Chapter 261
Su Yun and her mother walked out of the room. In the living room, the three of them didn't know what to say. They seemed to be chatting happily, just like a family.

Seeing his wife and daughter finally come out of the room, Su Changzhi stood up and said, "You chat with Xiao Xu, and I'll go to the kitchen to cook."

"Dad, I'll help you." Xu Jie quickly stood up, as a son-in-law, he still had some self-consciousness.

"No, you don't have to do anything today, I'll show you off." Su Changzhi said with a smile.

Driven by his son-in-law, his son has the intention of correcting his evil and returning to the right. It is too late for him to thank him. How can he let the other party fight?
He didn't care about it before, and he won't care about it in the future, but today he absolutely can't let the other party go to the kitchen.

"This..." Xu Jie showed hesitation, the young people are all sitting and let the old man cook, isn't that bad?

"Let my dad do it." Su Yun said after seeing it: "Haven't you heard that song? Put on a smile, bring your wishes, accompany your lover, and go home often. Mom has prepared some nagging, Dad set up a good meal..."

When Xu Jie heard it, it was really the case. Now that the songs were sung like that, he stopped insisting.

"Xiao Xu, are you busy with work recently?" Zhang Simin also started nagging like a mother in order to match the lyrics.

"Busy, it's very busy at the beginning of the month, and I can relax a bit at the end of the month." Xu Jie replied.

He has two programs to work on now, "Delicious History" is his own program, he must not be opportunistic, and "Crossover Actor" has Su Yun, let alone deal with it indiscriminately. God he is busy.

"It's good to be busy and fulfill yourself, but you must pay attention to rest. The body is the capital of everything, and you can't wear it out." Zhang Simin said with concern, and then looked at the daughter beside him, "Xiaoyun, you have to take care of Xiaoyun. Xu, push some work appropriately, especially those out-of-town activities, don’t go if you can, don’t always be so busy, you can’t even see anyone in one day.”

Su Yun wanted to go to other places, but no one is looking for her now.

"Mom, I know." Su Yun agreed with her mouth, and smiled bitterly in her heart.

Mom, mom, do you know what your daughter has been doing a while ago?Still pushing work, if it weren't for your son-in-law, your daughter would almost become a street slut.

At this moment, Su Yun suddenly looked at her younger brother, who was a master of the same class, how could she become a second-rater in her own family?
Thinking of this, all her confidence was gone.

At this moment, a promotional video for the program was suddenly broadcast on TV.

"The fifth issue of "Crossover Actors" is coming. 12 actors will embark on a competitive journey again. Who will advance and who will be eliminated... Stay tuned at 5:7 on May 21th."

It is the promotional video of "Crossover Actor", and there is a picture of Su Yun in it.

"Sister, look quickly, I have you!" Su Lei pointed at the TV screen.

Su Yun watched the TV without saying anything, isn't it normal to see her on TV?

"Xiaoyun, Mom watched your show, and it was really good." Zhang Simin said with a smile: "My mom's colleagues at school also found me and told me that they cried when they watched it, and that you are versatile. Not only did he sing well, but he also acted very well, we should make more movies."

After hearing this, Su Yun's eyes flashed with pride. She was able to make the audience cry, which means that she acted well. Otherwise, would the audience be able to enter the role?

In fact, she has seen too many comments like this on the Internet recently, but it has a different meaning from her mother's mouth.

"Mom, you don't know, I practiced these two crying scenes for a long time, and my eyes hurt from crying in the end, and my eyes were swollen every day in those few days, and I took a long rest to recover." Su Yun pointed to herself with her finger eyes, "Look, are they still a little swollen now?"

Although Zhang Simin didn't see it, she also knew that crying scenes are not easy to perform, so she looked at her son and said, "Xiao Lei, look at your sister, how dedicated and serious you are, you must learn from your sister."

"Understood, Mom." Su Lei looked at his sister, and then said in a low voice: "The acting is not bad, but it's out of life."

The implication: You never cared about me like you cared about my younger brother in the play!

Su Yun's expression froze, she glanced at her younger brother coldly, and said flatly, "Your brother-in-law wrote the script."

Su Lei was slightly taken aback, and immediately said in a serious manner: "Art comes from life and is higher than life. How could the story be so touching when I said it? It turned out that it was written by my brother-in-law. It is well written!"

After speaking, stick out your thumb.

"Little brother!" Su Yun said slowly: "I heard that you are reading a book about acting at home recently. What book?"

"An actor's self-cultivation, an actor's acting skills, and an actor's path to promotion." Su Lei talked a lot.

"Really? I thought you were watching the self-cultivation of a sycophant." Su Yun said with a sneer.

It was only then that Su Lei realized that his sister was not caring about him, but running on him, but it didn't matter, who made him thick-skinned?This bit of verbal offensive power can't hurt him in the slightest.

"Well, people nowadays are not willing to listen to the truth." Su Lei said with a deep sigh.

"If you talk nonsense, get out!" Su Yun said angrily.

Su Lei hid beside Xu Jie, and said, "Sister, for my brother-in-law's sake, I won't argue with you."

Su Yun raised her hand and was about to teach her a lesson when her father's voice came from the kitchen.

"The meal is ready, it's time to eat."

Su Lei immediately stood up, walked towards the kitchen quickly as if fleeing, and said as he walked, "I'm going to fill the rice, brother-in-law, you should eat more!"

Su Yun looked at the figure of her younger brother, and while her mother was going to the bathroom, she asked Xu Jie in a low voice: "My mother just told me about Xiaolei's acting. Let Lei do something serious, and I also promised my mother to give Xiao Lei a chance. Can you find a crew for Xiao Lei? No, don’t make things difficult. I’ve been in the entertainment industry for so many years, and I still know a little bit of people. Hello, heroine If the script can’t be acted on, there shouldn’t be any problem with the supporting actor’s small script.”

In fact, it's not that there is no script for her to act in the past two years, it's just that she is more picky, and my brother is different. It doesn't matter whether he acts in a bad movie or not, just find a crew to arrange it.

"Don't ask a man if he can do it, just ask!" Xu Jie said seriously.

Su Yun felt that these words were watery, so she changed the way of asking, "Is the matter stable or not?"

"Nine times out of ten," Xu Jie said.

"Why are you less stable?" Su Yun asked.

"One less kiss!" Xu Jie said with a smile, and then walked to the kitchen.


Su Yun looked at the man's back in puzzlement, how could she be more stable?What does it have to do with her?
She pondered over the man's words over and over again, combined with the expression on the man's face when he spoke, and quickly understood what the man meant.

It was her "kiss".

She walked over, came to the man's side, and said in a low voice: "Slick tongue!"

"How do you know? Could it be that you have tasted it?" Xu Jie asked in surprise.

"Taste what?" Su Changzhi asked cheerfully.

"Oh, Su Yun said that the deep-fried spring bamboo shoots look delicious, and I said I'll know when I try them later." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Don't wait, eat now, and there are no outsiders." Su Changzhi said.

Xu Jie picked up the chopsticks and added a piece of spring bamboo shoots to the bowl in front of Su Yun, "Come on, try it quickly, it's not slippery."

Su Yun looked at the man speechlessly, grabbing the bamboo shoots!

 Thanks to book friend Li Ge YYDS for rewarding 11500 starting coins! ! !Thanks to the book friends, my name is not nutritious but very long. Oh, the reward of 500 starting coins!Thanks for the 100 starting coins rewarded by book friend Wuyin Lonely Guest!
(End of this chapter)

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