Chapter 191
On Saturday morning, Xu Jie came to the TV station. After the colleagues from the program group arrived, he immediately took the equipment and went to the film and television base.

"Xiao Xu!"

Just as Xu Jie walked out of the art program center and was about to enter the elevator, he saw Jiang Hai and Lu Hong coming out of the elevator.

"Morning, Director Jiang, morning, Director Lu!" Xu Jie greeted and was about to leave, but Jiang Hai grabbed his arm and dragged him back.

"You wait first." Jiang Hai said.

"Director, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked curiously, and at the same time asked the colleagues in the elevator to go first, and waited for him in the car.

When the elevator door closed, Jiang Hai pulled Xu Jie aside, and asked excitedly, "Xiao Xu, the ratings of last night's show have been released, and your show is number one."

"Oh." Xu Jie responded.

"Hey, why are you upset?" Jiang Hai asked, this reaction was too calm, right?There was simply no response.

"Isn't he always number one these days? Isn't this normal?" Xu Jie said lightly.

"Ah?" Jiang Hai was taken aback, and the smile froze on his face, which was very embarrassing.

He said this as if he, the director, had never seen the world.

But then again, the Art Program Center has never released a program that has ranked first in the nation's ratings for consecutive days.

Sorry, I haven't seen the world.

"Haha, what Xiao Xu said is right." Lu Hong smiled and said, "But Xiao Xu, your program ratings last night were particularly high, reaching 2.282. Do you know what this concept is? Only the most popular The ratings of variety shows can only break 2, such as The Voice of China and Ultimate Challenge. You must know that these shows have accumulated popularity over the years, and they are all star-studded. No matter in terms of capital investment, production team, or star lineup, They are all top-notch, now do you know how good your show is?"

If you want to say the happiest person, it must be him.

The program was broadcast on the Beijing Satellite TV Channel, and it occupied the top position of the national self-produced program for several days. Since he took office, he has never been so proud as he is now. Even the director of the station also talked about it. " "Delicious History" is not only the trump card program of the capital satellite TV channel, but also the trump card program of the entire capital TV station.

The most important thing is that this program not only has a hot ratings, but also has rave reviews on the Internet, and even became a trending search. This is not something that any program can do, it is absolutely phenomenal.

"Really?" Xu Jie's face finally changed a little.

He has never confronted these popular star variety shows, so he doesn't know what the ratings of these shows are. But now, after listening to Director Lu, he finally understands how popular his show is.

"It seems that I am really good." Xu Jie said.

Seeing that the young man in front of him was still so calm, Lu Hong couldn't help admiring his thumb, but Jiang Hai on the side didn't think so.

"Then can you be more happy? Be more excited? You are so Buddhist, I am very worried." Jiang Hai said loudly.

He has always believed that only by being passionate about the program can a good program be produced. On the contrary, if there is no desire and desire all day long, the content of the program will be dull.

"Director, I have to shoot a show in such a cold day, and it's Saturday, do you think I can cheer up?" Xu Jie looked at Jiang Hai with a wry smile and asked.

I took wedding photos last night until 12 o'clock, and it was already past 1 o'clock when I went home and lay in bed. I have to get up at 6 o'clock this morning to go to the TV station. Who can be happy?

So what if the ratings are high?Don't you want to work overtime on weekends?

Jiang Hai was so choked that he almost stumbled on the spot. He coughed twice and said, "Xiao Xu, there should be no complaints at work. We all serve the people. Don't I come to work overtime too? Well, go get busy." Come on, come on!"


Xu Jie was speechless. Rather than encouragement, he needed something practical, even if he invited everyone to have a cup of hot milk tea.

Lu Hong on the side said at this time: "Xiao Xu, do a good job, I promise you, after the third episode is finished, the rest of February will be given to your program team for vacation."

Xu Jie's eyes lit up when he heard it, he immediately stood up straight, and said vigorously: "Director Lu, you said this, you can't go back on your word!"

Have a holiday?

This is a real benefit.

What's more, during the Spring Festival, who doesn't want to take a few more days off?

"Yes, I said it," Lu Hong said with a smile.

"Hey, wait a minute!" After hearing this, Jiang Hai frowned and said to Lu Hong, "Old Lu, you don't care too much. They are people from my art program center. If you say it's a holiday, is it a holiday?"

Lu Hong patted Jiang Hai's shoulder and said with a smile: "Old Jiang, you're out of touch now, what about your people and mine, aren't they all from the station? Besides, Xiao Xu and the others worked so hard to film the show. , how about a few days off after finishing the work?"

Jiang Hai's expression changed, this old Lu was clearly trying to trick him!

The other party has already thrown out the benefits. If he objects at this time, what will Xu Jie think in his heart?What would the entire Delicious History staff think?
Didn't he become a bad guy?
"I didn't say you can't have a vacation." Jiang Hai looked at Lu Hong and said, "What I mean is that what you said to Xiao Xu just now is empty talk, it's just a rant, and it won't work if you say it." Xu Jie turned around as he spoke. Looking at Xu Jie, he said, "Xiao Xu, I promise you that after the third episode of the program is finished, you can rest as long as you want for the rest of this month. I am the director of the cultural program center, and I can speak well!"

After finishing speaking, I gave Lu Hong a hard look, don't think I don't know what you're thinking!
Lu Hong pretended not to see, and continued: "Xiao Xu, are you still going back to the station tonight? If you come back, go to the satellite TV program center, I have prepared some New Year benefits for your "Delicious History" program team..."

"Our Art Center will release it next Monday, so don't worry about it." Jiang Hai immediately interrupted the other party.

"You're talking about the New Year's benefits that are uniformly distributed by the station, and I'm talking about the benefits that our satellite TV program center gives them." Lu Hong said.

"What's there?" Jiang Hai asked curiously.

"I won't tell you." Lu Hong kept it secret.

"Old Lu, are you playing dirty with me? Okay, in fact, our Art Program Center has also prepared special benefits to reward the "Delicious History" program group." Jiang Hai said with a smile.

"Really? What's there?" Lu Hong asked.

"I won't tell you either." Jiang Hai said.


Xu Jie looked at the two people in front of him, the director of the literary program center of the dignified Beijing TV station and the director of the center of the satellite TV program, they were actually compared with children. Is he so popular?

This is also good, when the snipe and the clam compete, the fisherman will benefit!

"Director Jiang, Director Lu, let's chat first. I'll go film the show and get benefits when I come back tonight." Xu Jie walked into the elevator after speaking.

Fight it, I want it anyway!

(End of this chapter)

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