Chapter 196

When Xu Jie came home, he could smell the fragrance as soon as he entered the door. He put on his slippers and went to the kitchen. He saw Su Yun standing in front of the stove, stirring something in his hands, and there was a kettle beside him.

"What are you doing?" Xu Jie asked curiously.

Su Yun was startled by the sudden voice, and she was relieved when she saw that it was Xu Jie. She picked up the bowl in her hand to signal, and said, "Slack mahjong."

"What are you doing with the sesame sauce?" Xu Jie was puzzled.

"At that time, I was eating shabu-shabu." Su Yun said with a smile: "I have agreed to treat you, and I will not renege on it."

Xu Jie was taken aback, he didn't expect the other party to remember this incident, he was just joking at the time, but the other party actually took it seriously, but it is also a great beauty in the cold winter to be able to sit at home and eat shabu shabu thing.

He put the gift box in his hand on the stove, and then went back to his room to change clothes.

"What is this?" Su Yun asked while looking at the gift box.

"Olive oil issued by the unit." Xu Jie replied, this is the reward Director Lu said.

In addition to the two bottles of olive oil, there is also a shopping voucher. Although the denomination is not as large as that given by Director Jiang, fly legs are also meat, so don't mistake seaweed for seafood.

After Xu Jie changed his clothes and came to the kitchen, he found that Su Yun was still stirring the bowl with chopsticks. He couldn't help but walk over to have a look...

Know the big soup bowl?It is the kind of bowl that you eat boiled fish outside.

A whole bowl!

"Are you going to slacken the sesame sauce?" Xu Jie frowned and asked, is this woman going to shabu-shabu or drink sesame sauce?
"What do you mean? You underestimate me too much! Isn't it just adding water when it's dry, and sauce when it's thin?" Su Yun said relaxedly.

Xu Jie was completely shocked when he heard it.

"Hehe, you are really a genius." Xu Jie said.

"You just know?" Su Yun showed a complacent look.

"I'm sorry, I underestimated you before." Xu Jie saw that the bowl could no longer fit, so he grabbed the sesame sauce from the opponent's hand and said, "You go and bring other things to the table, and I'll adjust the taste. Let's do both. Speed ​​up, I'm so hungry."

"Okay!" Su Yun did not doubt that he was there, and immediately went to prepare other things.

A few minutes later, Xu Jie came to the restaurant with two plates of sesame paste. The food was already set on the table. In addition to mutton and beef, there were also crabs and shrimps, which looked very rich.

Shabu-shabu should be the easiest way to eat. There is no requirement for cooking skills. Just boil a pot of water, then throw the prepared ingredients into the pot and wait for it to cook.

The boiling water boils, the mutton changes color

Xu Jie took a piece of meat, dipped it in sesame sauce, and put it in his mouth. The sesame sauce was very fragrant, and the meat slice was very tender. Although it tasted very hot, it felt full of happiness, and the cold winter went away.

"Is it delicious?" Su Yun asked.

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded.

"It must be very hard to shoot a show in such a cold day, right?" Su Yun asked again.

"Well, but in order to have a few more days off during the Spring Festival, it's worth the hard work." Xu Jie said.

Su Yun looked at Xu Jie, who was devouring it, and hesitated to speak. The chopsticks in her hand kept stirring the little sesame sauce in the plate, as if she had a grudge against the sesame sauce.

"Hello." Xu Jie looked at the woman opposite and said, "What are you doing in a daze, it's already cooked, eat it." After speaking, he took a piece of meat and put it on the other side's plate.

"Oh, good..." Su Yun nodded quickly, picked up the meat with chopsticks, put it to her mouth and blew it, and then ate it after it cooled slightly, "You are shooting the third episode now Is it a show?"

"En." Xu Jie responded while eating.

"Have you decided on the fourth episode?" Su Yun asked.

"Thought it out." Xu Jie said, he had already thought about all the delicacies to be photographed in the first half of the year.

Su Yun was slightly surprised, hesitated, and asked, "Where are the stars? Have you thought about the stars who will appear in the show?"

"I didn't think about it. You know, there are only a few celebrities I know. Didn't Liu Jinghua recommend it last time?" Xu Jie said.

For him, the content of the show is the most important. As for which star will play, it is all the same to him. Except for the woman opposite, no one can let him customize the role.

"Yes, it was recommended by Sister Hua last time..." Su Yun asked tentatively, "What about next time? Are you going to let Sister Hua recommend it next time?"

"No." Xu Jie shook his head.

Su Yun was shocked, and almost lost the chopsticks in her hand.

"Why, why?" Su Yun asked with a guilty conscience: "Is it because the artists recommended by Sister Hua are playing big names? Or is there something wrong with their acting skills?"

Things are very different from what she imagined!

Why did the man suddenly not use the people from Sister Hua's company?

At this time, she suddenly thought of what Sister Hua said in the afternoon. At that time, she wondered why the well-behaved Sister Hua brought up the fourth episode of the program. Now it seems that Sister Hua must have known something, but did not tell her .

"It has nothing to do with artists." Xu Jie put another plate of meat into the pot.

"Who does that have anything to do with it?" Su Yun was puzzled.

"Liu Jinghua!" Xu Jie said.

Su Yunxiu frowned slightly, as if suddenly remembering something, she asked in a low voice: "Are you still worried about Tang Fei?"

There was both a bit of loss and a bit of sadness in her heart.

"It's not that serious, just a little bit." Xu Jie said lightly: "You saw it when she recommended an artist to me last time, and she played tricks on me. I want to teach her some lessons and let her know that it wasn't me. Xu Jie begged her to do something, and..." Xu Jie looked up at Su Yun while speaking.

Su Yun was startled when she saw it, and said with evasive eyes: "You, what are you looking at me for? I'm not playing tricks on you."

"I know, we are two grasshoppers on the same rope now, can you play tricks on me?" Xu Jie took a sip of Arctic Ocean and said, "I feel that Liu Jinghua has been a little alienated from you recently. I came to you so frequently like before, and I didn't recommend any decent resources for you. I want to take this opportunity to vent your anger for you. I hate her kind of people the most.

Su Yun stared blankly at the man, was he venting his anger on her?
Everything is for her?

Su Yun suddenly felt guilty. She actually persuaded this man to hand over the opportunity to perform in the fourth season to the prosperous brokerage company in order to complete the gambling agreement. It was really despicable!
No, you can't do that!

Her heart and her conscience told her that she should not treat a person who sincerely helped her in this way, let alone disregard the other person's feelings for her own selfishness.

If you really did that, would you still be human?
You know, the other party is currently the only person who sincerely helps her!
"Thank you!" Su Yun took a deep breath, looked up at the man, her eyes were full of determination.

Isn't it just a gambling agreement?

If you can't finish it, just pay for it yourself.

The big deal is to take out all the savings of these years, as well as the real estate!

This heartless person must never do it himself!

 Thank you book friend Zha for rewarding 1500 starting coins!Thank you for the 500 starting coins rewarded by the flood, and thank you for the 100 starting coins rewarded by the book friend Nuhai Footprint!
(End of this chapter)

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