The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 185 Everyone's Happy

Chapter 185 Everyone is happy
Xu Jie turned his head to look at Su Yun beside him, and blinked at her twice, proving that he didn't mean to do this, it was entirely his mother's own opinion and her own will, and he was also a victim, the behavior of a domineering female president know.

Su Yun blinked her eyes knowingly. Of course, she knew that this was not what the man meant, because the two had already reached an agreement on marriage-related issues, and high-profile events like weddings would definitely not appear in their cooperation plans.

But Xu Jie's mother asked this question now. If she directly answered that she would not hold a wedding, it would obviously be inappropriate. I am afraid that even her parents would not agree, so she thought about it for a while, then smiled, and looked at Xu Jie affectionately. Jie: "I'll listen to Xu Jie on this matter."


Xu Jie thought to himself.

This move of Tai Chi Pushing Hands was so smooth, he applauded the opponent directly in his heart.

Although the other party dumped the blame on him, he didn't mind at all. Who let his mother make this difficult problem?You should solve your own affairs by yourself. This is called responsibility.

Hearing Su Yun's words, everyone's eyes turned to Xu Jie again at this time. The drumming and flower passing should be over here, and there is no one behind.

"The wedding is very important." Xu Jie thought for a while and said.

First of all, express your attitude in front of the parents of both parties. Of course, your parents know his attitude, so this is for Su Yun's parents. After all, the elderly pay great attention to attitude.

Xu Jie paused for a moment, then continued solemnly: "Because the wedding is very important, I have to prepare well and give her an unforgettable and perfect wedding."

At this time, Xu Jie held Su Yun's hand tightly, with sincerity written all over his face, and said, "Actually, I also want to get the wedding done as soon as possible, but my work in the TV station has just improved a bit, and I want to get married soon." After the program is on the right track, I will spend more time preparing for the wedding instead of rushing it, after all, this is only once in a lifetime, I don't want to leave any regrets for myself and Su Yun."

In fact, having said so much, in the final analysis, there is one sentence: I am in charge of my wedding, and I can get it done whenever I want.

At this time, Su Yun also looked at Xu Jie affectionately: Oscar also owes you a statuette.

The two looked at each other affectionately, as if they were not only in agreement at this moment, but also resonated in thought.

"Well, it makes sense." Su Changzhi said after hearing it.

In his mind, the marriage certificate has already been obtained anyway, and the wedding has to be held sooner or later. There is nothing wrong with giving the children more time to prepare. He was even a little moved by Xu Jie's sincere words and hard-working attitude. I thought that my daughter did not marry the wrong person.

Zhang Simin also nodded. Today's young people pay great attention to the sense of ceremony. Many people even have to rehearse their wedding in advance. As her daughter is a public figure, the wedding naturally cannot be casual, even if it is low-key, it must be low-key.

However, Wang Guizhi didn't think so.

She knew her son's negative attitude towards the wedding, so she planned to bring the matter to the dinner table to discuss with Su Yun's family.

In the end, she never expected that her son would control Su Yun's family to death, and she didn't know what kind of ecstasy method was used, not only to deceive such a good girl, but also to deceive the whole family.

She also heard what her son said just now. Although it sounds very affectionate, but after careful analysis, she will find that all that has been said is actually nonsense, and she still hasn't given a clear answer. Such an answer is in his opinion. It's just empty talk and nothing to say, it's like farting to put it bluntly, if it were an employee of a farm, she would have slapped the table long ago.

But not now.

Su Yun's parents are here, talking too much makes her seem too domineering, and talking too much makes her disrespectful to the child, and the father-in-law just finished what he said, and the mother-in-law also nodded. Wouldn't it be nice for her to refute at this time? Is it equivalent to slapping your in-laws in the face?

"Well, we must prepare well." Wang Guizhi had no choice but to find himself a step down, then looked at Su Yun's parents and said, "Please rest assured that Xiaoyun will never be wronged if she marries into our family." , if anyone dares to bully her, I will be the first to refuse."

Xu Jie looked at his mother and thought: Thank goodness you don't force us to have a wedding and have a baby.

Zhang Simin said politely after hearing this: "Yunyun is sometimes self-willed, please bear with me."

Wang Guizhi said: "Xiaoyun is already very good. If you want to talk about self-willedness, my son is self-willed. Xu Jie, you can't bully Xiaoyun in the future, do you hear me?"

"Understood." Xu Jie said seriously, "Husbands and wives must know how to tolerate, understand and appreciate each other. Both Su Yun and I can do it. Please rest assured, elders."

Su Changzhi nodded in satisfaction. This was the core content of the conversation that night when they slept together. It seemed that the other party had already understood it and remembered it in his heart.

"Let's eat and chat while eating." Su Changzhi pointed to the dishes on the table.

"Yes, yes, you are all hungry, let's eat together." Xu Baozhong also said.

