The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 269 Stunning debut

Chapter 269 Stunning debut
The show begins.

There was warm applause politely at first, and then calm was quickly restored.

With the outstanding performance of the first scene, the audience is looking forward to Su Yun's second scene even more, wanting to witness Su Yun's explosive acting again.

The first ones to appear were the assistants, mainly the actors who played Hua Hu and officers and soldiers. After a brief explanation of the background of the story, Su Yun's Hua Mulan officially debuted.

She was wearing an ordinary ancient costume with a very simple shape, but according to that sentence, she was beautiful, and she could walk out of a celebrity in a sack. At this time, Su Yun was gentle and gentle, and she aroused the attention of the audience as soon as she appeared on the stage. discussion.

"I didn't expect Su Yun to look so good in ancient costumes, it fits her goddess temperament very well."

"Although Hua Mulan is more beautiful than I imagined, I can't see the heroism and courage that Hua Mulan should have from her. The gap is a bit bigger than I imagined."

"Yes, I also feel that the temperament does not match. The role of Mulan is not something that any female star can play. I have seen several versions, but none of them think it is suitable."

"It seems that Su Yun is going to overturn this time."

"Getting this script, I can only say that she is unlucky!"

The audience admits that Su Yun's current appearance is very beautiful, but the Mulan played by Su Yun is not good-looking. There have been countless failures before, and it is really difficult to satisfy everyone.

To satisfy everyone, perhaps only cartoons.

No matter how the audience talked, the performance on the stage continued.

Hua Mulan wanted to join the army instead of her old and sick father, but her family did not agree, so Hua Mulan had to perform a high-strength martial arts for her family, and insisted on dressing up as a man again and again, so the family had no choice but to agree.

As Su Yun left the stage, the recording of the show also stopped.

At the same time, the live director announced a break so that the audience could go to the bathroom.

Everyone sat for too long, so they left their seats one after another, took the opportunity to go to the bathroom to move their bodies, and talked while walking.

"The stick technique performed by Su Yun just now looks very professional."

"No matter how good-looking you are, it's useless. The image is not good."

"It's still too early to say no, the key depends on how well she wears men's clothes."

"Hehe, you haven't watched TV dramas. Are there few episodes in which women disguise themselves as men? To be honest, every time I see such episodes, I feel anxious about the IQ of the male lead."

"It seems to be yes, but if Su Yun is eliminated, wouldn't it be a pity?"

"No way, this is the rule."

Director group.

"Xiao Xu, what exactly are you talking about changing clothes... Hey, where is the person?" Lu Hong wanted to ask Xu Jie what kind of medicine was sold in the other party's gourd, but when he turned around, he found that the person was gone.

"Where else can I go, of course I went to the backstage." Jiang Hai said with a smile. He remembered that when Su Yun first appeared on stage, Xiao Xu not only ran to the backstage, but also nervously hid in the corridor and dared not look. I found out later.

"With Su Yun's performance in the first game, Xiao Xu doesn't need to be nervous at all, there won't be any surprises, right?" Lu Hong said expectantly.

"It's just a change of clothes, what surprises can there be, what do you think, Lao Jiang?" Feng Dekun on the side didn't think so.

"According to what I know about Xiao Xu, he is a person who can bring surprises to others. Let's wait here slowly. If you feel bored, you can go to the toilet." Jiang Hai said, he chose to believe Xu Jie.

"I'd like to see what can be changed after spending half an hour changing clothes." Feng Dekun said.

powder room.

"Dong dong dong!" Xu Jie knocked on the door.

"Who?" Xiaomei's voice came from the room.

"Xu Jie."


The door was opened from the inside, Xu Jie got in through the crack, turned around and closed the door, and locked it from the inside, so as not to give the staff outside any chance to spy.

Su Yun is taking off her makeup, and Xiaoying is helping.

"Don't worry, take your time, use one hour if half an hour is not enough, and two hours if one hour is not enough, I can speak easily here." Xu Jie comforted.

He was lurking in the auditorium before, and heard some audience comments on Su Yun. As he expected, the audience has very high requirements for Hua Mulan's image. Whether Su Yun can win the audience's approval is very important for the next men's costume.

"I heard some comments on the stage, and everyone seemed to disapprove of my look." Su Yun took off her female makeup and sat down, and Xiaoying began to remake her makeup.

"Normal." Xu Jie pretended to be calm and said, "I told you before that everyone has very high requirements for Mulan, and it's difficult to adjust. Some people don't like the dishes made by century-old brands. , let alone people? You have to have confidence in yourself, in me, and in Xiaoying Xiaomei."

"Well, I see." Su Yun said.

Regarding the issue of image, they have studied for a week and prepared for a week. Now that the matter is on the line, they have to say it.

After more than 40 minutes of preparation, Su Yun finally put on her makeup.

The moment she walked out of the dressing room, the staff waiting outside were stunned immediately, and they all cast surprised glances wherever they passed.

"Here, who is this? Su Yun?"

"Isn't Xu guiding a man in the dressing room?"

"Who put on the makeup? It's simply disguise!"

Xu Jie returned to the director team, this time he no longer chooses to escape, he wants to watch every episode without missing a beat, which can be regarded as his support for Su Yun.

Wife, come on!
At this time, the voice of the executive director came from the intercom on the table.

"Director Lu, Director Jiang, the actors are already in place, and the recording can start anytime."

Lu Hong looked at Xu Jie, Xu Jie understood Director Lu's meaning, nodded and said, "Ready." Lu Hong grabbed the walkie-talkie and said, "Well, let's start!"


As the audience returned to their original positions, the staff also took their positions, and Su Yun appeared again.

When she appeared on the stage in men's clothing, there were exclamations immediately.



"Su Yun? Is this Su Yun?"

"It's not a substitute, is it?"

The audience was in a daze for a while, rubbing their eyes with their hands, unable to believe what they saw.

Is this person really Su Yun?

Just over 40 minutes ago, Su Yun just appeared on the stage, and her beautiful face was still in everyone's minds. However, after more than 40 minutes, Su Yun was still standing on the stage, but she seemed to be a different person.

If it is Su Yun, the changes are too great. If it is not Su Yun, you can still see a faint shadow of Su Yun from the other party's face. The most important thing is that the previous gentleness is gone, replaced by perseverance.

"This, this change is too big, right?"

"Who put makeup on her? It's simply a disguise."

"This image, this momentum, has an inner flavor."

"I take back what I didn't like about Su Yun before, and I will give 90 points for the current image!"

Su Yun changed into men's clothes, and walked with a breeze, looking heroic, and there was a heroic spirit between her brows, which gave people an amazing feeling.

Whoa whoa whoa!
There was applause at the scene.

These more than 40 minutes are worth the wait!

 Thanks for the 100 starting coins rewarded by book friend l passer-by!
(End of this chapter)

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