The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 186 Want to take a wedding photo?

Chapter 186 Want to take a wedding photo?
The gathering of Xu and Su's families ended in a happy and peaceful atmosphere.

When the group walked out of the restaurant, Xu Jie saw his father open the trunk of the car, and immediately walked over to help carry things.

"This is our homemade ham, as well as our own organic strawberries, grapes and persimmons. It is pure natural and pollution-free. You can eat it with confidence when you go back." Xu Baozhong came to Su Yun's parents with two boxes of ham. Jie followed behind with three boxes of fruit in his arms.

"In-laws, you are so polite, you see we didn't bring anything, how dare we accept it?" Su Changzhi said shyly.

"After today's meal, we will be a family in the future, why are you polite?" Xu Baozhong said with a smile.

Su Changzhi took the ham. The ham was quite heavy, at least ten kilograms each. He quickly opened the trunk of the car and put the ham in. When it was Xu Jie's turn to carry the fruit, the trunk was obviously not enough, so he had to put it in the back row.

At this time, Wang Guizhi came to Su Yun's side, took Su Yun's hand and said, "Xiao Yun, you've finished eating the fruit last time, and this time I brought you two more boxes, take them home and eat hard, it's not enough for mom." I'll give it to you later." After speaking, he shouted at Xu Jie: "Son, there are still two boxes of fruit in the trunk, move them to your car."

"Got it." Xu Jie saw it when he was carrying the boxes just now. There were two boxes with "Yun" written on them, and he knew at a glance that his mother brought them to Su Yun.

He couldn't help feeling a little jealous. His mother treated his daughter-in-law better than his son. He had been working in the city for two years, and he had never seen his parents bring him fruit.

"Thank you mom." Su Yun said in a sweet voice.

"You're welcome." Wang Guizhi said with a smile, "By the way, do you have any wedding photos?"

"Of course there is." Xu Jie said after hearing this: "How can I register for marriage without a wedding photo?"

"I'm talking about the ones in wedding dresses, yes, wedding photos." Wang Guizhi explained.

"Why?" Xu Jie asked.

"Of course it's hanging at home." Wang Guizhi said.


Just as Xu Jie wanted to say no, Su Yun interrupted him.

"No big ones." Su Yun looked at Xu Jie's mother and said, "I'll enlarge some later, put them in a frame, and bring them back to you during the Chinese New Year."

"Okay, okay." Wang Guizhi nodded in satisfaction.

Xu Jie looked at Su Yun suspiciously, and said to himself: What the hell are you doing, how can we have wedding photos?A few selfies at most.

Su Yun didn't seem to notice, and asked: "Mom, it's so late, you and Dad can go live with me, I have a vacant room."

Wang Guizhi was very happy when he heard that, "Thank you for your kindness. It's just that Xu Jie and his father and I want to meet some old customers after a while. I don't know when it will end. You and Xu Jie should go home first."


Zhang Simin felt relieved when she saw that her in-laws were so kind to her daughter.

The parents left one after another, and Xu Jie also got into Su Yun's car.

"Why did you agree to bring wedding photos to my mother? Do you have any?" Xu Jie frowned and asked, "Do you want to post a few photos? Are you not afraid of being seen?"

"Then let's take a few photos." Su Yun said indifferently.

"What?" Xu Jie looked at the woman suspiciously, "What the hell are you doing?"

"Why, you've already taken wedding registration photos, so you're afraid of taking wedding photos?" Su Yun asked with a smile.

"I'm not afraid, I just feel... feel..." Xu Jie couldn't tell, but he just felt uncomfortable.

"Wedding and wedding photos, you have to satisfy them, right? The wedding has been postponed, and if you refuse the wedding photos, your mother will be very angry." Su Yun said slowly: "I still remember the couple who stayed at my house a few days ago. Is that night?"

"Remember, what's wrong?" Xu Jie asked.

"My mother wants to see my wedding photos." Su Yun said.

