Chapter 181 Arrogant
Hu Zhen is the host today, and there is nothing special about inviting the three big bosses from Beijing Radio and Television Station. He just wanted to express his gratitude to Jiang Hai, Yu Kuan, and Feng Dekun for their care for him last year. This year, we must better cooperate with the work of the three in the TV station.

To put it bluntly, this is to deepen friendship and connect feelings. To put it bluntly, it is to treat guests to dinner and cling to relationships. Of course, there are some things that don’t need to be stated explicitly, as long as everyone understands them in their hearts.

After lunch, several people from the TV station withdrew.

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and the three bosses are very busy.

Jiang Hai, as the director of the art program center, is a member of the chief director team of this year's Beijing TV Spring Festival Gala. He is mainly responsible for the review work, and JingTV Culture also participated in the production of the entire show. As the general manager of the company, Yu Kuan naturally had to come to the scene to direct.

Feng Dekun is the busiest of the three. Although his New Era Media does not have to be in charge of the Spring Festival Gala, he is in charge of all the large-scale Spring Festival events at the city level during the Chinese New Year, such as the New Year Cultural Exhibition, Spring Festival Concert, Ice and Snow Carnival, etc. There is no Chinese New Year busy at any time.

"See?" Jiang Hai said to Xu Jie, who was sitting in the co-pilot, while driving: "No matter how powerful Hu Zhen is in the entertainment industry, he must behave honestly in front of us."

Xu Jie remembered what he saw in the clubhouse just now. Although Hu Zhen was very open, he was actually cautious everywhere. After all, if an actor wants to be popular, he cannot do without the support of the TV station.

Some people think that a TV station is just a TV station, and a star can be popular without the TV station, for example, he can act in a movie...

That's not the case.

TV stations are not just the channels that you see on TV. It also has many subsidiaries, covering copyright management, content production, film and television drama production, advertising management, media management, brand management, etc. A series of cultural media-related related industries.

The programs broadcast on TV channels are produced by the TV station, and the movies seen in the cinema may also be produced by the film and television production company affiliated to the TV station. Movies and videos have never been separated.

"I heard that when you were filming the show, there were celebrities playing big names on the spot?" Jiang Hai asked.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback. He knew that the other party was talking about Liu Ying. Sure enough, there was nothing in the Beijing entertainment circle that could hide Director Jiang.

"Yes, but it was dealt with later." Xu Jie said.

"Well, don't get used to this kind of thing in the future, just be arrogant, don't embarrass our Beijing TV station, understand?" Jiang Hai pouted and said: "Those who don't know think that our Beijing TV station is easy to bully."

"Understood." Xu Jie nodded.

With Director Jiang's words, he felt more confident.


Back at the unit, Xu Jie gathered the program team together to finalize the script for the third episode. Director Jiang went directly to the studio to review the program of the Spring Festival Gala.

"Tomorrow, we will shoot Jiang Cheng and Cheng Yilong's scene, and remember to send them the script." Xu Jie said.

"I'll post it now." Song Huanhuan took out her phone and passed the electronic file to the assistants of the two celebrities.

"I called the film and television base earlier. Isn't it the New Year's Eve soon? There are no crews in the base for filming, and the extras are almost gone. Although Manager Zhang promised to help us contact some, the number of people It's very limited, so you all have a role in the filming these few days." Xu Jie looked at his colleagues around him and said.

The content of the third program will be more substantial, and the characters will be fuller, so the requirements for supporting roles will be higher, and it will no longer just go through the motions.

"Ah? Director Xu, what if I get camera dizzy?" Liu Hua asked, she didn't want to be on TV.

"Take some anti-sickness medicine." Xu Jie said.


"Ms. Xu, acting is fine. Can you please stop asking me to play a supporting role for a star? It's too difficult to serve." Xiao Wei, who had played a supporting role, said with a bitter face.

"Okay, I will add a role for you later, let you play a dead body, go to the toilet after eating too much, and then fall into the latrine and drown."


Hearing Xu Jie's words, other people dare not speak even if they don't want to act.

Either let people take medicine, or let people play dead bodies, and then ask what they are not necessarily doing, let's accept the reality.

"Director Xu..." Song Huanhuan looked up at Xu Jie and said, "Jiang Cheng's assistant said that the script was given too late, and it's tomorrow morning's play. Can you give me a little more time?"

"There are only dozens of lines in total, and he still wants to prepare for ten days and a half months? Tell him, time is tight and we can't give it." Xu Jie said.

In his opinion, one afternoon plus one night is enough time, and he can memorize elementary school texts.

Song Huanhuan lowered her hair and texted on WeChat after a while, and said, "Director Xu, the other party said that we are trying to make things difficult for others."

Xu Jie took Song Huanhuan's cell phone, pressed it and said, "150 million for you to memorize a few lines, is it too difficult for someone to memorize? I'll give you a chance to reorganize the language, can you do it?"

Do you really regard TV stations as those online platforms?

Internet platforms are used to celebrities, but TV stations are not.

Just like Director Jiang said before: Be arrogant, don't embarrass Beijing TV station!

The surrounding program members were all stunned when they saw Xu Jie's delivery. Isn't this too domineering?
"Who are you, why are you talking like that?" A woman's voice came from the WeChat conversation.

Xu Jie was startled, isn't Jiang Cheng a man?
He looked at the wechat name, and only then noticed that it turned out to be Jiang Cheng's assistant.

assistant?Don't get used to illness!

"I'm Xu Jie, the program director, who are you?" Xu Jie asked loudly.

"I'm Jiang Cheng's assistant." The woman said.

"You didn't tell Jiang Cheng what I just said?" Xu Jie asked.

"Jiang Cheng has something to do, and I'm in charge of his daily work and schedule, so what I mean is equal to what Jiang Cheng means." The woman's tone was a little arrogant.

"Are you sure?" Xu Jie asked.

"Of course!"

"good very good."

This time the celebrity didn't play big names, but the celebrity's assistant started to play big names!

Xu Jie returned the mobile phone to Song Huanhuan, then walked to the window beside him, took out his mobile phone and dialed Liu Jinghua's number.

Soon, the call is connected.

"Hey, Xu Jie, what can I do for you?" Liu Jinghua asked.

"Liu Jinghua, what the hell are you doing?" Xu Jie asked loudly.

"Ah? Me, what's wrong with me?" Liu Jinghua was taken aback. Looking back on these days, he didn't do anything to offend this man and Su Yun.

"I sent the script of the show to Jiang Cheng's assistant just now, and asked Jiang Cheng to prepare today and come over to shoot tomorrow, but Jiang Cheng's assistant replied that I was trying to force others to do so. Did you tell Jiang Cheng? If you don't want to take this The show just said, I'm going to find Hu Zhen, can you be responsible for wasting my time?"


Hearing Xu Jie's words, Liu Jinghua was stunned.

She looked at Jiang Cheng in front of her, and then at the performance contract that was just signed on the table. What's going on?

"Misunderstanding, this must be a misunderstanding, just wait a moment!" Liu Jinghua said nervously, Hu Zhen is her biggest competitor in the capital, and she must not give up this opportunity to Hu Zhen.

"You'd better not make me wait too long!" Xu Jie said in a deep voice.

"Immediately, just 5 minutes!" Liu Jinghua said quickly.

"Give your people more ideological education. I don't want to encounter such things again, and I don't want to waste time communicating with idiots."


 Thanks to the book friend Wuyin Lonely for the 100 starting coins, and thanks to the book friend 20170901044506538 for the 100 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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