Chapter 198

In the afternoon, Xu Jie received a call from Tian Haobo, saying that everyone was ready, so he immediately rushed back to the art program center from the satellite TV program center.

Walking into the office, all the members of the program team were waiting for him. When they saw him come back, everyone immediately prepared to leave with their equipment.

"Everyone wait a moment!" Xu Jie raised his hand, motioning everyone not to leave yet.

He turned his head to look at some colleagues who stayed on duty in the art center on Sunday, then winked at the team members, indicating that it is not convenient to talk here, and then walked to the conference room.

After the door was closed and the shutters were drawn, Xu Jie looked back at everyone and said, "Actually, I asked everyone to come an hour earlier today because of a personal matter of mine."

Everyone was taken aback when they heard this, with puzzled expressions on their faces.

Who is Director Xu?

The celebrity of the Beijing TV station, the husband of the big star Su Yun, is there anything he can't do, and he has to trouble everyone?
"Old Xu, what's the matter?" Liu Jinbao asked curiously.

"It's like this, Daniu company asked my wife to endorse a product, and at the same time asked me to shoot an advertisement for their product. I definitely can't do it myself, so I want to ask everyone for help." Xu Jie called everyone in advance Said the purpose of coming, "Of course, it's not in vain. The labor fee is [-] per person, just tonight."

Everyone looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

"no problem."

"Director Xu, it's a good thing that you gave us a chance to earn extra money. There's no need to be so serious. I thought something happened at home."

"That is, it is too late for us to thank you for making us rich. In the future, you will find us more for this kind of work and promise to be on call."

"Mr. Xu, you are too polite. Even if you don't pay for your favor, we will help you."


No one has a hard time with money.

What's more, the Chinese New Year is coming soon, isn't it good to spend 2 yuan to buy New Year's goods?

In fact, except for the intern Tian Haobo, everyone present took over more or less private work, which was also acquiesced by the leaders above, so there was no need to be so secretive.

Seeing everyone's reactions, Xu Jie also showed a smile on his face. In fact, he felt that his colleagues in the program team couldn't bear to be cold outside with him all day, so he wanted to hand over the work of making advertisements to everyone and give everyone a profit. The chance of extra money can be regarded as winning people's hearts.

When the boss eats meat, you have to save some soup for the younger brother, right?
"Okay, since everyone agrees, let me talk about the content of the advertisement." Xu Jie said: "The product we are going to shoot is a new high-end brand cheese from Daniel Company, called Mousse Cheese. First, we need to shoot some high-definition The camera, that is, close-up the product to make it look more delicious and arouse people's appetite, and then go to my house to shoot the part of my wife..."

Xu Jie briefly explained the content of the advertisement.

Everyone nodded as they listened. It sounded like the process of filming old capital palace cheese last month and pea yellow a few days ago.

This is not too easy for them who shoot food shows.

"Daniu Company has sent ten boxes of cheese, if there is no doubt, let's start shooting now." Xu Jie said.

"it is good!"

Everyone came to the studio of the Art Program Center and started private work in the name of filming "Delicious History".

No one doubts, and no one dares to doubt, who made the program "Delicious History" the first in ratings?
Grades are everything!
This is just like in school, students with good grades in the class will always receive some preferential treatment in front of the teacher, even if they are sued by other students, the teacher will turn a blind eye.

In fact, shooting an advertisement is not easier than shooting a program, because the advertisement is only a dozen seconds long, how to highlight the characteristics of the product, and how to arouse the audience's desire to buy is not an easy task.

It was originally estimated to be an hour, but it took more than two hours to finish the filming. By the time the group drove to Xu Jie's house, it was already completely dark.

When Su Yun opened the door, the person standing behind Xu Jie immediately greeted her.

"Hello, sister-in-law!"

"Idol, I'm here to disturb you again."

Su Yun said softly and enthusiastically: "This is already the second time here, so don't be so polite, I don't know if you like it or not to eat shabu-shabu tonight?"

"Shabu-shabu? Okay."

"Shabu-shabu is my favorite."

"The shabu-shabu is good and warm." Everyone expressed their likes one after another. It is already very good to have dinner prepared for them by a big star. How dare they choose?
Xu Jie greeted everyone to come in. In fact, shabu-shabu was his idea. Yun has nothing to do with it.

Because there are two tasks tonight, one is to shoot a program, and the other is to shoot a commercial, so everyone eats relatively quickly, and they are all full in half an hour. The women clean up the table and the men prepare the equipment.

At this moment, the door bell rang suddenly.

Just as Xu Jie was about to open the door, Su Yun ran out from the kitchen, said "It's Miss Hua" to Xu Jie, and then went to open the door.

Miss Hua?

Liu Jinghua?
Xu Jie frowned, why is she here again?
"Yunyun, these are the skin care and health care products I asked my friends to buy from abroad. Give them to my uncles and aunts during the Chinese New Year." Liu Jinghua lifted up the big and small bags in his hand as soon as he entered the door, and handed them to Su Yun.

"Thank you, Sister Hua." Su Yun took the things next.

While changing shoes, Liu Jinghua asked in a low voice, "Is Xu Jie at home?"

"Here, do you have something to do with him?" Su Yun asked. The other party called her before and wanted to give her parents some New Year gifts. Because she gave them in previous years, she didn't think about other things. The appearance of my sister, it is fake to give gifts, but it is true to find Xu Jie.

"En." Liu Jinghua nodded lightly, without denying it.

Su Yun thought it was funny, Sister Hua used to come to the house to look for her, but now she came to the house to look for Xu Jie.

When Liu Jinghua came to the living room, he found many people there, so he looked at Su Yun in puzzlement. These people were very strange, and they were not from Su Yun's studio.

Hey, there is a person who looks familiar. A few days ago, outside the gate of Beijing TV Station, this person sent him an agreement.

"Sister Hua, they are Xu Jie's colleagues and members of the "Delicious History" program group. They are here tonight mainly to film the fifth episode of the third period, which is my part." Su Yun explained.

"Oh." Liu Jinghua suddenly realized, and hurriedly said: "You guys shoot." Just when Su Yun thought that Sister Hua was going to leave, she heard the other party say: "I will not make a sound by the side."

Su Yun was curious, why did Sister Hua come to see Xu Jie?

Couldn't it still be for the fourth episode, right?
She didn't ask much, and she didn't want to say anything more about this question, so after collecting the presents, she went back to the clothing room to change clothes, preparing for tonight's shooting.

Work is the number one priority, many of the programs that Xu Jie filmed first, and then commercials.

In fact, the advertisement is very similar to the program. In the program, Su Yun made pea yellow and sent it to Xu Jie's study, and then there was some interaction, which looked as sweet as pea yellow.

In the commercial, Su Yun puts the mousse cheese on Xu Jie's desk, and the camera only takes pictures of Xu Jie's back. The so-called interaction is just that Su Yun gently pressed her hands on Xu Jie's shoulders, and then, There is no more, and Xu Jie has not given a positive face from the beginning to the end.

This is called exploiting loopholes!
It not only achieves the effect of advertising, but also does not violate the regulations of Taiwan.

The TV station does not allow the host to appear on camera for commercials, but Xu Jie did not show his face or speak. Even if the audience knew that this person was him, it was based on the fact that "Su Yun's husband is Xu Jie" and the "Delicious History" There is no direct evidence for the show's speculation, just watching the commercials, so even if the station knows, they can't do anything about him.

You said it was me?

I said not me!
I am a good student!
(End of this chapter)

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