The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 180 Multiple friends, multiple paths

Chapter 180 Multiple friends, multiple paths

"Xu Jie, come here, let me introduce you." Jiang Hai pulled Xu Jie to his side, pointed to the middle-aged man wearing glasses, and introduced: "This is Yu Kuanyu, the general manager of Jingcheng Jingshi Culture Communication Company." total."

Xu Jie knows JingTV Culture, which is a cultural communication company controlled by Jingcheng TV Station. This company is responsible for variety shows and evening parties, such as crossover singers, the most beautiful voice, etc.

"Hello Mr. Yu!" Xu Jie said politely.

Yu Kuan nodded while looking at the young man in front of him.

Being able to be brought here by Jiang Hai must be Lao Jiang's confidant, and he can help Beijing Satellite TV win the first place in the evening ratings, and the future is limitless.

Jiang Hai pointed to the middle-aged man in the white shirt and introduced, "This is Feng Dekun, the general manager of New Era Media."

Xu Jie was taken aback. If he remembered correctly, this new era media company should be a branch of Beijing Radio and Television Station. It is responsible for operating large-scale themed events and large-scale government affairs activities, as well as providing customers with public relations, advertising, and branding through TV, the Internet and other resources. Shaping, marketing, and some other services.

To put it simply, this company is responsible for some large-scale social welfare activities and cultural forums that you can often see on TV, and has a strong social influence.

"Hi, Mr. Feng." Xu Jie said hello and thought to himself: Didn't the director say to bring him to meet the boss of the brokerage company?How did you introduce these film and television media tycoons to him?Both Yu Kuan and Feng Dekun are well-known figures in the entertainment industry in Beijing.

Feng Dekun smiled and said: "Well, yes, young and promising, no wonder Lao Jiang is in such a good mood recently, so he picked up a treasure, haha, are you interested in coming to our new era?"

Jiang Hai curled his lips and said, "Cut, don't dream, just your company can organize an old man to dance in the square every day."

After Jiang Hai finished speaking, he pointed to the middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes at the end, and said, "This one is Hu Zhen, the general manager of Jingcheng Shining Star Brokerage and Culture Company."

Just as Xu Jie was about to speak, Hu Zhen walked over, stretched out his hand and said, "I didn't expect the director who made "Delicious History" to be so young. It's really enviable. Thinking about my age, I still run errands for others. .”

Hu Zhen put his identities upright. Both Yu Kuan and Feng Dekun are the bosses of the subsidiary company of Beijing Radio and Television Station. They are the young man's superior in the internal level of the TV station, but he is different.

He does not belong to Beijing Radio and Television Station, he is just the general manager of a brokerage company, a person who begs for food from these big bosses. In this room, he is the only outsider. Naturally, he cannot treat this young director with a bright future like Yu Kuan stayed where he was like Feng Dekun.

Enthusiasm, must be enthusiasm.

The director of any program on Beijing Satellite TV cannot be neglected, because the programs that can be broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV have been carefully selected. One can imagine.

Xu Jie shook hands with the other party immediately after seeing it, and said politely: "Actually, I am just a small reporter. Director Jiang gave me such an opportunity."

"Haha, so Director Jiang is your bole?" Hu Zhen asked.

"Not only Bole, but also a nobleman." Xu Jie said seriously.

It's not flattery, it's a fact.

Without Jiang Hai who transferred him from the life program center to the art program center, and without Jiang Hai asking him to do a food program, he would not be where he is now.

Jiang Hai on the side was very proud. In fact, the reason why he brought Xu Jie here to introduce so many people for the other party and help the other party expand their contacts was because he was worried that the other party would be poached by Lu Hong of the satellite TV program center.

In the past few days, he went to get the program rating list. Every time he saw Lu Hong, the other party was full of praise for Xu Jie, which also made him full of a sense of crisis.

It was not easy for such a talented person to appear under his command, and he still counted on the programs produced by the other party to provide him with the capital for promotion. If he was snatched away like this, he would rely on the current programs of the Art Program Center without any achievements or accomplishments. , Don't even think about being promoted, it would be nice if you don't get transferred to an unpopular department.

And through the understanding during this period, he knew that Xu Jie was a practical person, a person who valued love and righteousness, so he not only wanted to help, but also tried his best to help, so that the other party would appreciate him and feel embarrassed to leave.

In fact, helping Xu Jie is helping himself. The better the other party makes the show, the more brilliant his achievements will be, because the other party is still a member of the art program center.

"Old Hu, I think the two of you must have a lot in common," Jiang Hai said.

"Oh? How do you say that?" Hu Zhen asked puzzled.

"Because you are all annoying Liu Jinghua." Jiang Hai said with a smile.

"What?" Hu Zhen was taken aback, looked at Xu Jie and asked, "What happened to Liu Jinghua?"

"She, she tricked me." Xu Jie didn't elaborate.

"She has cheated too many people." Hu Zhen said angrily, "That woman Liu Jinghua can do anything."

As a colleague, Liu Jinghua not only robbed his business, but also robbed his artists. Whenever Liu Jinghua was mentioned, he gritted his teeth angrily.

"Xu Jie, Lao Hu's agency has many stars. Hasn't the star of your show in April not been confirmed yet? You can just find Lao Hu." Jiang Hai looked at Hu Zhen and said, "Old Hu, "" Every episode of "Delicious History" has stars participating, although it only takes one day, but the salary is not low, 150 million a day, you have to seize the opportunity." After finishing speaking, he winked at Hu Zhen.

This is the brilliance of Jiang Hai.

It not only expanded new resources for Xu Jie, but also introduced new resources by Hu Zhen, and both of them would accept his love, which is simply killing two birds with one stone.

Well, I am too smart.

Hu Zhen's eyes lit up, and he immediately looked at Xu Jie and said, "Director Xu, who do you want to invite, just say, the salary is not important, I promise to send the person to you personally."

Although the flagship program of Beijing Satellite TV is not long, it has high ratings. This resource is not available to everyone.

"This is my business card." Hu Zhen said as he took out his business card and handed it over.

Xu Jie looked at the other party, with this attitude, he immediately compared that woman Liu Jinghua.

"Well, I will have to trouble Mr. Hu." Xu Jie put his business card in his pocket. With it, he would no longer need to look for Liu Jinghua in the future, as if he was begging for help.

This is probably called multiple friends and multiple paths.

Multiple friends are not for making friends, but for giving yourself multiple choices.


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(End of this chapter)

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