Chapter 167 Mommy Fan


Xu Jie walked out of the unit gate with his bag in his hand, and saw the BMW Mini parked on the side of the road. At this time, the co-pilot's door opened gently, as if to welcome him.

Xu Jie walked over and got into the car. After closing the car door, he looked curiously at Su Yun and asked, "Why does your father suddenly want us to go back for dinner? Is there something wrong?"

Su Yun slowly drove into the driveway, and then said: "What can they do? My parents are in good health, and it's winter vacation. I think it may be because we haven't gone back for a long time, and today is a new year. Come on, I miss my relatives a lot during the festive season."

Xu Jie nodded, and it was true that he hadn't visited the elders for more than a month. After all, the daughters were not married, and they all lived in the same city, and they didn't want to be separated. It was really unreasonable not to visit for such a long time.

"Should I change clothes?" Xu Jie looked down at the down jacket he was wearing. Was it a bit too casual?

"It's not the first time we've met, so it doesn't need to be so formal, it's fine as usual, now my parents are your parents, so there's no need to be so polite." Su Yun said with a smile.

"If you don't change your clothes, you have to buy things, right?" Xu Jie asked. After all, he was going to meet his elders, and it always felt inappropriate to go empty-handed.

"It's all ready." Su Yun pointed behind her.

Xu Jie turned his head and looked at the back row. There was wine and tea, snacks and fruits, and there were not many.

"Your parents don't want to test me again, do they?" Xu Jie asked suspiciously. Teachers, don't they all like to ask questions for exams?Now that the university is on vacation and students cannot be tested, it is not impossible to use him as a son-in-law to relieve boredom.

"No, I have already tested it last time, and my parents are quite satisfied with you." Su Yun comforted with a smile, but she was a little uncertain when the man said that.

This "satisfaction" was not what her parents said to her personally, but she guessed based on her parents' attitude towards Xu Jie later, so she was not sure whether there would be tests in the future.

"Even if it is a test, so what, the soldiers will cover you up. You are so good, I believe you can handle all kinds of complicated situations." Su Yun changed the subject quickly when she said this, "By the way, what was the ratings of last night's show?"

Xu Jie looked at Su Yun. How could this woman have more confidence in him than he had in himself?

"It's not bad. It ranks third in the country in the evening self-made program." Xu Jie said, in his opinion, the test of Su Yun's parents is not easier than the test in the station.

"No. 3 in the country is just okay? Isn't your attitude too Versailles?" Su Yun said after hearing this, but thinking about it carefully, isn't the other party always like this?
"I just think there is still room for improvement in ratings," Xu Jie said.

Su Yun glanced at the man from the corner of her eye. According to the development momentum of the other party, she might really want to mess with him in the future.

Half an hour later, the two came to the family courtyard of the Agricultural University.

"Ding dong!"

Su Yun rang the doorbell, and Xu Jie stood aside with his things, thinking about what weapon his father-in-law would use to greet him this time.


The door opens.

It was still Su Yun's father Su Changzhi who opened the door, also wearing an apron, but unlike the first time he came to the door, the old man didn't have a knife in his hand, only a smile on his face.

"Come back, come in quickly." Su Changzhi said enthusiastically, and immediately frowned when he saw what Xu Jie was holding in his hand, "Didn't you say it last time? Come back when you come back. Don't buy anything. There is no shortage."

"That's what I said, go back to my home and buy something, but Xu Jie is too embarrassed to come here empty-handed, and I can't help it if he insists on buying it. Let him buy it if he wants to." Su Yun said as she changed into her slippers and left. enter the door.

Xu Jie looked at Su Yun's graceful back, this pot was so beautiful, and he quickly caught it.

"A little heart." Xu Jie said.

"Oh, it's all from my own family. What's so embarrassing? I didn't mean you, Xiao Xu. You are too out of touch. Don't do this next time." Su Changzhi said and reached out to pick up the things in Xu Jie's hands. What did Xu Jie do? Are you embarrassed to let Su Yun's father take it?He kept saying "I'll come, I'll come" and then walked in the door.

At this time, Su Yun's mother also came from the direction of the living room. Compared with the seriousness and indifference when they first met, this time there was an obvious smile on her face.

"Mom, are you in good health?" Xu Jie picked up the fruit in his hand and said, "The house is dry in winter, so eating more fruit is good for your health."

"It's good when people come." Zhang Simin said with a smile, then looked at her husband and asked, "Old Su, is the meal ready?"

"Immediately, there are two more dishes that can be eaten within 10 minutes." Su Changzhihui reported.

"Hurry up and do it. I'll talk to the children first." Zhang Simin said, as if there was something wrong.

Su Changzhi immediately went to the kitchen as if he had received an imperial edict.

"Sit." Zhang Simin turned her head, looked at Xu Jie and said, "You're welcome, it's like going back to your own home."

Xu Jie was a little flattered. Although he performed very well the first time he came to the door, it wouldn't be such a big contrast when they met the second time, right?
You must know that Su Yun's mother is a king who can't show emotions or anger in his impression.

Has the test changed its routine?

What is the plan today?

Xu Jie cautiously came to the living room. Just as he sat down, he heard Su Yun's mother say, "Xiao Xu, I heard from Yunyun that "Delicious History" is a program directed by you?"

"He's more than just a director." Su Yun said after hearing this, "He's also a planner and lead actor."

"Really?" Zhang Simin said enthusiastically: "I watched your show last night, and today I made up the first episode again. The show is very innovative, especially this form of expression, which is both interesting and Informative..."

Seeing how Su Yun's mother was very interested in the show and talking freely, Xu Jie gradually understood why the other party's attitude had changed so significantly from the first time.

Dare to be a fan of the show!

Xu Jie secretly breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't expect that he still has a mother fan, and he wasn't so nervous.

"Using ancient stories to interpret traditional food, how did you come up with the idea?" Zhang Simin asked, staring at Xu Jie with curiosity and appreciation.

Xu Jie was taken aback for a moment, and he praised him, why did he still get an interview?

However, it is normal for fans of a show to ask questions when they meet the director, planner and lead actor of the show. Isn’t it always the case when fans meet idols?
And for him, talking about shows is better than talking about books.

Talking about his show is equivalent to entering his home stadium, he can talk about whatever he wants, there is nothing wrong with it, who made him the director and planner of the show?

"Mom, my original intention of filming this show was to promote the food culture of the capital, and the capital is an ancient city with a very rich history. In order to allow people to understand the stories behind the food more intuitively, I thought of using the method of restoring history. It expresses the food culture in a unique way, and also indirectly shows the audience the life of the people and the heritage of the city..."

Xu Jie talked eloquently.

My show, I call the shots!


 Thank you book friend Dian Lian Mo Hongchen Wo for rewarding 1000 starting coins!Thanks to book friend Wo Aijiang for the 200 starting coins!Thanks for the 100 starting coins rewarded by book friend Nuhai Footprint!
(End of this chapter)

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