Chapter 268 Mystery
After a week of waiting, the sixth episode of "Crossover Actors" began to be recorded.

On Friday morning, during the rehearsal part of the actor's filming, Director Lu also rarely appeared in the Grand Theater. Seeing the other party's happy face, it is estimated that the promotion to the deputy editor-in-chief is likely to happen.

"Director Jiang, Director Lu, I have something to communicate with you in advance." Xu Jie approached the two directors.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Hai asked after hearing it.

Lu Hong also looked over, wondering if the other party was going to bring them some surprises again, because in his heart, he had already regarded the other party as his lucky general and beloved general.

Xu Jie took out the script of "Mulan in the Army", pointed to the above content and said: "In the scene of "Mulan in the Army", there is a transition where women change into men's clothes, because actresses not only have to change clothes but also make up, so The transition time will be a bit longer, about half an hour to an hour, I will tell the two chief directors here in advance, so as to prevent the staff of various departments and the audience from mistaking it for a performance accident.”

"So long?" Lu Hong was slightly taken aback. The program has been recorded for five episodes, and there are pauses. There will even be many times in one episode, but there has never been a pause as long as half an hour to an hour.

"Well." Xu Jie nodded and explained: "Although the program has been recorded for many episodes, it is the first time that an actor needs to change his costume, and he is still the leading role, so for the sake of the program's effect, I think this time is very necessary of."

Half an hour is already very short, after all, the makeup process is very complicated.

"Okay, no problem." Jiang Hai said with a smile: "You can write this kind of trivial matter directly in the process and send it to each staff member. Isn't it half an hour to an hour? As long as it is for the effect of the program, two hours is enough." Can wait, in order to be able to see wonderful programs, I think the audience will also wait."

The average on-site recording time for each episode of "Crossover Actor" is less than four hours, which is considered to be very short among similar programs.

The reason why the program can run so smoothly is inseparable from Xu Jie's prior arrangements and on-site scheduling, so Jiang Hai doesn't think half an hour is too much.

Lu Hong looked at Jiang Hai. Since the director of the art program center agreed, he, the director of the satellite TV program center, had no reason to veto it. What's more, it was from the mouth of a lucky general, and it must be for the good of the program.

"Is this the only actor? Don't other actors need it?" Lu Hong asked.

"No need." Xu Jie shook his head.

"What kind of outfit do you want to change?" Lu Hong asked again.

"Secret!" Xu Jie said.

"." Lu Hong.

"Thank you, director, then I'm going to the rehearsal room." Xu Jie left the director's group after speaking.

Lu Hong looked at Xu Jie's back suspiciously, and asked Jiang Hai next to him after a while, "Do you want to keep it secret even if you put on makeup?"

Jiang Hai looked at Lu Hong strangely, and said, "Do you know who the actor in "Mulan Joins the Army" is?"

"Who?" Lu Hong really didn't pay attention. As the chief director of the program, his main job is to grasp the general direction of the program and ensure the smooth recording of the program. As for other tasks, there are special personnel in charge.

"Su Yun!" Jiang Hai said with a smile.

Lu Hong was startled, then patted his forehead regretfully.

That's right, Xiao Xu's daughter-in-law will appear today, why didn't he expect it.

No wonder it's so mysterious!
"Why didn't you say it just now?" Lu Hong frowned and looked at Jiang Hai, the good guy let him do it.

"There's nothing to say about it. Besides, if you tell this matter in front of Xiao Xu, it's as if we are doing something special for him." Jiang Hai said.

Lu Hong blinked, as if that was the case, it seems that he should pay more attention to Su Yun's performance in the future.


Xu Jie came to Su Yun's rehearsal room, and the other party was communicating with the assistant actor. Because the whole play is divided into three parts and there are many assistant actors, it took a long time to communicate.

"Planner Xu." Song Ke, the executive director who followed Su Yun, greeted Xu Jie.

"Director Song." Xu Jie walked over and said, "Don't record a single scene for the makeup rehearsal later."

"Why?" Song Ke was puzzled.

The rehearsal scene is one of the key points of the program. It tells the story of the actors behind the scenes. It is the main means to increase the popularity of the actors, and it is also an important way for the actors to establish themselves. Many actors wish the director team could shoot more rehearsal shots , as a good material to be broadcast in the final program, why would Xu plan not let it be filmed?
"Because Su Yun's makeup is one of the highlights of the whole show, if it is leaked in advance, it will affect the effect of the audience watching the show." Xu Jie explained.

In fact, it is possible to rehearse without makeup, but the difference between Su Yun before and after makeup is too great. Both he and Su Yun were worried that the assistant actor would not be able to accept it for a while, and they would be confused on stage during the recording, so they decided to show the male makeup in front of the assistant actor in advance. But it's just in front of the assistant.

"So that's how it is." Song Ke knew that Xu Plane and Su Yun were a couple, so he guessed that the two must have rehearsed at home, and Xu Plane must have given Su Yun guidance. Since Xu Plane said so, then just follow suit. "Okay, I'll ask the cameraman to stop filming then."

He wants to see what kind of image it is, and it needs to be kept secret!
"Thank you!" Xu Jie didn't stay in the rehearsal room for too long, and left after explaining to Song Ke.

He hoped that Su Yun would spend more time on the show, and as for other things, he could just take care of them.


In the afternoon, the audience came in one after another.

Before the recording starts, the executive director in the audience area reminds the audience.

"Some of today's programs involve dressing up, and it will take longer, maybe half an hour, or maybe an hour. I hope everyone will not be in a hurry and wait patiently."

The audience nodded in understanding. During the on-site recording of the show, it is normal for actors to make up and touch up makeup. After all, this is recording a show, not acting by a grass-roots team.

Next, the judges and teachers enter the venue.

After the director team confirmed that all departments were ready, the recording of the sixth episode of "Crossover Actors" officially started.

The first contestant to perform was Lu Dayu, who performed a segment of "The Orphan of the Zhao Family".

It has to be said that the singer Lu Dayu's ancient costumes are quite brilliant. Whether it is the emperor in the first phase or the current Zhao family guest Cheng Ying, his image is eye-catching.

It can be concluded that no matter how far he can go in the show, he will definitely be very popular in the costume drama market in the future. After all, the costume drama market is very large, but there are not many male actors who are really suitable for costume dramas.

After the performance, Lu Dayu's performance was evaluated as two good and one bad, and the great director Lin Xiaolong, as a judge teacher, also said "I hope to cooperate with you in the future".

Whether it is emotion or politeness, it is an affirmation of Lu Dayu.

The second performer was Jin Xiqian, who starred in a segment of "The Romance of the West Chamber".

After experiencing the mistakes in the first game, her state has obviously been adjusted very well today. Although the content of the performance cannot be said to be exciting, her personal image is very in line with Cui Yingying's role setting, a beautiful and talented Girls, so I got warm applause from the audience at the end.

This is a typical example of taking advantage of the character, good luck.

Then it was the third contestant's turn to perform, and he was also the most unlucky contestant since the recording of the show.

The first scene is a crying scene.

The second scene not only required women to disguise themselves as men, but also performed three content spans.

She is Su Yun.


 Thanks to book friend 150922173312914 for the reward of 1000 starting coins, and to book friend Happy Space 1 for the reward of 500 starting coins. Thank you for the 500 starting coins rewarded by the book friend Lu Zhimali, thank you for the 500 starting coins rewarded by the book friend Nu Haipingzong, and thank you for the 100 starting coins rewarded by the book friend Wuyin Lonely,
(End of this chapter)

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