Chapter 227 Symposium

In the afternoon, Xu Jie came to the director's office and went to the satellite TV program center with Director Jiang.

"Xu Jie, what do you think of the invited artists?" Jiang Hai asked as he walked.

"There can be no negative news." Xu Jie said immediately.

"This is for sure, and it's also the most basic. What I'm asking is what are the requirements, or standards, for the selection of artists. It can't be that every singer can participate, right?" Jiang Hai asked.

"I think it is best to invite some singers with certain performance skills to participate. Although the highlight of the show is cross-border, it is likely to become a farce if performed by a pure layman. Of course, in order to pursue a contrasting effect, invite a few It’s still possible, but definitely not too much, after all, the ultimate purpose of the program should be to lead the audience to witness the transformation of an artist from a singer to an actor, and this process sometimes requires acting.” Xu Jie said.

Jiang Hai was startled, he didn't expect Xu Jie to have so many thoughts, it really was his trump card.

Hmm, that's a good idea!

When Xu Jie followed Director Jiang into the meeting room, he immediately saw a few familiar faces, Gao Yuan, the deputy director of the satellite TV program center, Feng Dekun from New Era Media, Yu Kuan from Beijing TV Culture, although the others were very unfamiliar. , but to be able to sit with these directors and general managers, they must be big bosses.

Xu Jie couldn't help being a little surprised. In the morning, Director Jiang said it was a symposium on "Crossover Actors". He didn't expect the standard to be so high. Even Feng Dekun and Yu Kuan came. He thought it was just a symbolic meeting. , to convey some spirit or something.

The notebooks for taking notes are all ready.

"It's pretty early." Jiang Hai said hello one by one, then found an empty seat to sit down, and motioned Xu Jie to sit beside him.

Xu Jie was so flattered that he thought he was going to move a stool to sit by the wall. After all, compared with all the bosses present, he is really nothing as a small person in charge of the program.

He sat down and made a plan in his heart. Today, he will only watch, listen, and memorize, and then go back and tell Su Yun that if he does nothing else, he will be beyond his control.

"We don't work here, so we can't know the time, so we can only come early. Whoever is like you will arrive two floors up." Feng Dekun said.

We're all old friends, so we talk more casually.

"Haha, why don't we switch?" Jiang Hai asked with a smile.

Feng Dekun pouted, who wants to change with you!

Although there are many opportunities in the station, there are also many eyes, and there is always the pressure of competition from brother stations, so it is easy to lose hair.

It's different on the outside.

Although it is not easy to achieve results, but in ancient times, he was a prince, and he didn't have to report to anyone at work, and he was completely in charge of his own decision. How comfortable?
At this time, the door of the conference room opened, and two people walked in from the outside. One was Lu Hong, the director of the satellite TV program center, and the other was Zhou Zhengliang, the deputy editor-in-chief of Beijing TV.

The people in the meeting room immediately stood up. If the people who came before were all bosses, then the deputy editor-in-chief is the boss above the boss, in charge of the art program center, life program center, and sports program center. There is also a youth channel, that is to say, people like Jiang Hai and Li Donglai must listen to this one.

Xu Jie also did not expect that the deputy editor-in-chief would come to participate in a program discussion. It seems that the station attaches great importance to the program "Crossover Actor".

"Everyone sit down." Zhou Zhengliang said, and then sat down.

Lu Hong glanced around the conference room, nodded slightly when he saw Xu Jie, and then said seriously: "Everyone is here, let's start, I called you here today mainly for discussion Let’s talk about the production direction of the program “Crossover Actors” and finalize the list of invitees.”

Xu Jie straightened his body involuntarily. Originally, he only wanted to be an observer, but he didn't expect it to be related to him.

Are you sure you want to invite people?
Isn't it about Su Yun?

"Although our station has never lacked celebrity variety shows, there is one fact we have to admit, that is, celebrity variety shows have always been our weakness. This time the satellite TV channel is revised, we must present better programs to the audience. So for the brand-new program "Crossover Actor", we not only need to work hard on the production level, but also work hard on the content."

As the director of the satellite TV program center, Lu Hong is now under great pressure. Although the satellite TV channel has completed revisions one after another, it has always been relying on its old roots in star variety shows. This situation obviously does not fit the new look of the channel, so for this brand new He personally has high hopes for the show "Crossover Actor".

Another point is that there is a deputy editor-in-chief in the station who is going to be transferred, and the director of the satellite TV program center has always been the deputy editor-in-chief, so if this program becomes popular, it will increase his promotion, and the deputy editor-in-chief is his pocket However, if this program is pulled, it will inevitably become his black spot, so he must do a good job of this program, which is why he himself serves as the chief director.

Everyone looked serious, and there was a nervous atmosphere in the air.

The star variety show was not done well, and everyone present counted as one, and all of them were to blame, because in the past few years, everyone was living on their laurels, let alone come up with a new star variety show, even if there is no new idea, continue like this If they continue, they will not only be compared by other TV stations, but even the audience will abandon them.

"About the program "Crossover Actor", if you have any ideas, please speak freely." Lu Hong said.

The conference room was silent.

Anyone can brag, but now is obviously not the time to brag. If you can't say something dry, won't you be laughed at?
Zhou Zhengliang looked at everyone, and said first: "Let me say first, crossover star variety shows are our station's business card, so in terms of form, we can completely learn from "Crossover Singer" and "Crossover Comedian". The current ratings of this program are a little bit lower, but don’t forget that when it first aired, it also caused a frenzy of ratings and heated discussions among the public..."

