The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 169 Meeting in-laws?

Chapter 169 Meeting in-laws?

Faced with the sudden "problem", Xu Jie didn't know how to answer it for a while, and all the energy to talk with Su Yun's mother just now disappeared.

He knows that this is not a test, but some problems are not a test, but a difficult test.

And the fact that the two aren't really a couple makes things even more difficult.

Xu Jie couldn't help turning his head to look at Su Yun beside him, and cast a questioning look: What's your idea?
Seeing the man looking back, Su Yun showed doubts in his eyes, as if saying: I have an idea, so I won't ask you.

Xu Jie: Is it up to me?
Su Yun: That depends on what you say.

Xu Jie: Tell me.

Su Yun: What do I say?
Xu Jie: Not necessarily!

It was the first time that the two had such a tacit understanding, and there was no deviation in the understanding of the eyes, but they ended up dissatisfied with the other, but Xu Jie also understood one thing through this, the other party wanted to celebrate the New Year with his parents at home

In fact, why not himself?

Xu Jie thought for a while, but just pretending to be deaf and dumb couldn't solve the problem. As a man, he should stand up at this time, so he looked at Su Yun's parents and said, "Dad, Mom, where do you want us to live?" , we'll be there."

I do not answer.

Whoever asks, who wants to go.

Xu Jie threw the problem back to Su Yun's parents. This not only solved the problem, but also showed that he respected the elderly more.

Heh heh, little Zhuge from Nangou Village is not in vain.

Su Yun was slightly taken aback when she heard that, she didn't expect Xu Jie to come up with such a move, but those were her parents, she definitely hoped that they would stay here for the New Year, do you even have to ask?

She looked at Xu Jie with a smile, as if saying: Don't regret it!
Xu Jie ignored the triumphant woman, but looked at her parents. If the answer is so obvious, can he still be called Xiao Zhuge?

When looking at a problem, you can't just look at the surface, but learn to see the essence through the surface.

Su Changzhi and Zhang Simin glanced at each other. Of course they wanted to say they would stay here for the New Year, but as parents, they should compare their hearts. A daughter of one's own family is a daughter, but a son of another's family is not a son?
Su Changzhi looked at Xu Jie and asked, "Xiao Xu, what do your parents think?"

"I haven't asked yet." Xu Jie said.

During this period of time, he has been busy with the show, and he has long forgotten about the New Year, and he has never thought about where to celebrate the New Year, because in his subconscious, the New Year is just like the previous years, just go home and go home. Forget that you are now a man with a wife.

Su Changzhi thought for a while. According to his age, it was normal for a married woman to go home with her husband to celebrate the New Year. But from his personal point of view, if there is suddenly one less person in the family during the Chinese New Year, he would feel a little uncomfortable. .

Just when Su Changzhi was hesitating, Xu Jie suddenly said: "Dad, Mom, why don't you meet and chat with my parents? Speaking of which, Su Yun and I have been in possession of the certificate for so long, and you haven't met yet. "

Su Yun's eyes were full of surprise after hearing this. The two parents met?How could the other party suddenly have such an idea?

Su Changzhi and Zhang Simin were also taken aback, but they agreed with Xu Jie's proposal. After all, the children of the two families have registered for marriage, and the parents of both parties should meet.

In fact, they had thought about this issue a long time ago, but they hadn't accepted the fact that their daughter married suddenly at that time, and they were full of dissatisfaction with the killing first, but now it is different.

Don't talk about anything else, the wedding must be discussed, right?

If the children don't say it, they, the parents, have to be anxious.

"Okay!" Su Changzhi agreed after exchanging glances with his wife, "We are on winter vacation now, and we have plenty of time. Let's see if your parents have time."

"Well, I'll call them after dinner." Xu Jie said.

In his opinion, the parents of the two sides always have to meet anyway, and it is better to meet early than to meet later, and it is better to take advantage of the Chinese New Year to invite everyone out to meet, and save his mother from calling him all the time to ask about this matter.

After eating, Xu Jie helped clear the table and washed the dishes, and was dragged into her room by Su Yun.

"Why didn't you discuss such a big matter with me first?" Su Yun closed the door.

"Is it big? I don't think it's big. Are you still afraid that they won't fight?" Xu Jie said with a smile. He found a photo of Su Yun on the table, so he walked over, looked at it and said, "You and I Registering for marriage, the two families are the in-laws, how can you make the in-laws never see each other?"

The photo is of Su Yun when she was a child. Although she looks only twelve or thirteen years old, she is already graceful and graceful, a typical beauty from childhood to adulthood.

"I'm not talking about meeting, I'm saying you should discuss it with me." Su Yun said.

It's a small meeting, but it's a big deal to decide the two of them arbitrarily. She feels that this man has gradually escaped her control.

"I discussed it with you." Xu Jie said innocently.

"When? Why didn't I know?" Su Yun asked suspiciously.

"Just now, didn't we exchange views through our eyes?" Xu Jie blinked at each other, demonstrating the process of passing a letter by "eye".

"I was asking you at that time, who's home to spend the New Year at, and I didn't ask if you could see your parents." Su Yun said angrily.

"Ah? I thought you wanted the old people to get together and let them discuss." Xu Jie sighed after speaking, with a look of remorse, but he was thinking in his heart: My eyes are up to me, I want to Explain how you want to explain.

Su Yun opened her eyes wide and looked at the other party. No matter how big and powerful her own eyes were, it was impossible for her to express such a complicated meaning.

Deliberate, must be deliberate.

"Why are you so nervous? I think your parents are very happy." Xu Jie said: "Not to mention my parents, you know, they have long wanted to see your parents." He picked up his phone and called his mother.

Soon, the phone is connected.

"Mom, are you busy recently?" Xu Jie asked.

"What do you think? The end of each year is the peak period for pig sales. Do you think I'm busy?" Wang Guizhi said angrily. She is now at the breeding base, arranging the order for tomorrow's shipment. She knows her son is fine. Called, so said: "Speak quickly, don't waste time."

"Oh, I'm thinking that it's almost Chinese New Year, and I want to arrange for you to meet Su Yun's parents. Don't you always want to meet your in-laws? But since you are so busy, let's make an appointment again next year." Xu Jie said lightly Said.

"If I have time, even if I don't sell the pigs, I still have time to meet Su Yun's parents. This is a big deal!" Wang Guizhi said hastily.

"Do you really have time?" Xu Jie asked with a smile.

"Yes." Wang Guizhi nodded.

"Won't it delay your business?"

"No delay, what day do you have an appointment?"

Xu Jie thought for a while and asked, "How about the night after tomorrow? What do you have to do? Hurry up during the day and spare time in the evening. As for the specific time and where the appointment is, I will discuss it with Su Yun's parents." tell you."

"Okay, then it's settled, your kid has finally done something serious."


Xu Jie hung up the phone and gestured an "OK" gesture to Su Yun who was beside him.

Su Yun just rolled her eyes back, and didn't discuss such a big matter with her, it seemed that she thought it was necessary to strengthen eye contact.


 感谢书友漫步丛林的老牛打赏的1500起点币,感谢书友17號捌打赏的1500起点币!感谢书友看Chapter 1就知道能不能看打赏的1500起点币!感谢书友洞深不见底打赏的400起点币,感谢书友大怪物吃糖果打赏的100起点币,
(End of this chapter)

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