The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 281 Be the Bad Guy

Chapter 281 Be the Bad Guy

"Director, Mr. Guo, I have a solution, but I don't know if it will work." Xu Jie said after hesitating.

His method was a bit of a waste of money for Mr. Guo, and a bit embarrassing for Director Xu Shenghua, but for these two opportunities, this bad guy Xu Jie decided to do it.

"What way?" Guo Chuan looked at Xu Jie expectantly.

Jiang Hai on the side smiled all over his face, looking like "I knew you must have a way".

Xu Jie thought for a while and said: "As far as I know, the production cost of director Xu Shenghua's film is not very rich. If Mr. Guo is willing to invest in Director Xu's film, I would like to talk to Director Xu as an investor. , Director Xu should be able to compromise..."

That's what he thought. As for whether Director Xu would compromise, he didn't know.

Guo Chuan froze for a moment, then frowned and said, "Investment? The price seems a bit high."

Investing in movies, the other party is not interested in less money, but he thinks it is unnecessary if there is more money. After all, he just wants the other party to postpone the filming for a few months. The cost is too high and he can't explain it, right?
Seeing Mr. Guo hesitated, Xu Jie seemed to be retreating. In fact, he hoped that Mr. Guo would make this movie. After all, it would be a pity to lose such a good role.

"I don't think the price is too high. In comparison, I'm more worried about whether Director Xu will agree." Xu Jie has always believed that nothing that can be solved with money is a problem.

"Film investment is not a small sum, and as far as I know, most of the works directed by Xu Shenghua lose money." Guo Chuan said worriedly.

Xu Jie thought for a while, and then said: "Mr. Guo, I don't know if I should say something."

Guo Chuan was startled, looked at Xu Jie and said, "Say it."

Xu Jie didn't say it immediately, but turned his head to look at Jiang Hai, with a very clear meaning: If Mr. Guo gets angry later, you have to smooth things over for me.

Jiang Hai nodded when he saw it, and said, "Mr. Guo and we are all on our own. You can say whatever you think of. Mr. Guo will definitely not treat you badly in the future."

Xu Jie heaved a sigh of relief. He also wanted to promote the idea of ​​making Mulan for the sake of Mr. Guo, the general manager of Forbidden Pictures.

Because of this cooperation, if the box office is good, if Forbidden Pictures has any movie projects in the future, it will definitely think of Su Yun.

Forbidden Films is different from other film companies and entertainment companies in the market. It is a state-owned enterprise, not an individual company. This alone is enough to crush other film companies.

Xu Jie said at this time: "Mr. Guo, Forbidden Films is different from commercial film companies. Commercial film companies only pursue profits, while Forbidden Films has to shoulder social responsibilities in addition to box office. Director Xu Shenghua's works are indeed Most of them lose money, but her films are close to real life, truly reflect the social status quo, have huge social influence, and one more thing, director Xu Shenghua is an award-winning professional."

Guo Chuan's eyes lit up when he heard this.


The other party is Xu Shenghua!

This point is quite accurate.

Forbidden Films is a film company under Beijing TV Station. It can't only pursue box office, but also pay attention to social benefits.

Just like the programs produced by TV stations, we can't blindly pursue the ratings. We can make programs that have high ratings. We must also pay attention to social benefits and shoulder the responsibility of promoting values.

In fact, in addition to investing in commercial films, the company has also invested in many literary films and public welfare films to spread culture and positive energy. This is also a task.

A word to wake up the dreamer!

He was only concerned about the film project of Hua Mulan, and he didn't even think of this.

"Well said." Guo Chuan couldn't help but praised: "If Director Xu can agree to postpone it for a few months, then I will invest in this investment."

"Haha, I knew Xiao Xu would have a solution." Jiang Hai said proudly.

"Director, Mr. Guo, don't get too excited. I said just now that I'm not worried about problems on our side. I'm worried that director Xu Shenghua's side won't work." Xu Jie said.

Guo Chuan gradually put away his smile.

That's right, it's still a little early to be happy.

He agreed, but director Xu Shenghua didn't necessarily agree.

"I'm not familiar with Director Xu Shenghua, Lao Jiang, are you familiar with Director Xu?" Guo Chuan looked at Jiang Hai and asked. He had only taken over the Forbidden Films for a few years, and Xu Shenghua was not a director in the Beijing circle, so he had no contact with him before. .

Jiang Hai shook his head when he heard it. The circle he came into contact with was limited to the Beijing circle. After leaving this circle, he was either unfamiliar with it or had no intersection. What's more, director Xu Shenghua is usually very low-key, and in recent years he has only focused on movies. , I don’t participate in variety shows, so I can’t find a chance to get in touch.

"Mr. Guo, you know a lot of people in the film industry, especially those big directors. Maybe someone can contact Xu Shenghua." Jiang Hai suggested.

"It's not difficult to contact director Xu Shenghua. For investment, no director thinks it's too much money. The key is whether she can agree to delay the shooting." Guo Chuan said.

The two had trouble again, and the problem returned to the original place.

After a while, the two raised their heads again, looked at each other, and then turned their eyes to Xu Jie who was aside.

"Director, Mr. Guo, what are you looking at me for? I'm not familiar with Director Xu Shenghua." Xu Jie said quickly.

Call him whenever you have a problem, and treat him as a blue fat man?
"You are not familiar with it, but is your wife familiar with it?" Guo Chuan asked.

"My daughter-in-law is not familiar with her. Director Xu Shenghua only contacted my daughter-in-law after watching "Crossover Actor". They have never met before." Xu Jie explained.

Guo Chuan smiled, "Let your daughter-in-law act in her movie just after watching the show? It seems that Director Xu Shenghua values ​​your wife very much. Can you see..."

"No!" Xu Jie refused without waiting for the other party to finish speaking.

He knew what Mr. Guo meant, that he wanted Su Yun to be a lobbyist, but being a lobbyist was risky. What if Su Yun angered Director Xu Shenghua?
Guo Chuan was embarrassed. He didn't expect the other party to refuse so simply, but he was not angry because he knew very well that it was not good to be a lobbyist.

At this moment, Jiang Hai smoothed things over, "Mr. Guo, this matter is not in a hurry. No matter what, the movie will start shooting after Su Yun finished recording "Crossover Actor", which means there are still two months left. Go back and find someone, or directly go to Director Xu Shenghua, and explain the matter clearly, if we can delay the start, we will invest, if we can’t delay the start, we will make another plan, at worst, we won’t shoot, there is no need to make it so embarrassing.”

Guo Chuan thought about it, yes, the company has never been short of movies to shoot, if you can shoot, you can shoot, if you can’t, you don’t, there is no need to be so entangled, it’s just a movie.

"Lao Jiang sees things thoroughly, so I'll go back first." Guo Chuan said with a smile.

"I'll see you off." Jiang Hai followed and walked out
Looking at the backs of the two, Xu Jie couldn't help frowning.

This is not going to be filmed?
Back off when encountering a little difficulty?

Who is this!

Xu Jie pondered for a while, and it seemed that he was going to be the villain to the end!


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(End of this chapter)

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