The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 192 Advertising endorsements come to you

Chapter 192 Advertising endorsements come to you

Xu Jie came to the parking lot and trotted into the car. The outdoor temperature in the early morning was extremely low, and he felt it was difficult to breathe.

"Let's go." Xu Jie said to Liu Jinbao who was in the driver's seat.

I saw that the other party straightened up, rubbed his eyes with his hands, and his face was full of sleepiness.

Looking at Song Huanhuan and Xiao Wei in the back row, they were wearing neck pillows, leaning on the back of the seat, covered with blankets, and wearing blindfolds.

"Didn't I tell you to go to bed early and get up early?" Xu Jie frowned and said, he was sleepy because of taking wedding photos, but what about these people?Are you going to take wedding photos?

"In this weather, even if you go to bed early, you won't be able to get up early." Liu Jinbao yawned as he spoke.

Xu Jie sighed. This state is definitely not good now. Even if he gets to the set, he will definitely not be able to wake up. He felt that as the leader of the program group, it is necessary to give everyone a shot of stimulant, so he picked up the walkie-talkie and said: "Hey, hey, cheer me up and tell you good news. Director Jiang said that as soon as the third episode of the show is finished, the rest of February will be on vacation."


The two women in the back row sat up suddenly, took off their blindfolds and looked at Xu Jie. They couldn't sleep anymore, their eyes were full of excitement.

There was also a query on the intercom.

"Director Xu, is it true or not?"

"keep your word?"

Xu Jie pressed the button of the walkie-talkie and said, "Director Jiang said just now that Director Lu can testify. In addition, Director Jiang and Director Lu prepared a generous gift for us in order to reward our program team. You can get it when you come back tonight. .”



Cheers came over the intercom.

Song Huanhuan reached out and patted Liu Jinbao's shoulder fiercely, and said loudly, "Fat brother, drive quickly, I can't wait."

"Of order!" Liu Jinbao immediately started the car, ejected and rushed out of the parking lot.

Slow down?
Whoever is slow will have trouble with the holiday!
When they arrived at the film and television base, Xu Jie began to direct everyone to carry the props. With holidays and rewards as the spiritual support, everyone in the program group was full of energy. Even the cold weather could not stop everyone's enthusiasm. Call one fast, and work efficiency will also increase.

Just when Xu Jie was about to change his clothes, the cell phone rang suddenly.

He glanced at the caller ID, it was Mr. Ding's call from Daniu Yogurt.

"Hello, Mr. Ding." Xu Jie connected the phone.

"Director Xu, good morning, do you have time today?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ding, I'm going to shoot the third episode today, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked, won't you want another role for your niece, right?But today's play has already been set, so it's too late to change the script temporarily.

"Director Xu, I watched the show last night and thought you shot very well and acted very well. I read the comments on the Internet, and netizens are now saying: The most romantic thing I can think of is to make you a bowl cheese……"

Xu Jie was puzzled.

What does the other party mean by this?
Give him an afterthought?
Or, do you have any unreasonable thoughts about him?
"Director Xu, it's like this. I want to invite you and your wife, Ms. Su Yun, to endorse our brand's products." Ding Zhenye suddenly got to the point while talking.

"What? Endorsement?" Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it.


"My wife and I?" Xu Jie asked, suspecting that he had heard wrong.


"Why?" Xu Jie was puzzled.

He never thought in his life that someone would approach him as an endorsement.

Besides, wouldn't it be enough to sponsor his show? Why do you still need him to endorse?
"Of course I like the happy image of your husband and wife in the show." Ding Zhenye said with a smile: "To tell you the truth, our Daniu Group has recently launched a new cheese, and we are looking for a spokesperson. After watching your show, I was sure that it must be you and your husband."

Xu Jie held the mobile phone and stood there in a daze.

Does this work too?
What a coincidence!

"Director Xu, what do you think? Don't worry about the endorsement fee. We are old friends. Look, how about 1600 million yuan a year for your husband and wife?" Ding Zhenye asked.

