The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 179 Sense of Urgency

Chapter 179 The sense of urgency

At 10 o'clock in the morning, Jiang Hai came out of the office and said to Xu Jie, "Xiao Xu, come out with me."

After hearing this, Xu Jie immediately understood, picked up his clothes, and followed Director Jiang to leave the art program center. However, just as he walked out of the building, he heard someone calling his name.

"Xu Jie, Xu Jie!"

He looked around, and saw a Mercedes-Benz off-road vehicle parked outside the gate, Liu Jinghua's head sticking out from the driver's window, waving at him non-stop.

"I'm going to drive." Jiang Hai said to Xu Jie, and then walked towards the parking lot.

Xu Jie came to the door, looked at Liu Jinghua who got out of the car and asked, "What's the matter?"

Liu Jinghua was taken aback for a moment, and then said with a smile: "You really are a nobleman who forgets things, didn't you ask me to come to pick up the contract today?"

Of course Xu Jie remembered, but after listening to Director Jiang's words, he hated the woman in front of him even more.

He took out his mobile phone and made a call to Tian Haobo, "Hey, Haobo, there are four performance contracts in the first drawer on the right side of my desk, you hand them over to a woman driving a Mercedes-Benz SUV outside the unit door, Her name is Liu Jinghua, yes, now." After he hung up the phone, he said to Liu Jinghua: "Someone will send you the contract later."

"Are you going out?" Liu Jinghua asked.

"Yes." Xu Jie looked like he didn't answer.

At this time, an old Passat drove over from the parking lot and stopped beside Xu Jie.

"Xiao Xu, get in the car." Jiang Hai lowered the co-pilot's window, looked at Liu Jinghua, and asked pretending to be surprised: "Hey, isn't this Mr. Liu?"

Liu Jinghua's eyes lit up when he saw the driver clearly, and immediately stepped forward, smiled and walked over to say hello: "Director Jiang, long time no see, you look younger and younger."

Jiang Hai laughed when he heard it, "Haha, is that right? Mr. Liu is also getting more and more beautiful, and it seems that he made a lot of money last year."

Liu Jinghua smiled and said: "Whether I can make money or not depends on whether Director Jiang rewards the meal or not. I heard that this year Beijing Satellite TV will re-edit and will be doing a new variety show. If you need an artist, just come to me, no matter who it is, Give priority to our capital TV station."

The director of the cultural program center is not only responsible for the programs of the cultural channel, but also all the variety shows of the entire TV station, including the variety shows of the satellite TV channel, and various evening parties, even those cultural communication companies and media companies affiliated to the Beijing Radio and Television Station , film and television companies, etc., can also talk, so for those of them who are in the entertainment industry in Beijing, this Director Jiang will never be offended.

What's more, at the level of director of the program center, he will definitely be promoted to a more important position in the future. If he can climb up to this level of relationship, will he worry about whether his star is not popular?
The person the director wants to support may not necessarily be popular, and the person the agent wants to support may not necessarily be popular, but the person the leader of the TV station wants to support must be popular.

Because TV stations can not only provide artists with opportunities to be exposed on variety shows, but also provide opportunities for artists to act. Now TV stations have their own media companies and film and television companies, and the programs they produce will definitely be popular. This is all outside Those entertainment companies do not have.

"Really? Then I would like to thank Mr. Liu for supporting me in my work." Jiang Hai said with a light smile.

"Where is it? Speaking of the relationship between Xu Jie and Su Yun, we are actually a family. By the way, where is Director Jiang going? How about having a light meal together at noon?" Liu Jinghua asked.

"Forget it today, I've already made an appointment with Hu Zhen." Jiang Hai thought for a while and said.

Liu Jinghua's heart tightened when he heard it, and he asked, "Hu Zhen? Is it Mr. Hu from Liangxing?"

"Yeah." Jiang Hai looked at the time pretendingly, and then said, "Oh, it's getting late, Mr. Liu, Xiao Xu and I are leaving first, goodbye."

"Goodbye." Liu Jinghua waved his hand, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

The full name of Liangxing is Jingcheng Shining Star Brokerage Culture Company, which is one of the main competitors of Prosperity in the entertainment industry. Hu Zhen is the general manager of Liangxing Company, and also a senior manager in the industry. As many as dozens of people, although the overall strength is not as good as the prosperity, but the difference is not much different.

Liu Jinghua looked at the passing Passat, his expression gradually became serious, Jiang Hai took Xu Jie to meet Liangxing's boss, which was not a good thing for her.

You must know that Xu Jie is now a celebrity on Beijing TV Station, and his program "Delicious History" is the trump card of Beijing TV Station. Maybe Hu Zhen just took a fancy to the popular ratings of "Delicious History" and wants to sell the company's Entertainer arranged.

It seems that in the future, we need to connect more with Yunyun.

In the car.

"What did Liu Jinghua come to see you for?" Jiang Hai asked while driving.

"Get the performance contract." Xu Jie said.

"In the future, the contract will be divided into several companies to give them a sense of urgency, so that everyone will thank you, support you, and respect you."

"I see."

Not long after, the car drove into an underground parking lot, and then took the elevator to the 31st floor.

The elevator door opened, and Xu Jie followed Jiang Hai out. As soon as he glanced at him, he saw two beauties in red cheongsam standing on both sides of the door, and another beautiful woman in a short pink cheongsam came in style, with slender legs and Slender high-heeled shoes give the impression that there are legs below the waist.

"Mr. Jiang, hello, Mr. Feng, Mr. Yu, and Mr. Hu have all arrived, please follow me." The beauty owed Jiang Hai a little money, and then walked ahead with a smile to lead the way.

Xu Jie looked at the beauty, and then at Jiang Hai. Obviously, it was not the first time Director Jiang came here.

As he walked, he looked around. This place adopts a Chinese classical design, which is antique and very elegant. Although it is in a commercial building, there are flowers and trees, as well as bamboo forests, small bridges and flowing water. It does not feel the winter at all. cold.

The beauty stopped walking, reached out and gently knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Hearing the voice inside, the beauty slowly opened the door, and then made a gesture of please.

Jiang Hai walked in naturally, and the moment Xu Jie also entered, the beauty outside consciously closed the door.

"I said, Old Hu, look at what time it is, what do you want to call someone so early?" Jiang Hai yelled loudly.

"Director Jiang, I'm really sorry. I'm going to take my wife and children to Europe for vacation tomorrow, so I can only ask the three of you out today." A middle-aged man of medium build with a square head and square face said embarrassedly.

He was wearing a custom-made suit, his hair was combed meticulously, and he exuded the temperament of a successful person all over his body. He looked like the boss or executive of a certain company.

"Hey, Lao Jiang, this is...?" Another middle-aged man in a white shirt looked at Xu Jie suspiciously, and the middle-aged man next to him wearing wide-rimmed glasses and drinking tea was also looking at Xu Jie .

"His name is Xu Jie, and he is now the trump card of our art program center." Jiang Hai said with a smile: "You may not know the name, but you must know the program he made."

"What program?" asked the middle-aged man in a white shirt.

"Delicious history." Jiang Hai said.

"I go!"

The eyes of the three people in the room widened immediately when they heard it.

"Lao Jiang, I heard that "Delicious History" has the highest ratings in the country's self-produced evening programs, is that right?" asked the man wearing glasses.

"Well, it's been two days in a row." Jiang Hai said proudly, as if he directed the show.

"It's amazing, it's really young and promising, Lao Jiang, you have a baby under your hands."

"Ha ha!"


 Thanks to book friends 20180106041243316 for the 1500 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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