Xu Jie took a deep breath after hearing this, and said, "It seems that we can only go to take wedding photos. Why didn't you discuss this with me just now? Didn't we agree that we had a good relationship with each other when we were at your house last time?" Do we need codes for human affairs?"

"You just said that the two families celebrated the New Year together, and you didn't discuss it with me." Su Yun said plausibly.

"Who didn't discuss it with you? Didn't I ask your opinion? You told me to listen to me." Xu Jie retorted.

"Isn't that forced by the situation? Besides, why did I set up a secret code with you? It's because sometimes there are too many people and you can't speak clearly. If you can speak clearly, why do you need a secret code? You don't even understand this, do you?" ?”


Xu Jie gritted his teeth tightly, his ability to beat back is even better than Zhu Bajie!


On Friday, early in the morning, Xu Jie woke up before dawn. Today’s filming was about breakfast, so he got up very early, put on his clothes, and left home to go to the place agreed with his colleagues.

With the broadcast of "Delicious History" on Beijing Satellite TV, the program's influence in the capital area is also growing. If only some people knew about it when the second episode was filmed, then everyone knows about it now.

The owner of the breakfast shop was very happy when he heard that the "Delicious History" program team was going to shoot at his home. Even the diners were very enthusiastic and cooperative, so the whole shooting process went very smoothly.

Some people in the program team wondered why Xu Jie didn’t communicate with the owner of the shooting shop in advance. It’s not that Xu Jie didn’t want to communicate in advance, but he didn’t dare to communicate in advance. He was worried that if the news got out, too many fans would gather during the shooting. Gathering crowds to watch is not only not helpful for shooting, but will increase the difficulty of shooting.

In addition, watching shows and finding stores has become one of the joys of watching shows for local fans. How can he deprive fans of the fun?
After filming breakfast, the group rushed to the film and television base without stopping.

Zhang Maoting sat in the security booth of the film and television base to keep warm. When he saw the convoy appearing, he immediately went out and waved.

Xu Jie got out of the car and walked up to say hello: "Mr. Zhang, I'm really sorry to bother you when it's almost Chinese New Year."

Zhang Maoting waved his hand and said nonchalantly, "They are all from our own family. Don't say it's not Chinese New Year yet. Even if Chinese New Year is filmed, I will open the door for you. By the way, I found 15 extras for you, and some of them haven't come home yet." Some of them are ensemble performers, some are nearby residents, and now we can only find so many."

"Thank you Mr. Zhang." Xu Jie said.

The program team came to the shooting location, the setting of the set, the change of costumes, everything was going on in an orderly manner.

It was very cold, and the weather forecast said that the lowest temperature today was only 6 degrees Celsius. However, no one complained. On the one hand, the ratings of the program were high, and everyone was motivated when filming the program. On the other hand, they did not work overtime for the Spring Festival holiday. Work hard.

Xu Jie changed his clothes and started to shoot his own part, trying to shoot more before the star arrives.

No way, time is tight and the task is heavy!

It seems to be like this every time.

At 8:40, a commercial vehicle appeared at the shooting site, and Jiang Cheng got out of the vehicle.

He was 20 minutes earlier than the agreed time. Who asked Sister Hua to make sure to shoot the show well?He also had to pay attention.

"Mr. Jiang, you came so early." Song Huanhuan said, her eyes kept sizing up the idol's face, um, so handsome.

"Come early and prepare in advance. By the way, where is the director?" Jiang Cheng looked around while inquiring. He wanted to see what kind of person the director was, who could make Sister Hua nervous.

"Director, there." Song Huanhuan pointed not far away, "The one who is processing the ingredients is our director."

Jiang Cheng looked over curiously, at first glance he thought it looked a little familiar, after careful scrutiny, he suddenly remembered something.

I remember that at the company's annual meeting a few days ago, two seniors at the same table took the initiative to toast this person.

By the way, it's sister Yun's husband!


 Thank you for the 1500 starting coins that book friends rewarded when they met someone!Thanks to book friend Yue Yinfeng for the 100 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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