Chapter 225

The New Year's Eve party, the Spring Festival party and the Lantern Festival party have always been called the three major parties of the new year. Because the time between them is very short, the TV station needs to invest a lot of staff to participate in it. For others, the festival is a holiday. But for TV workers, the festival will be even busier.

However, with the end of the Lantern Festival Gala on the 15th of the first lunar month, the busiest days of the Art Program Center of Beijing TV Station have finally passed, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

In the early morning, Xu Jie bought a top-quality pancake fruit on the street, and walked towards the unit while eating.

Su Yun has joined the group and started filming. Although he is in the capital and can go home every day, the time is not fixed, and he needs to memorize the lines, so he needs to solve three meals a day by himself. Su Yun is used to eating. Yun made breakfast, and then ate outside food, and suddenly felt that pancakes and fruits were delicious in the world.

Xu Jie walked into the art program center unhurriedly. Today is Thursday, March [-]st. This month's "Delicious History" has been produced and is scheduled to be broadcast next Monday. As for the program in April, he is not in a hurry shoot.

When filming the February program, he only had half a month. When filming the March program, he was in a hurry because of the Spring Festival. But for the April program, he had a whole month, so there was no need In a hurry like before.

"Director Xu, which celebrity did we invite for the April show?" Song Huanhuan asked gossipingly.

"Not sure yet, what's the matter?" Xu Jie planned to contact Hu Zhen from Liangxing's agency today to discuss inviting celebrities to appear on the show.

"It's okay, I'm just very curious." Song Huanhuan thought for a while, and then asked, "Director Xu, have you ever thought about inviting Chen Yixing?"

Chen Yixing?
Xu Jie didn't know him, but the name sounded very familiar, as if he had heard it from someone.

By the way, I heard from Song Huanhuan and other female colleagues two days ago.

He looked at Song Huanhuan's expectant look, and he understood what the other party meant. This is to chase stars in the name of making a show.

"Why, you want to use public affairs for personal gain?" Xu Jie suddenly thought of something, looked at the other party and asked, "Isn't your idol Jiang Cheng?"

When filming the Jiangcheng scene last month, he saw the other party taking a photo with Jiang Cheng.

After hearing this, Song Huanhuan said, "Director Xu, Jiang Cheng is my boyfriend in February, and Chen Yixing is my boyfriend in March."

"What?" Xu Jie didn't understand.

"Huanhuan, it's too poor for you to change boyfriends. I really didn't expect you to be such a philandering woman. I misread you!" Liu Jinbao shook his head and sighed.

"Brother Liu, it's not that I'm playing tricks, it's that you don't understand. Whoever's TV series is on the air now is our woman's boyfriend, referred to as Monthly Boyfriend." Song Huan said with a smile.

Xu Jie suddenly realized that this was the case.

From this, he also thought of the speed of celebrity replacement nowadays. If the works can't keep up with it, they will be replaced by others, and then disappear from the public's sight. He finally understands why there are so many celebrities who buy hot searches and gossip.

Celebrities have limited time, and the works they shoot are also limited. No one can guarantee that new works will be broadcast every month. In order to maintain their popularity, they can only buy trending searches. Otherwise, how could some trivial things make headlines? ?Are people really that boring?

Xu Jie returned to his work station, and not long after he sat down, his cell phone rang. He looked at the caller ID, and it really said that Cao Cao was here.

"Hey, Mr. Hu..."

It was Hu Zhen who called.

"Hello, Director Xu, do you have time this morning? I would like to invite Director Xu out for tea." Hu Zhen said on the other side of the phone.

Xu Jie knew the intention of the other party as soon as he heard it, which is why he was not in a hurry to confirm the star role, because someone was more anxious than him. After all, not everyone has the opportunity to show his face on TV, let alone the number one in the country's evening ratings program!
"Okay, Mr. Hu told me a place, I'll find you." Xu Jie said.

"There is a Tianci tea house near the Beijing TV station. I wonder if Director Xu knows about it?" Hu Zhen asked.

"I know." Xu Jie has been there once, so he remembers it clearly.

"I'll see you at ten."


Xu Jie put down his mobile phone, and when he looked up, he saw Jiang Hai, the director, walking in from outside. The two looked at each other, and the other side shook his head.

"Director, what do you want me to do?" Xu Jie asked, closing the door behind him.

"Xu Jie, how is the copywriting of "Crossover Actor" going?" Jiang Hai pointed to the chair opposite, motioning for him to sit down and chat.

His attitude towards talents has always been very respectful, not to mention that the young man in front of him is still his trump card.

"The overall work has been done, and now it is mainly to supplement some details." Xu Jie replied truthfully.

Jiang Hai showed a satisfied smile when he heard it, and said: "Now that the three major galas have ended, the work focus of our art program center will also shift to variety shows. Everyone in the station attaches great importance to this matter, so we You must not lose the chain in front of the leaders in Taiwan."

Xu Jie nodded understandingly, but he didn't say anything, and he didn't pack tickets indiscriminately. After all, "Crossover Actor" is a brand new program, and without any reference, no one can guarantee the ratings, let alone he is just a Counselor, this bull can't blow out of his mouth.

"Is there anything to do in the afternoon?" Jiang Hai asked again.

"No big deal, just hold a small meeting for the members of the "Delicious History" program group, because the filming of the April issue is about to start." Xu Jie thought for a while and said.

How can a subordinate say it's okay in front of his boss?
It's like doing nothing all day long.

Maybe the leader's backhand after hearing it is a big gift package for work, making an easy day heavy.

"At two o'clock in the afternoon, there will be a symposium on "Crossover Actors" at the satellite TV program center, and you will come with me to participate." Jiang Hai said.

The content of this meeting is mainly to determine the key points of several programs, and then the preparations that should be made, the invitations that should be invited, and the program can be officially recorded.

"Yes, director!" For Xu Jie, it was related to "Crossover Actor" and Su Yun. If he had time, he would go there.

"By the way, you just said that the April issue of "Delicious History" is about to start filming? Have all the actors been selected?" Jiang Hai asked concerned.

New programs must be done well, and old programs cannot be relaxed, after all, the ratings are there.

"Not yet, but Mr. Hu from Liangxing's agency called just now and asked me to go out to meet. I will tell him about the actors when I think about it."

Xu Jie felt that since the director asked about it, it was necessary to tell the other party about it. Firstly, Hu Zhen was introduced to him by the director, so he had to let the director know that he was saving face. Second, he didn't want the director to feel that there was a relationship between him and Hu Zhen. Is there any private transaction.

"Yeah!" Jiang Hai nodded, but he was worried that Xu Jie might misunderstand, so he said, "Xiao Xu, don't accommodate Hu Zhen just because I introduced him, just do what you want, everything should be based on the show, understand ?"


There is no need for the director to tell this matter, Xu Jie himself knows that it is impossible for him to smash his own brand, even if he goes through the back door, he must do it under the condition of ensuring the ratings.

Unknowingly, at 09:30, Xu Jie told his colleagues, then picked up his clothes and left the TV station.

I don't know which celebrities Hu Zhen has prepared.


 Thank you for the 297 starting coins from the book friend Hei Wuyu, the 100 starting coins from the book friend Lemon Tree Eating Candy, and the 100 starting coins from the book friend Wuyin Lonely!
(End of this chapter)

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