Xu Jie glanced at Director Jiang beside him from the corner of his eyes. The other party had a serious expression and nodded from time to time. Compared with the cheerful image in the past, he seemed to be a different person.

Looking at the people around, they were basically the same as Director Jiang.

With Zhou Zhengliang, the deputy editor-in-chief's introduction, others also made speeches one after another.

In Xu Jie's ears, these people all mean the same thing, just in another way, but for such a large team, the unity of thought is very necessary, otherwise one person has one idea , Before the filming started, people started arguing.

In fact, this is also one of the purposes of the symposium, to unify thinking, direction, and action, so that the results can be unified.

"Let's talk about who to invite to participate in the show, what recommendations do you all have?" Lu Hong asked.

Hearing this sentence, Xu Jie, who was drowsy, immediately cheered up.

Here comes the highlight of the meeting.

Xu Jie found that not only him, but everyone else in the room seemed to be on a stimulant, their eyes were wide open, and they all had someone to recommend.


They are all bigwigs in the TV circle in Beijing, who doesn't have a few connections behind them?

The news that the Beijing TV station will shoot a new variety show has already spread in the entertainment circle. Whether it is the Beijing circle or the outer circle, countless pairs of eyes are staring at it, especially those singers. This is a rare opportunity for them to perform .

But the excitement is the excitement, no one is ashamed to say it immediately, even if they already know each other well, they won't show it too obviously.

"In the first season of the show, we must invite some well-known artists, so as to attract more audiences." In the end, Zhou Zhengliang spoke first, "I recommend two people, Yu Weiya and Cao Nan, who have singing skills and have good singing skills." popularity, and participated in the Spring Festival Gala of our Beijing TV station, and had many pleasant cooperations with our Beijing TV station."

Xu Jie was stunned, and the deputy editor-in-chief opened his mouth, obviously ready.

Even the deputy editor-in-chief wants to get involved?
It seems that the number of invitations is really in demand.

Just to put it bluntly, I had a meeting before to form a creative team, and I didn't see everyone being very active.

To put it bluntly, filming a show is just a job, but recommenders are related to their own interests.

Don't get too early!
As soon as Zhou Mingliang finished speaking, the others let go.

"I think Tian Weiwei is also good, and Zhang Lu is also very active recently." Feng Dekun said.

"Tan Fei'er and Lin Ronghao not only sing well, but also made guest appearances in movies," Yu Kuan said.

"Ye Liangying and Jiang Yuqiu have participated in music shows before, and their performances are also very impressive."


Everyone didn't say much, as if they had reached a tacit understanding, but there were so many people present, there were more than a dozen candidates at once.

Xu Jie turned his head to look at Jiang Hai at this time, and said in his heart: Boss, you promised me!

Jiang Hai didn't look at him, and kept silent all the time, as if the matter had nothing to do with him.

"Director Jiang, why are you silent? Is there no one to recommend?" Lu Hong suddenly looked at Jiang Hai and asked.

Hearing Lu Hong's words, the others looked at Jiang Hai. This guy usually talks the most, but today he didn't say a word. It's abnormal, too abnormal.

Jiang Hai took a sip of the mineral water on the table, and said, "I haven't made up my mind yet."

Everyone was stunned.

The other party is one of the chief directors of the show, and he hasn't thought about such a good thing as a recommender. This is not Lao Jiang's character at all.

What happened to him today?
Did drinking tea spoil your brain?

Xu Jie also felt strange, he had recommended Su Yun to Director Jiang years ago, and the other party also agreed, why did he suddenly regret it?
Could it be because of Zhou Zhengliang, the deputy editor-in-chief, playing reserved here?

Although Xu Jie was puzzled, he didn't say anything. First, he believed in the director. Although the other party often made big cakes, his opponents were still very good. Second, because the big bosses gathered in the conference room, he had no place to speak.

"Why didn't you think about it? Is there any reason?" Zhou Zhengliang asked, even he couldn't figure it out this time.

Jiang Hai hesitated to speak after hearing this.

"Director Jiang, just say what you want!" Feng Dekun was anxious.

Jiang Hai looked at Feng Dekun, and then at the others, "Don't be angry as I told you."

"No, the purpose of everyone sitting here today is to discuss together. If you have any ideas, feel free to say, everyone is for the show, right?" Zhou Zhengliang said with a smile.

Jiang Hai thought for a while, and then said: "Actually, it's nothing, it's just that I have a little opinion of the invited artists."

"What do you think? Say it!" Lu Hong asked. In fact, what he wanted to hear most was this kind of useful opinion.

Jiang Hai looked at the crowd and said: "Although our program is called "Crossover Actors", we are sure to find singers to participate, but there should be a standard for the selection of singers."

"What standard?" Lu Hong asked.

"I think some singers with certain performance skills should be invited to participate..."

After hearing this, Xu Jie looked at Director Jiang in surprise. This, isn't this what he said to Director Jiang just now?

The other party hesitated for a long time, paving the way for this matter, no wonder he was not in a hurry to recommend artists.

Director, Director, you are the real crossover actor!
 Thank you book friend Lemon Tree for the 100 starting coins, thank you book friend for the 100 starting coins that I fell in love with you, and thank you book friend SkyHawl for the 100 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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