Xu Jie heaved a sigh of relief, and at the same time let go of Su Yun's hand, and the two families began to eat in harmony.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Xu Jie remembered the reason for inviting the parents of both parties to meet this time, so he looked at his parents and asked, "Dad, Mom, isn't it the Chinese New Year soon? I want to discuss the Chinese New Year with you."

"What's going on during the Chinese New Year?" Wang Guizhi asked puzzled.

"Where did we live?" Xu Jie said.

"It's still a matter of discussion? Of course..." Wang Guizhi stopped suddenly in the middle of her speech. She looked at her parents-in-law and her mother-in-law, and finally understood what her son meant by asking this question. She immediately threw away her original thoughts and said: "Of course you make up your own mind."

In her era, when a woman got married, she must have celebrated the New Year at the man’s house, and the married daughter would have splashed water, but it’s different now. Some choose to celebrate the New Year at the man’s house, some choose to celebrate the New Year at the woman’s house, and some She chooses to go back to her own home for the New Year, or even the young couple to travel to other places for the New Year. She has to admit that times have changed, and sometimes she really can't look at things with old eyes.

"I want to hear your opinions." Xu Jie said.

Wang Guizhi glanced at his son and thought: You don't want to listen to my opinion on the wedding, where do you want to hear my opinion on the Chinese New Year?

"You can live wherever you want. Your father and I respect your ideas." Wang Guizhi said.

You want to hear it, I don't want to say it yet.

Let's be more magnanimous and Buddhist.

Xu Jie turned to look at Su Yun's parents and asked, "Dad, Mom, what's your opinion?"

Zhang Simin said: "Just like my mother-in-law, we also respect your ideas."

In fact, she was too embarrassed to force her daughter and son-in-law, that's why the two families met tonight.

They all want their children to live with themselves, but they can't save face.

Xu Jie put down his chopsticks, wiped his mouth, and said, "That's right, I mean, we've been together before."


Hearing Xu Jie's words, everyone in the private room was stunned.

The two live together?

How do you live?
"Whose house did you go to?" Su Yun asked curiously. She had never heard Xu Jie mention this idea before, nor discussed it with her, nor even blinked an eye.

"Go to my parents' place." Xu Jie said.

"This..." Su Yun hesitated, she has no problem, she lives where her parents live, but the question is, will parents agree?

"Well, that's a good idea." Wang Guizhi spoke bluntly, looked at his son with admiration, and finally did something that suited her heart.

"Cough!" Xu Baozhong coughed lightly, reminding his wife to be more reserved.

What I know is my son's thoughts, and those who don't know think that our family has calculated it in advance.

Xu Jie looked at Su Yun's parents and said, "Dad, Mom, actually, I originally planned to go home with Su Yun on New Year's Eve, but I thought it was our first year of marriage registration, and it would not be appropriate to separate. If we The two only went to one family, and New Year's Eve was the family reunion night, and it was not very good for the other family, so I had the idea of ​​celebrating the New Year together."

Zhang Simin nodded. There was nothing wrong with what she said. They also felt that it was inappropriate to separate or go to the same family for the New Year, so they did not express their thoughts for a long time.

"As for why I went to my parents' place..." Xu Jie continued: "Firstly, my parents' place has a lot of rooms, so many people can live there; secondly, the atmosphere of the Chinese New Year in the countryside is quite good, and fireworks are allowed in our place." ;Thirdly, my family has a farm and a vegetable and fruit planting base. I can go to play when I have nothing to do, and I won’t be bored. Now many people who live in the city will go to pick during the Spring Festival holiday..."

Xu Jie said one thing after another. In order to satisfy everyone, he also thought about it for a long time. It can be said that he took great pains, and finally came up with such a plan that he thought was perfect.

"Dad, Mom, what do you think?" Xu Jie looked at Su Yun's parents after finishing speaking.

No matter how extravagant he said, the two of them had to agree in the end. In fact, he said so much, just to let the two old people know that you can't have both, and you have to have something to get a good result. There is a trade-off.

Su Changzhi and Zhang Simin looked at each other. They didn't want to go to someone else's house for the New Year, but after hearing Xu Jie's words just now, the other party's words were reasonable and thoughtful, and there was no reason to refuse, so they accepted it.

Besides, the in-laws are not out of town, they are all in the capital, and they don't want to live, so they can go home whenever they want to go home. In fact, counting visiting relatives, they can't stay at Xu Jie's house for a few days.

"Okay, just listen to Xiao Xu." Su Changzhi said with a smile, then looked at Xu Jie's parents, and said, "My father-in-law and mother-in-law, I will disturb you this year."

"Hey, it's time to see someone else, we are all a family, and we are too happy that you can come to celebrate the New Year!" Wang Guizhi said with a smile.

Xu Baozhong at the side even secretly extended a thumbs up to his son, and said in his heart: Your boy's status in the father-in-law's family is fine, I listen to you, and he is better than your father!

Everyone was happy.


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(End of this chapter)

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