The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 182 A Wife Is Your Husband

Chapter 182 A Wife Is Your Husband
Liu Jinghua felt very aggrieved. She didn't do anything, but was scolded like a grandson by a person ten years younger than herself. It was a shame and a shame.

More importantly, not only can she not do anything to the other party, but she also needs to maintain a good relationship with the other party, otherwise she will not only lose the opportunity to participate in the Beijing Satellite TV program, but may also offend the leaders of the Beijing TV Station, such as the director of the art program center , Director of Satellite TV Program Center.

"Sister Hua, what happened?" Jiang Cheng on the side asked curiously. Judging by Sister Hua's expression, he knew that the matter was serious.

Liu Jinghua looked at Jiang Cheng with a sullen face. This face was very handsome, and he couldn't get angry. According to Xu Jie, it was Jiang Cheng's assistant who caused the incident and had nothing to do with Jiang Cheng, so he asked, "Where's your assistant?"

"Which assistant?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"The assistant who will take over the script for you." Liu Jinghua said.

"Outside the door." Jiang Cheng said.

"Let her in"

"it is good."

Jiang Cheng took out his mobile phone and sent a text message. Soon there was a knock on the door, and then he saw a woman walking in. The woman looked about thirty, wearing a windbreaker, high heels, long hair and black-rimmed glasses. full.

"Hello, Mr. Liu." The woman greeted Liu Jinghua respectfully, and then looked at Jiang Cheng, wondering why the other party asked her to come in.

"Who are you?" Liu Jinghua frowned, she didn't know him.

"Mr. Liu, my name is Chen Qian. I was recruited by Mr. Wang the year before last. I have been Jiang Cheng's assistant for the past two years," the woman said.

"Wang Qingyan?"

The company has only one president surnamed Wang, who is the deputy general manager of the company, Wang Qingyan, who is in charge of artist brokerage, including arrangements for celebrity assistants.

No matter who recruited the other party, Liu Jinghua asked directly: "Let me ask you, did the "Delicious History" program team contact you?"

After hearing this, Chen Qian immediately said: "I contacted, just contacted, and also sent a script, but I only gave one night to get familiar with it, and asking Jiang Cheng to shoot tomorrow is too much."

Without further ado, Liu Jinghua stood up, raised his hand and slapped the other person in the face, cursing, "Who told you to make your own decisions? What the hell are you!"

Chen Qian was startled, and covered her flushed face with her hands, but she didn't dare to make a sound. The other party was the boss of the company.

Liu Jinghua didn't let go of his anger, and said to the other party: "I came to Jiang Chengcheng to sign the show contract of "Delicious History". You clearly knew about this, but you still quarreled with the show director. Are you courting death?"

"No, no, Mr. Liu, there must be a misunderstanding." Chen Qian said hastily, "I didn't quarrel with the director."

"What a misunderstanding, people are calling me." Liu Jinghua vented all his anger on the assistant in front of him, "Okay, you don't tell Jiang Cheng about such a big matter, and you still help him Be the master, do you really regard yourself as his spokesperson?"

"Sister Hua." Jiang Cheng said at this time: "I asked Qianqian to handle some small things for me."

"Shut up!" Liu Jinghua gave Jiang Cheng a hard look, and then said to Chen Qian angrily, "Go back to the company's finance department to pay the bill and leave immediately."

"Ah?" Chen Qian panicked when she heard it, "Liu, Mr. Liu, I didn't do it on purpose, I just wanted to give Jiangcheng enough time to prepare, and I didn't say anything to the program director, I'm going to tell them now explain."

"You don't need to explain, I don't want to see you in the company again." Liu Jinghua turned to look at Jiang Cheng, "And you, an artist, can't even control your own affairs, are you a baby? Also, TV shows are trivial matters ?”

Jiang Cheng looked aggrieved, it was the first time he saw Sister Hua get angry, and he didn't dare to say anything.

"Mr. Liu, please give me another chance." Chen Qian burst into tears, and looked to Jiang Cheng for help.

