The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 260 The benefactor who saved the bad youth

Chapter 260 The benefactor who saved the bad youth

Xu Jie looked at Su Lei, and glanced at his father-in-law and mother-in-law from the corner of his eye. The two old people seemed to be concerned about him, but in fact they cared about Su Lei.

But he remembered that his father-in-law and mother-in-law's attitude towards Su Lei had always been indifferent, even out of sight, what happened this time?
There is a situation!
Now that the father-in-law's mother-in-law's attitude towards Su Lei has changed, he can no longer preach to Su Lei as originally planned. If he doesn't look at the face of the monk or the face of the Buddha, the face of the father-in-law and mother-in-law still has to be given.

He thought for a while, and said to Su Lei: "This matter can't be rushed, after all, you are just starting out, and neither the audience nor the director know you exist, but I can help you pay attention, if there is a suitable role, I will definitely recommend it to the director you."

Su Lei was overjoyed and said excitedly, "Thank you brother-in-law!"

He still believed in what his brother-in-law said. He thought that when his brother-in-law agreed to take him to make a movie, he not only took him to make a movie, but also recommended him to other crews, so that he could enjoy his addiction to acting, so this time his brother-in-law said he would If you pay attention to him, you will definitely pay attention to him. He just needs to wait for his brother-in-law's call.

Seeing his father-in-law and mother-in-law smiling, Xu Jie couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, but he still added: "Little brother-in-law, don't be too happy, I will definitely help you get the chance, and I'm afraid that you will be returned if you don't perform well." , and you are an amateur, everyone will doubt you, even your sister is no exception, so you must put in more effort in acting."

This is called ugly words in front.

Don't put the blame on him when you don't work hard and get sent back, he won't take the blame.

In fact, some of these words are for my brother-in-law, and the other part is for my father-in-law and mother-in-law. In this way, we can attack when we advance, and we can defend when we retreat.

It’s okay to do good deeds, but we can’t dig a hole for ourselves.

"Brother-in-law, I don't worry, I will definitely learn to act hard, and I won't embarrass you." Su Lei patted his chest and vowed.

"You are wrong!" Xu Jie corrected: "Everything you do is for your own future, not for me, not for your sister, and not for your parents, understand?"

Su Lei was taken aback for a moment, then said seriously: "Brother-in-law, I understand."

"That's good." Xu Jie nodded and stopped talking.

Su Changzhi looked at his son and son-in-law in a daze. He had seen and heard the conversation just now. To be honest, his son had never heard such a word in front of him since he was a child.

But in addition to being surprised and moved, he also felt more relieved, because finally someone can control his son, and this person is still his son-in-law. He is very reassured about his son-in-law, who has absolutely no character. question.

Su Yun frowned, dissatisfaction was written on her face, she stood up suddenly, and said to Xu Jie: "Honey, don't you want to see my childhood photos? Come to my room, and I will show you."

Xu Jie looked at the woman suspiciously. When did he say that he wanted to see her childhood photos?
Besides, his father-in-law secretly showed it to him.

Seeing Xu Jie sitting still, Su Yun blinked anxiously at him, which was a secret signal between the two.

Although Xu Jie didn't know what the other party was going to say, he stood up after seeing the code and said, "Yes, yes, I said it." In order not to appear sudden, he turned his head to look at his father-in-law and said: "Yesterday she went to my house and saw the photos of me when I was a child. I want to see them back."

"Well, you go." Zhang Simin said with a smile.

When Xu Jie came to Su Yun's room, the other party closed the door behind his back.

"Just let Xiaolei get over his addiction to drama, why do you really plan to let him enter the industry?" Su Yun asked.

"Then what can we do?" Xu Jie sat on the bed, looked at the woman and asked back: "If you don't let him act, let him play games at home for the rest of his life? You have to give him a chance."

"I've given him countless opportunities, but you don't know his virtue. He does everything with passion for 3 minutes." Su Yun shook her head and said, "I still remember when he was young, he liked the guitar, but after learning for two months, he couldn't play the guitar." I learned it, and then I fell in love with saxophone, and I stopped learning after a month, and he can’t do anything for long.”

"Really? That's great." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

"What?" Su Yun asked with a question mark.

"Didn't you say that he can't do anything for a long time? I hope he won't act for a long time this time, so that I don't have to introduce the crew to him, and I can deal with your parents." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Su Yun stared at the man blankly, meaning that, but why does it sound so awkward?

"By the way, you are the program director of the TV station, not the film director and TV drama director. How can you find a crew for him?" Su Yun asked.

"Let's find a way, can I ignore your family's affairs?" Xu Jie spread his hands.

Su Yun's heart warmed up when she heard it, and she said in a more relaxed tone: "Actually, I didn't mean to blame you, but I was afraid that you would make things difficult. If it really doesn't work, I'll go to Sister Hua..."

"No!" Xu Jie interrupted Su Yun directly, and said solemnly: "You can't find her if you are looking for anyone, we have to have a backbone, and if you are looking for her at this time, with her virtue, she will definitely take advantage of this matter. You, you don't have to worry about this matter, I will arrange it."

Seeing the serious look of the man, Su Yun also knew that the other party had very strong opinions on Sister Hua, so she didn't say anything more, after all, her current situation was not much better.

The two pretended to stay in the room for a while, and then walked out of the room. At this moment, Zhang Simin stood up and said to her daughter: "Xiaoyun, I remember you bought me an orange coat last year, come in and help me." I'll look for it."


Su Yun agreed, and then followed her mother into the house, and Zhang Simin then gently closed the door.

"Mom, where did you put that coat?"

Su Yun was about to open the closet when her mother grabbed her by the sleeve.

"What did you say to Xiao Xu in the room just now?" Zhang Simin asked.

When Su Yun heard it, she dared to look for clothes to be fake, but said the truth.

"I didn't say anything, I just looked at the photos." Su Yun said.

Zhang Simin didn't speak, but she looked at her daughter intently. How could Su Yun resist her mother's eyes?So he confessed quickly.

"We chatted about Xiaolei, and felt that he has changed a lot when he returns home this time." Su Yun still kept some secrets.

"You can see it too?" Zhang Simin looked at her daughter, then nodded and said, "Since your younger brother went to film with Xiao Xu, he seems to be a different person. After getting paid a few days ago, he gave me and your father alone Bought a pair of sneakers, when did he buy us anything? He used to ask us for money."

"I just don't know how long I can last." Su Yun said. When she called her mother before, she heard her mother talk about some changes about her younger brother, such as no longer staying out at night, and no longer playing games with her mobile phone all day.

"Yes, that's why your father and I are very grateful to Xiao Xu. We didn't obstruct your brother's desire to act too much. We even hope that Xiao Xu can take care of your brother more, let your brother change his ways and start a new life. Seriously , Your father and I are worried about handing over someone else, but we are also worried about handing it over to Xiao Xu, right?" Zhang Simin said.

Su Yun finally understood why her parents were so enthusiastic about Xu Jie, because she regarded Xu Jie as a benefactor to save bad young people.

In the past, my parents hated iron but not steel, but now that my younger brother shows signs of turning around, I will be happy in my heart, after all, it is my own.

Su Yun couldn't help but sighed in her heart, luckily she didn't tell the truth, otherwise her mother would hear the words that she ran on her younger brother...

In fact, she also hated her younger brother for being weak!

Now thinking about what Xu Jie said just now, Su Yun put her arms around her mother's shoulder and said, "Mom, we will give Xiaolei a chance. As for whether he can grasp it, it depends on him."


 Thank you book friend 3000 starting coins for the reward of small gravel on the roadside, and thank you book friend 3014 for rewarding 100 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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