The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 197 Invitation to a new chapter

Chapter 197 New Program Invitation

On Sunday, Xu Jie gave his colleagues in the program group a holiday, and came to the TV station by himself, and went to the satellite TV program center to do post-production on the 4 episodes that had already been filmed.

As for episode 5, it will be filmed tonight, why at night?Because it is Su Yun's scene, she will still appear in the last episode of the third period.

With the production experience of the second episode, the production process of the third episode went very smoothly.

As long as Xu Jie says a word, the production staff can comprehend his meaning and complete it well.

Xu Jie did some calculations. According to this speed, even if it cannot be completed a year ago, it will not take a few days to come back after the year. In this way, four or five days of vacation can be added.

At noon, Xu Jie came to the staff cafeteria for dinner. Just as he finished cooking and sat down, his mobile phone rang. He put down his chopsticks and took out his mobile phone. It was Ding Zhenye from Daniu Group.

"Mr. Ding, hello." Xu Jie had already sent the advertisement copy to Ding Zhenye's mailbox in the morning, and he didn't know if the other party saw it.

"Director Xu, I read your advertisement copy, it's very good, let's shoot according to the above." Ding Zhenye affirmed the copy.

He decided to invite Su Yun to be the product spokesperson because he watched Friday's show, and Director Xu's advertising copy was very similar to the show, so he agreed after seeing it.

"Okay, Mr. Ding, I'll start preparing right away." After talking on the phone with Ding Zhenye, Xu Jie immediately sent a WeChat message in the program group's WeChat group, to the effect that everyone should gather at the unit an hour earlier tonight.

"Xiao Xu!"

As soon as Xu Jie finished sending the WeChat message, he saw Jiang Hai, the director, sitting opposite him, but it didn't look like he was here for lunch, because the other party didn't take a plate.

"Director." Xu Jie nodded slightly as a greeting.

"Xiao Xu, I have a good thing to tell you." Jiang Hai looked around, and then said with a smile: "The proposal for the program "Crossover Actor" has been approved by the leaders above."

"What?" Xu Jie was stunned, "Cross, a crossover actor?"

"Yes." Jiang Hai nodded, and said, "Director Lu and I shared your idea with the leader, and the leader thought it was very good. It not only conforms to the innovative spirit of the satellite TV after the revision, but also can continue our Beijing TV station's crossover." 'The program is a golden sign, and there is no variety show of the same type in the market, the ratings will definitely not be bad."

After hearing this, Xu Jie couldn't help showing a wry smile on his face, not knowing what to say.

He was just talking casually, but he didn't expect the two directors to take it seriously.

"Xiao Xu, there's no rush for the show. We just need to come up with a copy of the show during the Spring Festival holiday, and we can discuss it when we come back from the long holiday," Jiang Hai said.

Xu Jie was taken aback, turned his head and looked around, only himself, so he asked puzzledly: "Director, what do you mean by that? Did you say it to me?"

"Yes!" Jiang Hai nodded.

"Director, don't be joking. What does it have to do with me that you are doing your program? Besides, I still have my own program." Xu Jie was about to leave with his dinner plate as he said that. He didn't want to work during the Spring Festival holiday.

"Don't go!" Jiang Hai held Xu Jie's arm and said, "Crossover actor, this is your idea. Of course, you are indispensable for the show. As for "Delicious History", you shoot as usual, and the show here is yours." Just take a moment to look around.”

"Director, don't take you. I kindly give you advice, but you want to exhaust me. How can I take care of the two programs?" Xu Jie wanted to give himself a big mouth at this moment.

Make you talk more!

"Xiao Xu, it's called hard work for those who can. Why don't you see that I let others do it? Is it because they don't have your skills?" Jiang Hai said seriously: "Besides, Director Lu and I are the chief directors of this show. You can't throw the stall to us and run away by yourself?"

The corner of Xu Jie's mouth twitched, as if he was irresponsible.

"Anyway, I don't have time." Xu Jie bowed his head to eat. If he doesn't do it, he can't be forced to do it, right?

Jiang Hai saw that Xu Jie was unwilling, so he stood up, went to sit next to Xu Jie, and said, "Little Xu, I am actually doing it for your own good. Although "Delicious History" has high ratings, it is a small program after all. , if you want to have a better development in the future, you must go to a bigger stage to prove yourself, this is a rare opportunity for you, you can not only exercise yourself, but also increase your experience in producing large-scale programs, Don't you want to challenge yourself?"

Xu Jie glanced at Jiang Hai at the side from the corner of his eye, and said lightly: "Director Jiang, "Delicious History" has only been aired for two episodes. For me, how to make this show better is the most important thing at present. My teacher told me from an early age that I must be single-minded in doing things, and I cannot use my mind at two tasks.”

When Jiang Hai heard this, he immediately became anxious.

"Xu Jie, do you only plan to do this show in your life? You are so young and capable, and you will definitely be assigned to a more important position in the future. You have to know that "Delicious History" is not yours. , it’s from Beijing TV Station, we’re workers, not bosses, you and I are just bricks, we can move wherever we need, understand?” Jiang Hai said earnestly.

In fact, he shouldn't have said these words, it kind of discouraged the other party's enthusiasm for work, but this is the reality. He thinks this young man is a talent, so he discusses with the other party here in a good manner, and it is someone else, just a piece of paper Tiaoling, are you going or not?

Xu Jie chewed the food in his mouth slowly. What Director Jiang said was true. It is impossible for a person to stay on one program for a lifetime. Although "Delicious History" has high ratings, it is a gourmet program after all, and its influence is very strong. limited.

In contrast, variety shows such as celebrity reality shows will have greater influence, and this will be of great benefit to his future development, at least his work experience will look very impressive.

"Director, I wonder if the program "Crossover Actor" has been finalized yet?" Xu Jie asked.

"It's settled." Jiang Hai said.

"Where's the production team?" Xu Jie asked again.

"Not yet, but there are two cross-border shows, cross-border singers and cross-border comedians. It's not difficult to form a team, and such large-scale celebrity reality shows are usually co-produced by Taili and its affiliated companies. , Like Lao Feng’s New Era Media Company, and Lao Yu’s Jingshi Culture Communication Company, they will definitely be indispensable at that time.” Jiang Hai said with a smile, he felt that Xu Jie’s asking these questions was probably a prelude to agreeing.

"Co-production?" Xu Jie raised his eyebrows when he heard it, "Since it is a co-production, there will inevitably be problems in communication. I am an outsider, and I am not a good name!"

After Jiang Hai heard this, he immediately understood what the other party meant.

But this matter can't help him, who made him the chief director of the show?

"As long as you agree, you will be the consultant of this show, how about it? You just need to take time to watch the new show, and give directions and ideas." Jiang Hai said.

Xu Jie nodded secretly, the consultant is good, go if you want to go, and don’t go if you don’t want to, but he still pretended to think about it, then sighed, with a look of reluctance, and said: "Well, since the director thinks highly of me so much , then I will help you with this favor, I only agreed for your sake."

"Haha, then it's settled."


 Thanks to book friends for the 3000 starting coins rewarded by the small gravel on the roadside! ! !Thanks to the book friend Lao Niu who walked in the jungle for rewarding 1500 starting coins! !Thanks for the 100 starting coins rewarded by book friend Wuyin Lonely Guest!
(End of this chapter)

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