Chapter 226 Make friends
When Xu Jie came to Tianci Teahouse, he saw Hu Zhen sitting in the hall as soon as he entered the door. The other party immediately got up to greet him, then pointed to the upstairs and said enthusiastically: "Director Xu, you are here, let's sit upstairs. .”

Xu Jie followed the other party to a private room on the second floor. The environment inside was quiet and suitable for talking about things.

In fact, almost all the people who patronize here come to talk about things under the guise of drinking tea, but people used to like to go to places like restaurants, bars, and bathing centers, but now they are all changed into teahouses.

As soon as Hu Zhen came up, he ordered a pot of the most expensive tea, then asked the waiter to go out, and poured a cup himself.

"Director Xu, please drink tea."

"Thank you, Mr. Hu." Xu Jie took a sip. It couldn't be said to be good or bad, but it tasted very fragrant. He is an amateur in drinking tea, and Director Jiang is an expert.

He put down his teacup, looked at Hu Zhen and asked, "Mr. Hu, do you know what you can do with me?"

Hu Zhen showed an embarrassed expression when he heard it, and said after a bit of twitching: "Director Xu, I wonder if "Delicious History" will start next month?"

Xu Jie shook his head, "Not yet."

Hu Zhen was overjoyed, and then asked: "What about the stars in the show? Are you sure?"


"Really? I don't know what Director Xu has for actors. My company has signed many excellent actors and actresses. In terms of strength, it is definitely not inferior to the prosperous agency." Hu Zhen took out a tablet from his handbag as he spoke. Then he handed it to Xu Jie and said, "These are contracted artists under my company, just point out whoever you need, I guarantee they will be there on call."

Xu Jie looked at the tablet computer. There were countless pictures on it. He clicked one curiously, and the photo was immediately enlarged to the entire screen. In addition to the participating works, there were award-winning information on it, which was very comprehensive and clear at a glance. No need to check.

No comparison no harm!
Compared with the detailed homework done by Hu Zhen in advance, Liu Jinghua's recommendation at the beginning was simply scum.

"Mr. Hu's work is so detailed." Xu Jie praised, all the things are in one photo, there is no need for people to look it up, even people who don't know the entertainment industry can have an intuitive understanding after reading it. It’s like going to the vegetable market to pick vegetables.

"Where is that, the job of us celebrity managers is to find jobs for the contracted artists under us, recommend them out, and facilitate the cooperation between the two parties. To put it bluntly, it is no different from an intermediary. They have jobs, so I can make money. Are you right? Right?" Hu Zhen said with a smile.

Xu Jie couldn't help but look at Hu Zhen more. With the service attitude of the other party, he looked better than Liu Jinghua. No wonder he was the biggest competitor of the prosperous brokerage company. Water has a source and a tree has roots. There is a reason why the company is so big.

"My show doesn't have high requirements for stars. First, it must be a first-line star. This is what the sponsors mean. Second, it must have a good reputation. I don't want to use a star who is full of negative news. Once I get confused in the future, I don't want to Seeing my show also suffers." Xu Jie said seriously.

Taili has already issued relevant documents, and has zero tolerance for bad artists. Although some people are not on the list, they are always on the verge of frantic testing. Therefore, for artists with a lot of negative news, Xu Jie can stay as far away as possible. Be careful Lei It was implicated when it was chopped down.

He didn't want to be confused before he became red.

Hu Zhen was overjoyed when he heard that, because what the other party said meant that he would use his artists, so he hurriedly said: "Director Xu, don't worry, all the artists in our company are both talented and talented."

As he spoke, he picked up the tablet computer, found four photos from it, and said, "These four are popular artists, absolutely top-notch, and whether it's popularity or word-of-mouth, they are all obvious to all, you can use them with confidence."


Xu Jie remembered what Liu Jinghua said when he recommended an artist to him. At that time, the other party praised the recommended artist as a hype, but he checked it on his mobile phone, and it was not even a second-tier one. He used his show as a tool to promote newcomers. up.

He wanted to write down the names of the four artists recommended by Hu Zhen, and then went out to look it up on his mobile phone, but when he found the second photo, he saw a familiar name: Chen Yixing.

Isn't this Song Huanhuan's March boyfriend?

I remember that Song Huanhuan said before that if any TV series is on the air, the leading actor is her boyfriend. This also reflects the fact that this artist named Chen Yixing is very popular recently.

Xu Jie glanced at the resumes of the other three people. They have acted in many TV dramas and won many awards. The other party should not have lied to him.

Besides, even if the other party dared to lie to him, would the other party dare to lie to Director Jiang?
To lie to him, at best, he would not cooperate with the show in the future.