Xu Jie's eyelids twitched.

With so much money, the one-year production cost of "A Tasty History" will not cost so much.

In the past, there was a star who paid 150 million a day, and later a celebrity who endorsed for 1600 million a year. This money feels like falling from the sky. You don’t need to pick it up, just throw it in your pocket.

How many pigs do you have to sell to earn 1600 million!

Faced with the temptation of 1600 million yuan, Xu Jie's heart is relatively calm. Although 1600 million yuan seems a lot, as long as he works hard, according to his current salary, he can earn it in a hundred years without eating or drinking.

"Mr. Ding, I'll let it go. If you want to speak with Su Yun, I can help you get in touch." Xu Jie said calmly.

It's not that he treats money like dung, there is really a special reason, and this reason lies in him and Su Yun.

The two got married suddenly, and the divorce might also be sudden. Once the advertiser claims compensation from the two, Su Yun has dominated the music scene for so many years, and the money he earned must be able to afford the compensation, but he can't afford it.

"Ah? Why?" Ding Zhenye was very surprised and asked puzzledly: "Director Xu, if you think the endorsement fee is low, can we still talk about it?"

"Mr. Ding, it's not about the endorsement fee." Xu Jie said: "Thank you, Mr. Ding, for thinking of me so much and inviting me to be the endorser, but I'm not a celebrity and I don't want to consume my image, and our TV station has regulations that the host cannot Accept the endorsement, so I'm really sorry."

"Delicious History" is a cultural program, not a TV series, so he is the host, but he appears in the program in the form of acting

"It turned out to be like this, it's a pity, alas!" Ding Zhenye sighed.

He really thought that his idea of ​​inviting Xu Jie and his wife to be spokespersons was a good idea, and it would be a pity if he gave up like this.

"Mr. Ding, in fact, I was just a supporting role in last night's show. The real protagonist is Su Yun. It is her gentleness, her virtuousness, and the love in her heart that gave Cheese a soul. So even without me, Su Yun Yun alone can endorse your products." Xu Jie said.

He remembered that Director Jiang said that although Su Yun was a shareholder of Fanhua Brokerage Company, she had fixed tasks every year. If she couldn't complete them, she would have to pay for the company with her own money, so he wanted to win this endorsement for Su Yun.

Speaking of which, because of marrying him, Su Yun has very few endorsements left, and most of them choose not to cooperate anymore.

"Well, it makes sense, then I will invite Su Yun to be the spokesperson, but I have one request." Ding Zhenye said.

"Mr. Ding, tell me." Xu Jie was overjoyed.

"I would like to invite you to take an advertisement for our products and for Su Yun." Ding Zhenye said.

"Advertisement?" Xu Jie was stunned, "Mr. Ding, did you find the wrong person? I don't know how to do it. I've never shot an advertisement before."

"It doesn't matter, just focus on the show you filmed, Director Xu. I believe you can shoot the commercial well. You have the ability." Ding Zhenye said confidently.

"Ah? This..." Xu Jie wanted to refuse, but he was worried that Huang Suyun's endorsement would be disturbed because of his refusal.

I have this ability?
Why don't I know it myself?
"Director Xu, I will pay for your labor costs. As far as I know, there is no rule in the TV station that the director cannot accept private work." Ding Zhenye said with a smile.

Xu Jie fell silent after hearing this. The TV station really does not have such regulations for behind-the-scenes workers like directors. Many directors even set up advertising companies outside to shoot commercials for advertisers. After all, with the small salary and bonuses of the TV station , if you don't let you earn extra money, you really can't keep a good program director.

"Okay, I promise!" Xu Jie said, advertisers are not afraid, what is he afraid of?
How bold people are, how productive the land is, it's time to show my true strength!


 Thanks to the book friend Lemon Tree for eating candy on the 500 starting point coins, and thanks to the book friend 20180115215939437 for the 100 starting point coins!
(End of this chapter)

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