The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 270 Don't team up with Su Yun!

Chapter 270 Don't Team Up With Su Yun!
"Xiao Xu, is this your daughter-in-law?" Lu Hong looked at the actor on the stage in surprise, no, it was an actress, his eyes were filled with disbelief.

How can this makeup change the appearance of people?

The eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth, even the face, and the hairline, all changed.

That is to say, on the stage, everyone knows that it is Su Yun who plays Mulan, but in other places, such as on the street, it is guaranteed that no one will recognize this person as Su Yun.


Seeing the audience's reaction, Xu Jie breathed a sigh of relief.

The image did the trick.

Although Su Yun's current image of Hua Mulan is his suggestion, but whether the image is successful or not, what he says doesn't matter, what the audience says counts.

But now, the live audience has responded enthusiastically, so it is not difficult to guess that when the show is broadcast tomorrow night, the audience in front of the TV will also be amazed by the image of Su Yun and Hua Mulan disguised as a man.

"Haha, what did I say? Xiao Xu will definitely surprise us!" Jiang Hai said with a smile.

Lu Hong glanced at Lao Jiang, and said what he said, as if other people didn't believe Xiao Xu.

Although it is to help the daughter-in-law, it can also be regarded as adding luster to the show, so it is also for the show.

"Yeah, Xiao Xu has never let people down." Feng Dekun, who didn't believe it before, also changed his position at this time, and directly turned into a grass on the wall, whichever way the wind blows, he will fall in whichever way.

"For the image of Su Yun, more shots must be added during post-production," Lu Hong said.

In fact, there is a rule in celebrity variety shows, that is, whoever has the highest ratings when they appear on the stage will have more shots in the next show.

Because high ratings means that the audience likes to watch, and liking to watch means popularity. For the sake of ratings, the show will naturally reserve more scenes for popular artists.

Within a few minutes, Su Yun changed her image again.

She wore a silver armor, with a firm face and sharp eyes. Although her body was a little thinner than the others, she looked heroic and majestic, and she stood out among the crowd.

Especially in the only action scene, the opponent's aura of seeing death as home when fighting, also showed a heroic spirit of defending the country, infecting everyone present.

In the end, Hua Mulan fulfilled her mission, but resigned from the official position, and chose to return to her hometown to take care of and honor her parents.

At this time, the curtain slowly lowered and the show ended.

Only then did the audience realize that the performance was over, and they raised their hands and gave warm applause.

There is no doubt that Su Yun once again presented them with a wonderful performance.

"Su Yun's image today is perfect, she is a perfect match with Hua Mulan."

"I admit, I was wrong."

"Su Yun's image at the beginning was correct. I brought General Hua Mulan into the story in advance. Before Hua Mulan went to the battlefield, she was a young woman, so her image should be gentle."

"Acting school, Su Yun is definitely an acting school!"

When the host Jin Wei came to the stage, she wanted to speak several times, but the continuous applause did not give her any chance to speak. Fortunately, it was only recording now. If it was a live broadcast, the program would definitely be timed out.

The applause lasted for more than a minute before it stopped. The three judges and teachers competed to comment, and no one wanted to be the last one to find fault.

Unfortunately, Jiang Hao became the last one again.

Lin Xiaolong said that seniors are the priority, so Jiang Hao took a step back. Zhou Li said that women are the priority, so Jiang Hao took another step back. The problem is that there are only three people in total. Jiang Hao looked at the two people who had finished the review, gritted his teeth, and said yes, After all, Su Yun also got three good points in the last game. Anyway, Xu Zhuan said that it is best to have two good points and one bad or two good points and one good. He did not say that three good points cannot be achieved.

Su Yun came backstage after listening to the judges' teacher's comments.

"Sister Su Yun, your acting is great." Jin Qianqian stepped forward and said with a look of admiration.

As players in the same group, the two should have been in a competitive relationship, but Jin Qianqian was completely conquered by Su Yun's performance.

She was worried about being eliminated before, but now her thoughts have changed, so what if she is eliminated?Losing to Su Yun, he was convinced.

Lu Dayu, who has changed back into his clothes, is still very confident in his acting skills, but at this moment, he only has one thought, the next round of knockout rounds, he must not be in the same group as Su Yun.

The group with Su Yun is the group of death!
"Thank you!" Su Yun said with a smile.

In fact, she was very nervous just now, especially after the costume change, for fear that the audience would be dissatisfied with Mulan's image.

It wasn't until she saw the audience applauding at the debut that she secretly breathed a sigh of relief. While she was no longer worried, it also gave her the motivation to continue acting, which is why her performance became smoother and smoother.

When there are no worries in a person's heart, the rest will move forward bravely.

"Sister Yun, congratulations on the successful performance." Xiaoying and Xiaomei came to congratulate the boss.

The two of them stayed in the backstage for more than ten minutes, and they were also nervous for more than ten minutes. They were afraid that there would be problems with their makeup or styling. They had been here to prepare all the time. Now that the boss came back, they could relax.

"You have worked hard too."

After Su Yun finished speaking, she turned her head and looked around, but she didn't see the man, feeling somewhat disappointed in her heart.

She really wanted to thank the other party and share the joy in her heart with the other party. After all, the other party also had credit for the success of the performance.

Not far away, Zhao Chengxian looked at Su Yun with a wry smile on his face.

As the performer after Su Yun, and also the last performer, he is under a lot of pressure now.

Zhao Chengxian got the clip of "Kong Yiji". He had practiced for a week and he was very confident in his performance, but after watching Su Yun's performance, his mood immediately fell to the bottom.

There is no harm without comparison.

Su Yun had just finished performing the show, and if he performed behind Su Yun, there would inevitably be a huge gap, and this gap was likely to be infinitely magnified in the hearts of the judges and audience, thus making him eliminated.

"Now invite the fourth performer to come on stage!"

Hearing the host's voice, Zhao Chengxian couldn't help taking a deep breath, and now he has no choice but to bite the bullet.

However, Zhao Chengxian underestimated this pressure, which not only affected the judges and audience, but also affected himself.

Although he tried his best to put himself into the role, he couldn't help but want to see the reactions of the judges and the audience, and he couldn't concentrate enough.

You have to think about the lines, you have to cooperate with the assistants, and you have to look at the judges and the audience. The result of half-heartedness is repeated mistakes.

Sometimes the words are forgotten, sometimes the words are wrong, and sometimes the movements are wrong. The judges frowned.

And when he saw the judges frowning, his heart became even more confused. It went round and round, and the cycle continued. A performance that was not difficult at first turned into a large-scale car accident scene.

In the end, when the judges and teachers chose to eliminate personnel, Zhao Chengxian was on the list without any surprises.

The program recording ends.

The audience got up and left the scene.

Although the recording took more than an hour longer than usual, no one complained because the wait was worth it.

Many people are reminiscing about the program they just watched, and some people even want to post what they saw today on the Internet and share it with everyone, but when they think of the non-disclosure agreement signed before the recording of the program, they can only grit their teeth. , looking forward to the official broadcast of the program tomorrow.


 Thanks to book friend Liangliang Liangcai for the 500 starting coins, to book friend Yu Min for the 500 starting coins, and to book friend Pang Shiyao for the 100 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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