"Hurry up and hand over work to other assistants, get out!" After Liu Jinghua finished cursing, she said to Jiang Cheng, "You have to memorize your lines today, and you have to focus on [-]% when you perform tomorrow, do you hear me? ?”

"Yes, Sister Hua." Jiang Cheng said quickly.

Liu Jinghua felt that it was not enough to just talk to Jiang Cheng alone. When he sent contracts to Cheng Yilong, Yang Lan, and Wang Chen, he didn't mention serious performances, so he took out his mobile phone and sent a message to each of the other three. voice.

""Delicious History" must be performed seriously. If anyone messes it up for me, don't blame me for being rude." Liu Jinghua said viciously.

The three stars replied immediately.

Cheng Yilong: "Mr. Liu, I'm reading the script. Don't worry, I will definitely perform seriously and live up to your care and expectations of me."

Yang Lan: "Sister Hua, please rest assured, I have always been very serious about my work."

Wang Chen: "Mr. Liu, don't worry, I will never embarrass you and the company."

After Liu Jinghua heard it, most of the anger in his heart disappeared, but after thinking about it, he added a sentence: "Be polite to the program director, and be smart when you encounter problems."

Cheng Yilong: "Yes."

Yang Lan: "Got it."

Wang Chen: "I understand."

At this time, the three people on the other end of the phone, and Jiang Cheng on the side knew very well that Liu Jinghua could tell him that this "Delicious History" program director must be extraordinary.

After Liu Jinghua finished the ideological education class, he dialed Xu Jie's mobile phone number.

"Hello?" A man's cold voice came from the microphone.

"I have fired the assistant just now, and I have personally talked with the four artists, they will definitely cooperate with your work seriously." Liu Jinghua said.

"Okay, I'm waiting to see their performance tomorrow. You have to know one thing. There are many people who want to act in this show. I didn't find you because I couldn't find other stars, understand?"

"Understand, understand." Liu Jinghua's palms were sweating a lot. She has been in the brokerage industry for so many years, has discovered many celebrities, and has missed many people, but only this man is the eternal pain in her heart.

This cannot be described as blind, it is simply blind.


The other side of the phone hangs up.

Liu Jinghua looked at the phone, thought for a while and then dialed another number, this time to Su Yun.

"Xiaoyun, do you have time? Chinese New Year is coming soon, let's go shopping together?" Liu Jinghua asked enthusiastically.

Su Yun on the other side of the phone was stunned. Sister Hua hadn't asked her to go shopping for a long time.

"Sister Hua, I'm sorry, I'm practicing making dim sum, and I'm going to be filmed on Xu Jie's show in a few days," she said.

"What about evening, do you have time at night?" Liu Jinghua asked again.

"Tonight? My parents and Xu Jie's parents made an appointment to have dinner together tonight." Su Yun said again.

Liu Jinghua was startled, the parents of both parties had dinner together, this marriage must be true.

"I've prepared some New Year's goods, and I'll send them to my uncles and aunts in two days."

"Thank you, Sister Hua." Su Yun didn't refuse, after all, she also gave it in previous years.

"Oh, what are you being polite about? We're all on our own. You're busy with your work. Let's talk another day." Liu Jinghua said.

"Okay, bye."

Su Yun hung up the phone, but fell into doubt.

Miss Hua, what's wrong?
Did you already get the performance contract from Xu Jie?

Su Yun thought for a while, and suddenly smiled unconsciously.

I remember that when she and the man first registered, everyone felt that the man had other plans for her. Some said that he was interested in her money, some said that he liked her name, and some said that he wanted to borrow money. With her influence in the circle, she made her debut.

But now what?

She has already begun to enjoy the benefits that men bring her.

I didn't expect that I would have a day when a wife is as expensive as a husband.


 Thanks for the 100 starting coins rewarded by book friend Nuhai Footprint!Thanks to the book friend Hun Shui Mo Yu for the reward of 100 starting coins!Thanks to Shuyoubao for the 100 starting coins that Dad has no friends to reward!
(End of this chapter)

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