The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 166 Time is longer by 1 point

Chapter 166

When Xu Jie returned to the art program center, he was blocked by colleagues from the program team as soon as he entered the door.

"Ms. Xu, how's the ratings?" Song Huanhuan asked directly, and the others looked anxiously at Xu Jie, all with nervous and expectant expressions.

The level of ratings directly affects whether the program can continue. In other words, the higher the ratings of the program, the more people are willing to pay for sponsorship, and everyone can get bonuses.

"Normal." Xu Jie said lightly.

After everyone heard it, expressions of disappointment immediately appeared on their faces, but more of it was disbelief.

"It shouldn't be, the ratings of the first episode were so good, and the second episode was blessed by stars, how could it be mediocre?" Tian Haobo frowned, not understanding what went wrong.

"It must be because the competition of satellite TV channels is too fierce." Liu Jinbao said.

"Impossible. The first episode of the show ranked No. 4 in the ratings of the whole station. It has gone through the market test. It can't be bad." Liu Hua looked at Xu Jie and asked: "Director Xu, what is the rating of the show?"

"0.968." Xu Jie said.

"What? 0.968? Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Liu Hua kept shaking his head.

"That's right, how could it be so low? When our art channel aired, the ratings of the first episode were around 1 o'clock." Liu Jinbao said.

"Could it be that the ratings monitoring machine is broken?"

At this time, Jiang Hai came in from the outside, looked at the people blocking the door and asked: "What are you doing, you are yelling, I heard it as soon as I got out of the elevator."

"Director, Xu Jie said that the ratings of the first episode of the second phase of "Delicious History" was only 1. Is there something wrong? Why is it so low?" Xiao Wei asked.

"0.968 is still low? Your ambitions are really big." Jiang Hai said with a smile: "There is only one program that broke 1. I saw Lao Lu just now, and this rating has already made him happy."


Everyone looked at Jiang Hai in surprise, wondering if the director is crazy?Even the TV series rebroadcasted by the Literature and Art Channel can have more than 1 ratings.

Jiang Hai didn't care about everyone's reaction, and continued: "This time, "Delicious History" ranked third in the national evening program. From now on, it will be the star program of our Beijing TV station. You must make persistent efforts to surpass the top two..."


Everyone was taken aback, and looked at Director Jiang suspiciously, wondering if they had heard it wrong.

"Master, director, what did you just say? The third most-rated evening show in the country?" Song Huanhuan asked blankly.

"Yes." Jiang Hai looked at Xu Jie, and said with a smile: "Xiao Xu, Danielu Yogurt has covered all the sponsorship for the first half of the year. You want to treat me." As the director and planner of the show, Xu Jie received a year-end bonus Certainly indispensable.

"If you have it, please." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

Everyone realized at this time that the audience ratings in the station are all two digits after the decimal point, and only the national audience ratings can be accurate to the last three digits.

So, 0.968 is national evening show ratings!
"Director Xu, are you kidding us?" Song Huanhuan looked at Xu Jie, thinking that the ratings were too low, she was almost crying because of her grievances, and thought it was her fault.

"No." Xu Jie said innocently.

"No. 3 in the country, still very average? What else do you want?" Liu Hua said angrily.

"You guys are satisfied with the third place? Can you have something to do?" Xu Jie said loudly: "Actually, the difference in ratings between us and the top two is not very big. I think there is still a chance to surpass them."

"Boss, you have to eat one bite at a time, how can you eat a fat man?" Tian Haobo said with a wry smile; "By the way, what is the rating of the show on our station?"

"Your layout is too small." Xu Jie shook his head and said, "6.78."


"I wipe!"

"Cattle fork!"

Everyone doesn't have a strong concept of the national ratings, but they are particularly sensitive to the ratings of the entire program. The ratings of 6.78 belong to the king level in the entire capital TV station, and the top 5 is safe.

"Director Xu, the ratings are so good, it can be regarded as opening the door. Do you have to invite everyone to celebrate?"

"Mr. Xu, don't be too extravagant, just eat a seafood feast casually."


Everyone booed together.

"Teacher Xu." A colleague in the office area shouted at Xu Jie at this time: "There is a call from the mail room downstairs, and there is your package."

"Okay, I got it." Xu Jie responded, but a question mark appeared in his heart.

I didn't buy anything online, how could there be a package?
He came to the mail room downstairs. After seeing him, the security guard pointed to a foam box in the room and said, "Mr. Xu, your package."

Xu Jie was startled when he saw it. The suitcase was bigger than Su Yun's suitcase, and there was not even a delivery note on it.

"Who sent it?" Xu Jie asked.

"No, it's just two men who put the box at the door, said it was your package, and then left. By the way, there is a note." The security guard said and handed the note to Xu Jie.

Xu Jie opened it and looked at it, and there was a line written on it: eat more, make up for it, and have a longer time tonight.

Xu Jie was confused, what does this mean?
He turned his head and looked at the box. If he understood correctly, it should contain food.

Is there a restaurant that wants to ask him to make a show?
Xu Jie put the note into his pocket, then opened his arms to hug it, and put it down as soon as he lifted it up.

Good guy, it should weigh more than 100 catties.

What is so heavy to eat?

He borrowed a utility knife from the security guard and cut the tape wrapped around the outside. When he opened the cover, he was speechless.

I saw that the foam box was filled with oysters as big as a hand. Could it not sink?
He thought of the note he had read just now, and his heart was full of doubts.

I don't have kidney deficiency either!
Besides, with his current situation, it is useless to eat more, because it is useless.

There is also the last sentence in the note, which is even more outrageous.

What is "a little longer tonight"?
Who are you?

Do I have a date with you?

have you tried it?

"Ring bell bell!"

Xu Jie's cell phone rang suddenly, he took out his cell phone and looked at the caller ID, it was Su Yun's number.

Could it be from this woman?


The two appear to be husband and wife, but in reality they are comrades-in-arms.

Could it be, does the other party want to make a fake show for real?
"Hello?" Xu Jie answered the phone.

"Do you have time tonight?" Su Yun's voice came from the microphone.

Xu Jie was stunned, and looked at the oysters in the box. Did this woman finally couldn't help but attack him?
"I have time, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked, feeling a little hopeful in his heart.

"My dad called just now and wants us to go home for dinner tonight, can you come?"

"Yes, I can go." Xu Jie said quickly after being stunned for a moment.

"Well, I'll pick you up tonight." Su Yun hung up the phone after speaking, her voice seemed very happy.

Xu Jie looked at the phone, then at the oysters, it seems that they were not sent by Su Yun.

Who would that be?
Forget it, never mind, anyway, the seafood feast is settled.


 Thanks for the 100 starting coins rewarded by book friend Wuyin Lonely Guest!Thank you book friend cyue12 for the reward of 100 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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