The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 199 Please, Director Xu

Chapter 199 Please, Director Xu

At 11 o'clock in the evening, the filming ended.

Xu Jie sent his colleagues out and told them to be careful on the road. The male colleagues must send the female colleagues home and then return to the house.

Liu Jinghua didn't leave. At first, he sat on the sofa alone and looked at his mobile phone, probably because it was too long. Then he leaned on the back of the sofa and nodded his head to doze off. It wasn't until the filming was over that he sat up straight and restarted. look.

"Why doesn't she leave?" Xu Jie asked Su Yun beside him when he closed the door, and at the same time, his eyes showed some dissatisfaction.

If you don't leave so late, won't it disturb people's rest?Too much!
"I don't know." Su Yun shook her head.

"Why do you have to wait so long and wait for other people to leave before telling you?" Xu Jie muttered.

"Looking for you." Su Yun looked at the man and said.

"Me?" Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it, and turned to look in the direction of the living room, "Why are you looking for me?"

"I don't know." Su Yun is now asking three questions.

It was also because she didn't know what Sister Hua was going to say to Xu Jie, so she felt a little guilty.

Xu Jie came to the living room and sat down, looked at Liu Jinghua and asked, "What do you want from me?"

He is completely unafraid of the other party now.

In fact, I was not afraid before, but I was angry when I saw the other party, I couldn't calm down, I always wanted to embarrass the other party, but now it is different, even if he sits here calmly, he can suppress him without saying anything. The other side.

Water flows to low places, but people must go to high places, so that those who once looked down on you can look up at you.

Liu Jinghua sat down on the sofa, then bowed slightly, and asked Xu Jie: "Director Xu, I heard that Beijing TV Station is going to launch a brand-new star reality show called Crossover Actors, I don't know there is such a thing ?"

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback. Liu Jinghua already knew what Director Jiang had just told him at noon?

He really deserves to be the No. [-] figure in the entertainment industry, and he is well-informed.

"Does it have anything to do with you?" Xu Jie asked bluntly. Although the other party hadn't said anything yet, he already understood the purpose of the other party looking for him.

Inquiring about news is only one aspect, on the other hand it should be to contact the program team from him.

You must know that this kind of star reality show has always been an important opportunity for newcomers to make their debut and old ones to become famous.

Variety shows have always been the king of TV shows. Stars can increase their popularity and gain opportunities to show themselves by participating in such variety shows, thereby capturing more audiences, attracting more fans, and attracting the attention of major directors. Many stars are so popular up.

"Of course it has something to do with it!" Liu Jinghua said solemnly, "I run an artist management company, and the artists under my management need opportunities to be exposed, and this kind of reality show is the best publicity platform."

In the entertainment industry, only a small number of celebrities can enjoy the treatment of "sitting at home and finding scripts". Most artists have to take the initiative to find resources, and her job is to tear resources for the stars under her hands.

"So?" Xu Jie asked.

"So... that's how it is." Liu Jinghua didn't make any detours, and said directly: "I heard that the chief director of the cross-border actors is Jiang Hai, the director of your art program center, can you give me a message, just talk about our prosperous culture?" The brokerage company is very willing to have in-depth cooperation with this program."

"I heard about it, where did you hear about it?" Xu Jie frowned and asked, "Why haven't I heard of it at all?"

"You don't know?" Liu Jinghua was stunned. The other party, who is the center of the cultural program, didn't know about such a big matter?

Fake it?

However, it is not necessarily.

Didn't Su Yun say that this man has been busy with the show recently, and was filming just now, so it's normal if he doesn't know, after all, this matter hasn't been made public yet, and she also heard from an internal leader.

"Maybe it's because you're too busy." Liu Jinghua said, "Look at this..."

Xu Jie looked at Liu Jinghua lightly, thought for a while and said: "I will go to work tomorrow, and I will inquire about this matter. If it is true, I will pass the news on. As for whether Director Jiang will agree, that is up to you." I don't care."

"Thank you, thank you Director Xu, I am very grateful if you can pass the message to me." Liu Jinghua said happily.

In fact, she is very familiar with some high-level leaders of Beijing TV Station, but as the old saying goes, the county magistrate is not as good as the current manager, and it is better to find the chief director than anyone.

If she went directly to the director of the station, and the leader of the station directly interfered with the program, what would the chief director Jiang Hai think?It seems that there is also Lu Hong, the director of the satellite TV program center.

Oh, I'm the chief director, you asked the leader to suppress me?
Okay, I will cooperate with you, I will use your people, then I will give you less shots, eliminate you early, and edit you with black spots, I will see what you do.

Liu Jinghua has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, and he is very clear about this kind of thing, and in the end, it is often the artist who smashes his teeth and swallows it in his stomach. If anyone is dissatisfied and complains, don't come to this stage in the future Any program that can be interpreted as a ban on a change of direction.

Therefore, if you offend anyone, you can't offend the director of the show. You would rather support it than find someone to suppress it. After all, Jiang Hai is the director of the art program center. Unlike those directors of TV dramas and movies, he is the leader of the TV station himself.

Seeing that Xu Jie didn't speak, Liu Jinghua knew that he was not welcome here, so he stood up and said, "It's getting late, then I'll leave first, Director Xu, please."

"Don't say that, I didn't promise you anything." Xu Jie answered impeccably.

Liu Jinghua left the living room and walked out of the house accompanied by Su Yun. She changed her shoes at the entrance, and then whispered to Su Yun: "Yunyun, Xu Jie is now a celebrity in front of Jiang Hai, and what he said will definitely affect everyone. Jiang Hai, so you can persuade me later, the performance is yours."

Su Yun was originally planning to help, after all, it was related to the development of the company's artists, but as soon as she heard the word "performance", she immediately gave up the idea of ​​helping, she hated to put the relationship between herself and Xu Jie as a benefit. She hoped that the relationship between the two would be more pure.

"Sister Hua, it's getting dark, drive slowly." Su Yun sent Liu Jinghua out the door, and didn't turn back until Liu Jinghua got into the car.

Xu Jie sat in the living room, stroking the stubble on his chin and thinking about something.

When Su Yun saw it, she thought that the other party was troubled by what Sister Hua said, so she walked over and said, "Don't make things difficult for me because of what Sister Hua said, she is her, and I am me."

Xu Jie looked at Su Yun when he heard it. Hearing this, why is it so comfortable?

Su Yun continued: "Sister Hua is quite well-informed about the news. She heard that there is such a program, and it is probably true, so you too..."

"It's not [-]%, it's [-]%!" Xu Jie interrupted the other party.


Su Yun was taken aback, isn't [-]% sure?
"How do you know?" Su Yun asked.

"Because I'm the consultant for this show."



 Thank you book friend Ningxia Qingfeng for the 100 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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