If you lie to Director Jiang, you won't be able to cooperate with any of Beijing TV's programs.

"Okay, I'll use these four artists according to President Hu's advice," Xu Jie said.

Hu Zhen was stunned for a moment, he thought that the other party would pick another choice, but he didn't expect to agree so quickly. Young people are young people, and they handle things neatly.

"I don't know when Director Xu's show will be filmed, so I can inform them." Hu Zhen struck while the iron was hot, for fear that the other party would regret it.

"It's just a few days." Xu Jie said, "As for the salary..."

"Whether the salary is paid or not, it's a trivial matter. Director Xu has the final say." Hu Zhen said indifferently.

Does he want his artists to participate in "Delicious History" to earn this salary?
of course not!

His pattern is not so low!

In fact, he had inquired about the salary a long time ago, 1 million a day, this amount of money was nothing to him or the four stars.

What he liked was the popularity of the show.

Some artists spend money to buy trending searches for their popularity, but how can it compare to the effect of participating in a show with the highest ratings?
Besides, with one cooperation, do you worry about the second time?
After working together a few times, you will have feelings. Once the feelings are in place, everything will be easy to handle.

Naturally, Xu Jie also knew what the other party was thinking. He just wanted to get closer, to cooperate with him, with Director Jiang, and with Beijing TV Station. Rely on the big tree of Beijing TV Station?
"Director Xu, can I ask you a question?" Hu Zhen asked.

"What's the problem?" Xu Jie took a sip of tea, such an expensive tea, it would be a waste not to drink it.

"I heard that your capital TV station is going to make a new star variety show "Crossover Actors". I wonder if the participating stars have been confirmed?" Hu Zhen asked with concern.

Not only the artists in Beijing's entertainment circle, but also the entire Huaxia entertainment circle are paying attention to this matter, especially those singers, who wouldn't want to participate in this show?
You can make money, you can also be on TV, maybe you can get popular after it is broadcast, and open up the road to acting. Now that the music industry is going from bad to worse, who wouldn't want to make a transition?
"This matter is not confirmed yet." Xu Jie looked at Hu Zhen and said, "Director Jiang is the chief director, you should ask him about this matter."

"I asked, but he didn't tell me." Hu Zhen smiled wryly.

"What?" Xu Jie was stunned, feeling that he had leaked the secret, but what kind of secret is this?The colleagues in the TV station know it.

He looked at Hu Zhen, this group of people really didn't have a fuel-efficient lamp!
At this time, Hu Zhen took out a card from his pocket and handed it over, saying, "Director Xu, this is a shopping card from Intime, please accept it."

"What are you doing!" Xu Jie frowned, and immediately put his hands behind his back.

"It's nothing, it's for younger siblings." Hu Zhen said with a smile, and stuffed the card directly into Xu Jie's pocket.

"Mr. Hu, you are insulting me!" Xu Jie said seriously.

"No, absolutely not, I just want to make friends with Director Xu." Hu Zhen explained.

"It's okay to make friends, but you gave me the card, are you planning to make wine and meat friends with me? Or do you think that you can be friends with me with just one card?" Xu Jie asked rhetorically.

"No, it's not..." Hu Zhen looked embarrassed

"Mr. Hu, if you want to make friends with me, you can support my work more in the future. Just don't be vague when employing people. As for the others, there is no need." Xu Jie said lightly.

He still understands the truth that cannibals are short-mouthed and short-handed.

"Support, definitely support, must support!" After Hu Zhen finished speaking, he looked at the shopping card in his hand, with a look of embarrassment on his face, "Director Xu, look, I have already taken it out, how can there be any reason to take it back?"

"Mr. Hu, to be honest, I don't lack this thing, and my wife doesn't lack this thing either, and she is currently filming, so she doesn't need this thing." Xu Jie said.

"Filming? Are the siblings actors?" Hu Zhen was slightly taken aback.

"Why, don't you know?" Xu Jie looked at the other party strangely. Did Director Jiang not say anything, or did the other party not read the news?

"Siblings are..."

"Su Yun!"


Hu Zhen stayed where he was when he heard it.

He had watched "Delicious History" and knew that Xu Jie and Su Yun appeared in the last episode, but he simply thought it was a drama, a show effect, and never thought it was real.

And he knew that Su Yun had registered, but he only heard that he was a reporter, so why did he suddenly become Director Xu in front of him?

Hu Zhen silently put the shopping card back into his pocket, it's better not to send it out to embarrass others.


 Thanks for the 100 starting coins rewarded by the book friend Lemon Tree Eating Candy!
(End of this chapter)

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