little bit uncertain, Now that I have confirmed the local ratings, I am more concerned about the national ratings.

Compared with entertainment channels, Beijing Satellite TV, as a provincial-level satellite TV channel facing the whole country, has another rating ranking, which is the rating table of variety shows, which is also called the rating ranking of evening self-run programs in the industry. After 19:30 and before 24 o'clock, the rankings of all programs except theaters are also the most direct and positive contest of the content hard power of various TV stations across the country.

Ranking of self-hosted programs in the evening on February 2:
1: Facing the Chinese New Year, Zhejiang-Hangzhou Satellite TV, ratings 1.021
2: One stop to the top, Jiangsu Satellite TV, ratings: 0.985
3: Delicious History, Beijing Satellite TV, ratings: 0.968

"No. 3? Awesome!" Someone couldn't help exclaiming.

Xu Jie was also stunned. This was the first time his program was compared in the national ratings rankings. He did not expect the ranking to be so high.

But if you think about it carefully, news and TV dramas are the most watched TV stations. If these two items are excluded, it is normal for the TV stations to have high ratings.

In fact, self-produced programs have always been the weak point of Beijing Satellite TV. Except for four or five celebrity variety shows, other programs rarely rank high in ratings. Just like yesterday's national rankings, Beijing Satellite TV's programs except "Delicious History" ", there is only one show in the top 10, which is "File" at No. 7.

In the past, this result was unacceptable for Beijing TV Station, which is determined to build the most influential provincial satellite TV, but now two programs have entered the top 10, and one program has entered the top 3. go.

At this time, Xu Jie was staring at the top two programs. The gap did not seem to be very big. I wonder if there is a chance to surpass it?
The show was recognized by audiences across the country, and he also began to have ambitions.

Who doesn't want to be number one?
Even if only for a day.

"Director Xu, congratulations!"

"Mr. Xu, bull."

Everyone congratulated Xu Jie.

Although none of Xu Jie's programs ranked No. 1 in these three ratings lists, people with a discerning eye can understand at a glance that "Delicious History" has become Beijing Satellite TV's top ranking among the most valuable national evening self-run programs. The representative is the trump card of Beijing Satellite TV to compete with other satellite TV channels at night. It does not have the number one, but shoulders the heavy burden of charging forward.

"Xu Jie, Mr. Ding from Daniu Yogurt just called and decided to package and sponsor the remaining 5 episodes of the first half of this year. You can go and shoot with confidence in the future." Lu Hong said with a smile, and he was also very happy. Satellite TV finally has a cultural program that can be sold.

Xu Jie was overjoyed when he heard it. It seems that he didn't have to worry about the production cost in the first half of the year, and Su Yun also had the opportunity to continue to show his face.


 Thanks to the book friend Lao Niu who walked in the jungle for rewarding 1500 starting coins!Thanks for the 500 starting coins rewarded by book friend Eating Candy on the Lemon Tree!Thanks to the book friend Wuyan Jun for the 100 starting coins!grateful!

(End of this chapter)

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