The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 282 Exchange Conditions

Chapter 282 Exchange Conditions
In the afternoon, the live part of "Crossover Actors" began to be recorded.

The actors who were promoted in the previous two rounds have also arrived, waiting for the performance of the remaining four contestants in the background, and will participate in the next round of 12 into 9 group draws with the actors who were promoted today at the end of the show.

Xu Jie was sitting in the director's group. Although his eyes were always looking at the monitor screen, his mind was distracted many times, and his mind was full of things in the morning.

Forbidden Films is not an ordinary film and television company. The film it decides to invest in will definitely be a big production. If the film is aborted due to Su Yun's schedule, it will definitely be a huge loss for Su Yun. It cannot be called a loss, it should be called regret.

Just like what Supreme Treasure said: There was once a sincere love in front of me, but I didn't cherish it, and I regretted it after I lost it. There is nothing more painful than this in the world.

Big investment, big production, big IP, big heroine, once such an opportunity is lost, the next one will have to wait until the Year of the Monkey.

Although Xu Shenghua is a great director and also shoots a movie with a leading heroine, it can only be regarded as a medium-budget production, let alone a literary film.

Aside from the story itself, if literary films focus on the acting skills of actors, then commercial films focus on the commercial value of actors.

Therefore, Hua Mulan is also an opportunity to reflect Su Yun's commercial value.

It is said that Su Yun's "The World" filmed a few years later was a literary film, and now he has received another literary film. If too many literary films are shot and are stereotyped by the audience, then it will be difficult to make commercial films in the future.

At this time, Su Yun's picture suddenly appeared on one of the monitor screens.

Among the many filming crews, there is one dedicated to photographing the actors backstage, so as to record the other actors' perceptions of the performers on stage.

In the picture, Su Yun's expression is focused, as if she has been immersed in the actor's short play.

Su Yun is now the most popular actor in "Crossover Actor", so during filming and post-production, we will give her as many shots as possible.

Xu Jie couldn't help thinking of the original intention of inviting Su Yun to participate in this show, and also thought of the scene where Su Yun worked hard to rehearse for the short play.

No, this opportunity cannot be missed.

Well, you can't miss it.

Xu Jie stood up suddenly, told Director Jiang to go to the bathroom, and then left the director team.


Xu Jie looked at the individual rooms, and after confirming that there was no one in them, he picked up his mobile phone and found Director Xu Shenghua's number, hesitated for a while and finally called.

"Beep... beep... click!"

The call was connected quickly.

"Hello Director Xu, I'm Xu Jie, Su Yun's husband." Xu Jie was worried that the other party would forget him, so he introduced himself first.

"I know, we had a good chat last time. Let me guess the purpose of your call. Did you change your mind and want to enter the film industry?" Xu Shenghua's laughter came from the microphone, and it sounded like he was in a good mood.

Xu Jie felt very ashamed. When exchanging mobile phone numbers, he kept saying, "If you need it, just call me." As a result, only a few days later, he was the one who needed it.

Life is like this, there are surprises and surprises.

"Hey, I haven't changed my mind yet," Xu Jie said.

"Oh, what's that?" Xu Shenghua asked curiously.

Listening to the voice of the other party, it seems that there is something embarrassing.

But the two had only met once, and under normal circumstances, if it wasn't for something special, the other party probably wouldn't call her.

"Director Xu, I want to ask, when is your movie "Stranger Road" going to start shooting?" Xu Jie asked.

"It's tentatively set to be two months later, that is, after the first issue of "Crossover Actor" ends." Xu Shenghua said.

Xu Jie scratched his head vigorously when he heard it, and he was really waiting for Su Yun.

"Then is it possible to delay the start-up?" Xu Jie asked again.

"Delaying the start? It's possible. It's common to delay the start of filming. It's possible that the actors are not in place, the investment may not be in place, and the script may need to be revised. However, there are still two months, and there is plenty of time for preparation. It shouldn't be delayed." After Xu Shenghua finished speaking, he guessed what the other party meant, so he asked, "Did something happen to Su Yun? Was she injured, or...pregnant?"

"No, Su Yun is fine." Xu Jie hurriedly said, "Excuse me, but I'll ask you another question. Is your film short of funds?"

Xu Shenghua was taken aback when he heard that, her film does not lack actors, audiences, awards, but funds.

Literary and artistic films have always been called money-losing products in the film market, and they have to burn high incense to get back their capital, and very few can make money, so many film companies don't invest in literary and artistic films at all, which is why she didn't Reasons to join any film company.

Once you join a film company, you have to look at other people's faces, and you will lose the freedom to create, and make some garbage movies that you don't like.

"Lack!" Xu Shenghua answered very simply, this is something that everyone in the circle knows, and there is nothing to hide.

Take the current movie "Strange Road" as an example. She invested in several film companies, but none of them were willing to invest. In the end, two old friends of hers came forward to help, which brought the minimum budget of the movie, but in the process of making the movie There will be many problems and accidents in the film, and now she can't guarantee whether the funds will be enough in the end, so she can only spend one dollar when filming, so as to save some money.

Xu Jie was overjoyed when he heard Director Xu's words. It wasn't because he was gloating, but because the other party lacked funds, so he had room to manipulate the schedule.

"Director Xu, if someone is willing to invest, but only if your movie needs to be delayed for a few months, will you agree?" Xu Jie asked.

"Why do you have to postpone it for a few months?" Xu Shenghua asked puzzled.

When Xu Jie was asked, he didn't know how to explain, so he finally gritted his teeth and said, "Director Xu, let me tell you straight, our capital TV station wants to strike while the iron is hot, and make a Su Yun version of Mulan movie. The leader came to me today and asked My opinion, I told the leader that Su Yun has agreed to appear in your movie..."

Xu Jie told Xu Shenghua about the matter in detail. He felt that in order to change Xu Shenghua's plan, he had to have sincerity in addition to funds.

"I haven't told Su Yun about this. I was worried that she would be in trouble, so I called Director Xu directly." Xu Jie said, "If you feel that the movie is urgent and must be filmed on time, then I will directly reply to the leader. It also saves them from going around asking someone to give you a message to embarrass you, if you think it can be delayed for a few months because of the quality of the movie, then you tell the number and I will talk to the leader."

Xu Shenghua fell into deep thought after hearing this. This is not a bad thing for her. If the production cost can be increased and the quality of the film can be improved, then it is not impossible to postpone it for a few months. She has been preparing for this film for several years. A few months away?

"I can agree to what you said." Xu Shenghua said lightly.

"Ah? Really?" Xu Jie was full of surprise, he didn't expect the other party to agree so happily, "Thank you Director Xu, thank you."

"However, besides the funds, you have to promise me one condition." Xu Shenghua said.

"What conditions, you say." Not to mention one condition, he also agreed to ten conditions.

"You said that the conflict in the script this time is very obvious. I would like to ask you to help me modify it so that the conflict will be more natural without affecting the tone of the whole film." Xu Shenghua said seriously. .

She tried to change it, but she always felt that it would affect the rhythm of the film, so she thought of entrusting this task to Xu Jie. If the change is good, she will shoot according to the revised script; Nothing to lose.

Director Xu was taken aback, and said, "I think it's pretty good now, and you are a master, this is your story, how can I change it randomly? You think highly of me too!"

"It's okay, just change it." Xu Shenghua said.

Xu Jie rubbed his forehead.

reject?Certainly not.

If he rejects the other party, the other party will reject him.

It was not easy to negotiate the matter, and it must not be ruined because of him.

Anyway, I didn't say that I must ask for improvement.

"Okay, I promise!"


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(End of this chapter)

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