The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 183 Mom, don't rush

Chapter 183 Mom, don't rush

In the evening, Xu Jie and his colleagues from the program group agreed on a meeting time tomorrow morning and hurriedly left the office.

He stood outside the TV station for a long time, and the colleagues who came out behind him had already left, but the person he was waiting for still didn't come.

About 10 minutes later, a Range Rover drove by. He stood on the side of the road and waved. When the car stopped, he immediately opened the door and sat in.

"Dad, Mom, you've been clamoring to see Su Yun's parents all the time, and we've arranged for you to meet tonight. Why are you late?" Xu Jie pointed to the time on his watch. The appointment was 5:5, and now It's already 40:[-].

"Son, I can't help it." Xu Baozhong, who was driving, said with a wry smile, "The traffic in the city is too congested. It takes an hour to drive from the Fifth Ring Road to the Fourth Ring Road. Can you believe it?"

"Didn't I tell you to leave home early?" Xu Jie asked.

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and it is the rush hour for get off work, so traffic jams are normal. If it is not too cold, cycling is faster than driving.

"Your dad and I really left early. The traffic conditions are really bad, so I don't want to live in the city." Wang Guizhi, who was sitting in the co-pilot, said: "Our place is better. Although the road is not wide, the car You can drive casually, unlike here, the road is quite spacious, I can’t move, feel the steering wheel and feel anxious, my blood pressure is rushing up.”

"Fucking mother, calm down." Xu Baozhong comforted.

When he left home, his wife was driving the car, but after getting on the fifth ring road, the wife either cursed or smashed the steering wheel. He was worried that his wife would have an accident while driving, so he found a chance to switch seats and drive by himself.

"By the way, I brought our homemade ham and some fruits for your father-in-law and mother-in-law. Is it okay? Will it look too shabby? Do you want to buy something else, such as sea cucumber, dried abalone and bird's nest? Wang Guizhi turned around, looked at Xu Jie worriedly and asked.

Xu Jie shook his head after hearing this, and said: "No need to buy, her family has no shortage of these things, and now pure natural and pollution-free green organic food is popular, these are our home-made ham and home-grown fruits, It shows our hearts even more.”

"Well, what my son said makes sense." Xu Baozhong nodded, "Besides, our ham is not cheaper than sea cucumbers, and our vegetables and fruits are exclusively for high-end clubs. Not for sale."

"Yes!" Xu Jie looked at his mother and said, "Mom, you have to be confident, and don't forget that you are the leader of self-made wealth in our area."

"It's not that I'm unconfident. I'm worried about lack of etiquette. After all, we are the man." Wang Guizhi said.

"It's just a meal together, not so particular." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Along the way, the car stopped and went. Although the TV station was very close to Chaoyang Park, it still took more than half an hour to reach the west gate.

Xu Jie looked at the side of the road and looked at the location sent by Su Yun, and soon saw a light box with "Zhou's Cuisine" written on it among the many signboards.

He directed his father to park the car, then got out of the car and walked into the restaurant.

"Hi sir, do you have an appointment?" the waiter inside the door asked Xu Jie politely.

"Appointment? I'm not too sure." Xu Jie thought for a while and asked, "Do you have to make an appointment in advance when you come to eat here?"

"Yes, sir. We only accept appointments here, not individual customers. I'm really sorry." The waiter said shyly.

Just when Xu Jie was about to take out his mobile phone to ask Su Yun if he had an appointment, a woman in a red suit walked over quickly. The other party had short hair and exquisite makeup. When walking, the high-heeled shoes on her feet made a "ga da" and "ga da" sound. "Da" sound, showing a capable energy in his body.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Xu Jie Xu?" The woman stepped forward and asked.

"It's me." Xu Jie said.

"My name is Zhou Xue, and I'm Su Yun's friend. The room is ready, please follow me." The woman said with a smile, and then led the way.

Xu Jie followed the woman to a private room on the second floor. The environment in the room was elegant and exquisite.

"Mr. Xu, uncles and aunts, please have some tea. If you need anything, just tell the waiter. Coming here is like returning to your own home. Don't be polite." Zhou Xue said enthusiastically.

"Thank you." Xu Jie checked the time. It was 6:18, 12 minutes before the agreed time, so he picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea for his parents. In the cup, the rich tea fragrance permeated instantly.

"Son." Wang Guizhi asked while drinking tea, "When do you and Su Yun plan to move to the wedding?"

"I haven't thought about it yet, don't worry, I've got the marriage certificate anyway." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

"How can we not be in a hurry? What I mean is, since the marriage certificate has been obtained, let's hurry up and hold the wedding. Only after the wedding is the real marriage." Wang Guizhi said.

"Mom, read more when you have nothing to do. Only by registering and obtaining a certificate is the real marriage. I think you don't pay attention to the marriage law. It's very dangerous for you to do so."

"Get out!" Wang Guizhi scolded angrily.

After Xu Jie heard it, he continued: "Mom, the wedding is just a formality, and now it's not a big deal, and everything is kept simple. When I got married, I called both parents to have a meal together, and I went on a trip the next day. How easy is it to get married? And I'm currently on the rise in my career, so keep a low profile."

Wang Guizhi frowned, she was very dissatisfied with what her son said, it seemed that this matter had to be discussed with her in-laws.

"Putting aside the wedding, should we hurry up about having a baby?" Wang Guizhi asked again.

Xu Jie only felt a splitting headache.

"Mom, we're still young, and we haven't had enough of a two-person world yet." Xu Jie said.

When I didn't have a girlfriend, I was urging to find a girlfriend. When I had a girlfriend, I was urging to get married. When I finally got married, I was urging to have a grandson.

What about playing house?

Doesn't everything have a process?
"After you give birth, I will help you raise them. If you have loved the two-person world, live your two-person world without delay." Wang Guizhi said.

"Mom, do you treat us like a baby machine?" Xu Jie said depressedly.

"Give me a quick word, can you give birth this year?" Wang Guizhi asked impatiently.

"No!" Xu Jie shook his head.

"What about next year?" Wang Guizhi asked again.

"Mom, stop urging me, and urge me to dink again." Xu Jie threatened.

"Ding, if you don't have children, who will take care of you when you get old?" Wang Guizhi asked with staring eyes.

"Oh, as long as I die fast enough, no one will take care of me." Xu Jie raised his head and said, "I want to die quietly, and then amaze everyone!"

Without further ado, Wang Guizhi stretched out his hand and slapped his son on the back of the head.

"I think your skin is itchy, believe it or not..."

Wang Guizhi was halfway through his vicious words, when the door suddenly opened, and he immediately put away his anger, and his expression was calm.

Xu Jie put down his teacup and stood up, looked at the person who entered the door, and said with a smile: "Dad, Mom, you are here."


 Thanks to the book friend ⑨ ō 苏 for the 1500 starting coins rewarded by the little fart boy, to the book friend Mo Xiaodou for the 1500 starting coins, to the book friend Wuyin Lonely for the 100 starting coins, and to the book friend Flying Pig_1995 The reward of 100 starting coins, thanks to the book friend Nanfang Maibo for the 100 starting coins, thanks to the book friend Yue Yinfeng for the 100 starting coins

(End of this chapter)

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