The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 184 The Confused Su Family

Chapter 184 The Su family in a circle
First came in from outside the private room was Su Yun, then Su Yun's parents, and finally Su Yun's younger brother, the whole family came.

"Dad, Mom." Xu Jie looked at Su Yun's parents, pointed to his own parents and introduced: "This is my dad, this is my mother." Then he introduced Su Yun's parents to his parents, " This is Su Yun's father, this is Su Yun's mother, and this is Su Yun's younger brother."

After Xu Jie finished speaking, he took a deep look at Su Lei. He didn't expect this kid to come today when he is usually away.

It was the first time for the two families to meet. Although Xu Jie and Su Yun had received their marriage certificates for more than two months, they were still strangers to each other, so they seemed more polite and reserved.

"My father-in-law, my mother-in-law, hello."

"My father-in-law, my mother-in-law, I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long."

"No, no, we came early."

After the two parties exchanged courtesy, seven people sat down around the table.

"Excuse me, is it ready to serve now?" Zhou Xue asked as he walked in.

Su Yun looked at Xu Jie, Xu Jie looked at his parents, and his parents looked at Su Yun's parents. They just looked around, and no one said anything in the end.

Xu Jie felt that everyone should not sit like this, and it was indeed getting late, so he said, "Serve the food, let's chat while eating."

Su Yun nodded, and Zhou Xue left the private room after seeing it.

"Father-in-law, mother-in-law." Xu Baozhong looked at Su Yun's parents at this time, and said, "I heard from Xu Jie that you are both university professors. Xu Jie's mother and I have never been to college, but we especially admire learned people. I will replace the wine with tea first, and offer a toast to both of you."

"You are too polite." Su Changzhi hurriedly picked up the teacup and said, "Yunyun and Xu Jie have received their certificates, and we are a family now. If there is anything in the family, feel free to talk about it. If you can help, you will never refuse."

Su Changzhi also came from the countryside, so he felt very close to Xu Jie's family. He didn't look down on them at all, but wanted to help.

"Thank you, thank you in-law." Xu Baozhong said: "By the way, this time I brought two hams and some fruits for my in-laws. You must take them with you when you leave."

"This, this is too expensive." Su Changzhi said after hearing this.

Thinking that I didn't bring anything, I suddenly felt bad.

It's still a fellow villager, even if the family conditions are not good, the etiquette must be respected, and he will not treat others slowly.

"It's nothing, it's all homemade. I'll give it to you when you're done eating." Xu Baozhong said with a smile.

"No, no, why is this so embarrassing?" Su Changzhi suddenly remembered something, so he said: "My relatives, I heard from Xu Jie that the family raised some pigs. I don't know what breed they are? I teach veterinary medicine, and there are many large pigs in the capital. The breeding base has a cooperative relationship with our Agricultural University. I will pick a few good breeds of boars and sows for you to raise in the spring. Not only will they grow fat fast, but the meat quality will be good. By the way, how many pigs are you raising now? How big is the pigsty?"

He meant that if the pigsty is not big enough, he can help expand it.

Xu Baozhong said: "Not much. I sold some during the Chinese New Year, and now there are more than 1 pigs left, and 4 square meters of pigsty are vacant..."

While speaking, there was a simple smile on his face.


Su Changzhi was stunned when he heard it, Zhang Simin next to him was also stunned, Su Lei who had been looking down at his phone raised his head in shock with a bewildered expression.

Did I hear wrong?

Three people thought so at the same time.


At this time, there was a knock on the door outside, and then the waiter walked in and put the dishes on the table.


Su Changzhi coughed, took a sip of tea, and asked, "In-law, how many heads did you say just now?"

He suspects that his hearing has deteriorated due to his age.

"More than 1 heads." Xu Baozhong said.

"You said it can be sold." Wang Guizhi corrected it, then looked at Su Yun's father and said, "If you add breeding pigs and piglets from the nursery, there are about 3 pigs in total."


Except for Su Yun, the other three members of the Su family were all stunned.

Tens of thousands of pigs at home?

There are tens of thousands of square meters of pig houses?

Are the rural areas so rich now?
Pigs are raised according to "ten thousand"?
Seeing the strangeness of her parents, Su Yun explained: "Mom and Dad, Xu Jie's parents have a pig farm and a vegetable and fruit planting base. They are well-known local leaders and entrepreneurs in getting rich."

Su Changzhi swallowed unconsciously. Just now, he felt that the fellow lived in a remote mountain village, and his family relied on raising pigs for a living. The conditions were not good. As in-laws, he must help out more. After all, Xu Jie is a very good child, but Now……

Pig farm?
Vegetable and fruit planting base?

This is a big misunderstanding.

"In-laws, I don't know the name of your farm? Where is it?" Su Changzhi asked curiously.

"In Nangou Village in Huairou, the name is Baohe Pig Farm." Xu Baozhong said.

"Baohe?" Su Changzhi thought for a while and asked, "Do you know Yu Xiaopeng?"

"Yu Xiaopeng? Less than?" Xu Baozhong nodded and said, "Yes, he is the veterinary director of our farm, and his wife, Liu Haixia, both work with me."

Su Changzhi said excitedly after hearing this: "Yu Xiaopeng and Liu Haixia are both my students. When they gave me New Year's greetings a few years ago, they said that they worked in a farm in Huairou. I didn't remember their names at that time. You just said that , I finally remembered."

"Really? Then we are really destined."

"Yes, fate!"

Xu Baozhong and Su Changzhi laughed, and the atmosphere in the private room became more relaxed.

Wang Guizhi couldn't bear it anymore, men talked about careers, women talked about homework, she looked at Su Yun's mother and said, "Su Yun's mother, the child has already received a marriage certificate. According to tradition, the next step is to prepare for the wedding. What do you think of the wedding?"

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, then turned to look at his mother, didn't we talk just now, why are you asking again?

Wang Guizhi noticed his son's gaze, but pretended not to see it.

Xu Jie hurriedly stretched his feet under the table and gently touched his mother's leg, but his mother's leather shoes stepped on his feet hard.

Um! ! !
Xu Jie snorted, and hurriedly lowered his head and pretended to drink tea, for fear that others would see his strangeness.

After hearing this, Zhang Simin looked at her daughter, and said with a faint smile, "Let's see what the children say, after all, this is their lifelong event."

Xu Jie put down his teacup and was so moved that he almost cried.

As expected of a mother-in-law, she is well-informed and reasonable, long live her understanding!

However, just as he breathed a sigh of relief, he heard his mother ask Su Yun again: "Xiao Yun, what do you think? When do you plan to have a wedding with Xu Jie?"

Xu Jie immediately raised his head to look at his mother.

Mom, don't bring such a forceful one!

 Thanks to book friend Yue Yinfeng for the 100 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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