Chapter 168

Xu Jie spoke earnestly, and Su Yun's mother listened earnestly, nodding in response from time to time, expressing agreement and appreciation for Xu Jie's ideas.

Xu Jie talked from food to history, and then from history to culture. The content of the chat became more and more profound. If it were someone else, he would have been stunned by the chat at this time, but who is Zhang Simin?She is a history professor who has known China for 5000 years, and she likes to talk about such profound topics.

Therefore, the topic changed from Xu Jie's unilateral talk at the beginning to a two-person group discussion that Zhang Simin also participated in. Su Yun on the side could only watch. This is an exchange between cultural people. Don't talk about it.

"The dishes are ready, you can eat." Su Changzhi in the kitchen said loudly, and then he brought the dishes out from the kitchen, and when he brought them all up, he found that there was no one in the dining room. He wiped his hands with an apron When I came to the living room, I thought that everyone hadn't heard, so I said it again, "The meal is ready, let's eat?"


Well, still no one answered him.

what's the situation?
Su Changzhi looked suspiciously at the three people in the living room, and then looked down at himself. Could it be that he has become a transparent person?

At this time, Su Yun got up and came to her father's side, and said in a low voice, "They are chatting happily, let's wait."

Su Changzhi looked at the two people who were chatting enthusiastically, so he nodded and took off his apron.

"Where's Xiaolei?" Su Yun asked, after coming back for such a long time, there was no sign of her younger brother.

"I don't know, I must have gone with those ghosts again." Su Changzhi sighed deeply after speaking, his voice was full of helplessness.

He thought more than once, he is the head of the department and his wife is a university professor, how could he give birth to such a worthless thing?

Then he thought of his daughter again, and it seemed that all the advantages had been inherited by his daughter.

God is fair.

The family already has an excellent daughter, and they will definitely not give him another excellent son.

After more than ten minutes, the chat continued, and Su Changzhi couldn't help asking his daughter, "When will they finish talking? If you don't eat, the food will be cold."

Cold dishes are okay, but the taste of hot dishes changes when they are cold, especially fish and soup.

The last time he wanted to show off, he didn't succeed, which made him feel very humiliated. He wanted to make up for it this time, so why didn't he give him a chance?

"I don't know." Su Yun shook her head.

"You go ask them to eat." Su Changzhi said.

"Dad, why don't you call?" Su Yun asked.

"It's rare for your mother to chat so happily. I really can't bear to disturb you." Su Changzhi said truthfully, "Go and wink at your husband. By the way, does he listen to you?"

"Of course!" Su Yun straightened her back and said after hearing this, the family's excellent traditions must not be lost.

"Then go quickly."


Su Yun looked at her father, feeling suddenly betrayed in her heart.

She came to sit down beside her mother, and followed her father's instructions to wink at Xu Jie, but the other party was so engaged in the conversation that she didn't receive her signal at all.


Su Yun coughed lightly and looked at Xu Jie, but she was still not noticed.

Su Yun's petulant temper came immediately.

I'm so beautiful, you ignore me?
Especially when she saw her father sighing and shaking his head, he seemed to be laughing at her bragging just now!

How does this work?
She saw the fruit on the coffee table, so she reached for it. At the same time, Tactical leaned over, and the V-neck shirt immediately fell down, revealing even the pendant that was usually hidden in the abyss.

This abyss seems to have some kind of magical power, which deeply attracted Xu Jie's gaze, and Xu Jie's gaze also seemed to be summoned by some kind of call, and drifted directly into the bend.

After Su Yun got an orange, she straightened up, looked at Xu Jie who had already attracted her gaze, and turned her head to point in the direction of the restaurant.

Xu Jie was guided, but what he saw was Su Yun's father, and he couldn't help showing a little disappointment in his heart. This woman doesn't talk about martial arts!
But he already understood what Su Yun meant, so after Su Yun's mother finished speaking, he said, "Mom, let's eat first."

To be honest, even though we didn't chat for a long time just now, he felt that he benefited a lot, and the content of the chat will also be of great help to him in future programs.

"Yes, let's chat after eating, or the food will be cold." Su Changzhi said quickly.

After Zhang Simin heard it, he realized that we had chatted for too long.

There is no way, usually in this house, there is no one who has a common topic with her.

My husband works with animals, my daughter is a music student, and I’m away for a long time, let alone my son. If he doesn’t get into trouble, he will burn incense. Today, I suddenly met such a person who has a common topic. The feeling is so refreshing .

She is now the mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law, and she is getting more and more pleasing to the eye.

"Okay, let's eat." Zhang Simin really wanted to continue chatting, but she also knew that the other party just got off work, so how can I not eat dinner after working all day?Only when we are full can we continue to talk.

The four came to the dining room, Xu Jie looked at the other rooms and asked, "Where is Su Lei, why didn't you see him?"

"Go out to play, don't worry about him." Su Yun said angrily.

"Yes, let's eat ours." Su Changzhi smoothed things over, then looked at Xu Jie and said, "Xiao Xu, I didn't make the dishes last time. You must try my handicrafts this time."

"Okay Dad." Xu Jie sat down.

The dishes on the table are very rich, and it looks like they have been carefully prepared, especially this soup, which should have been stewed for a long time. It is estimated that Su Yun's father is on winter vacation and wants to show off his skills in front of him.

Xu Jie ate a few mouthfuls. The taste of the dish was bland, but it could highlight the taste of the food itself. This should be Su Yun's mother's taste.

Facing his father-in-law's expectant eyes, Xu Jie was full of praise. He is not a person who is not ignorant.

Su Changzhi became beautiful, and he talked more, and began to brag about how good he was back then, even if he didn't take the college entrance examination, he must be a chef, and then from eating to Xiaonian, from childhood to New Year's Eve, chatting and chatting suddenly looked at Su Yun asked: "Yunyun, where are you going to spend the Chinese New Year this year?"

"Of course I went home." Su Yun said without thinking.

"What about Xiao Xu?" Su Changzhi looked at Xu Jie beside him.

Su Yun was slightly taken aback, and stopped the chopsticks in her hand, only then did she realize that she was no longer alone.

Whether to go to the man's house or the woman's house during the Chinese New Year is a difficult problem for married couples to face every year. In fact, the man's family will go to the woman's house. The key is New Year's Eve, because in the traditional Chinese concept, New Year's Eve is also On the reunion night, if one person is missing, you will feel that something is missing.

At this moment, Su Yun looked at Xu Jie with questioning eyes.

How are you spending the new year?

Xu Jie slowed down his chewing speed. Yes, this year is already a small year, and New Year's Eve will be one week away. How can everyone be happy this year?

You can ignore the usual holidays, but you can't ignore New Year's Eve.

This is not a matter of two people, but a matter of two families.

Su Yun looked at him at this time, obviously waiting for him to make up his mind.

What should I do?

 Thanks to the book friend Lao Niu who walked in the jungle for rewarding 1500 starting coins!Thanks to the book friends for the 100 starting coins rewarded by the love madman!
(End of this chapter)

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